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单词 repentant
释义  re·pen·tant /rɪˈpentənt/ adjective formal  SORRY/APOLOGIZEsorry for something wrong that you have done 忏悔的;懊悔的,后悔的 OPP unrepentantExamples from the Corpusrepentant• He did so, and also taught her to be repentant.• Jove seized his thunderbolt and hurled it at the rash, repentant driver.• If it makes it to the screen, expect a softer, more repentant Lorraine Page.• It is the sign of a repentant spirit.• The predator must become a repentant steward.• Although anything less repentant than the way he was looking at her now, Folly thought, would be hard to imagine.• However, there is no guarantee that only the genuine repentant will produce works of value to the society.• That evening brought a repentant young husband, flowers and wine, an evening to·pen·tant adjectiveChineseSyllable  something Corpus for you done that have sorry wrong




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