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单词 repetition
释义 Word family  noun repeat repetition adjective repeated repetitive repetitious repeatable ≠ unrepeatable verb repeat adverb repeatedly repetitively  rep·e·ti·tion /ˌrepəˈtɪʃən/ ●●○ noun  1  [uncountable]AGAIN doing or saying the same thing many times 重复repetition of The job involved the constant repetition of the same movements. 这份活儿需要不断重复同样的动作。 Children used to learn by repetition. 过去小孩子是通过背诵来学习的。2  [countable, uncountable]HAPPEN something that happens again, especially something bad 再次发生的事〔尤指不好的事〕repetition of a repetition of the same problem 同一问题的再次出现Examples from the Corpusrepetition• Repetition is good for helping children learn language.• I started talking to Suzette about some syntactic maneuvers that would enable her to avoid repetition.• Day-to-day television, in its regularity and its availability, seems regulated by repetition and modulated by acceptable difference.• Students are taught math by constant repetition.• Over-use of such mediating devices is unwise, especially where they involve direct repetition.• Lush simplicity, spatial silence and rhythmic repetition create a musical atmosphere the mind can inhabit.• He builds his speeches around the repetition of certain key phrases.• They needed the repetition, the dense hypnotic drone of woods and water, but above all they needed to be together.• In this way, the repetition may achieve extra contextual effects by modifying the propositional form of the utterance.• Instead of translation of the self through repetition, transformation through mutual shaping is allowed.• And so it went on: a series of intrinsically meaningless turns that gained a semblance of significance through weekly repetition.repetition of• We don't want a repetition of last year's disaster.Origin repetition (1500-1600) Latin repetitio, from repetere; → REPEAT1rep·e·ti·tion nounChineseSyllable  thing many same the saying Corpus or doing




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