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单词 Gastric
1. He suffered from diabetes and gastric ulcers.
2. The excessive secretion of gastric juices in the gut causes ulcers.
3. The faster gastric emptying after treatment is not unexpected.
4. Indeed that smell did stimulate the gastric juices.
5. I think I've got gastric flu.
6. Perhaps it was just gastric flu.
7. None of these patients had had previous gastric surgery.
8. A cohort study of gastric cancer incidence among cimetidine users previously published is extended with additional three years of observation.
9. The endoscopic aspect of the gastric lesions was clearly suggestive of malignancy in only half the patients.
10. Eighty unrelated controls, 61 patients with gastric ulcer, and 57 patients with duodenal ulcer were studied.
11. Most gastric lymphomas are large cell lymphomas of B cell lineage.
12. Antral crypts were estimated to be longer than gastric body crypts.
13. To compare the effect of different substances on gastric acid secretion proper control solutions comparable with the test solution should be used.
14. In association with endocrine cell hyperplasia,[http:///gastric.html] gastric carcinoid tumours have been observed in 1-7% of pernicious anaemia patients screened by gastroscopy.
15. For gastric acid secretion, basal serum gastrin was considered in addition to these three variables.
16. Results Eighty three patients with H pylori positive gastric ulcers entered the study.
17. In conclusion oesophageal transection and gastric devascularisation appears to confer no benefit over endoscopic sclerotherapy in terms of long term survival after variceal haemorrhage.
18. Withdrawal from heroin is actually like a severe attack of gastric flu.
19. Miners are a high risk group for certain types of gastric cancer.
20. In contrast, there is still a considerable dearth of knowledge on the post-therapeutic course of gastric ulcer disease.
21. The Table shows the relation of the number of micro-organisms with both bacterial morphology and their modes of contact with gastric epithelium.
22. Discussion Duodenal ulcer disease has traditionally been associated with excess secretion of gastric acid.
23. However, the random biopsy specimens in the patients with early gastric cancer did not show dysplasia at either investigation.
24. In this study, we found that in obese patients psyllium moderately but significantly delays gastric emptying of a solid meal.
25. Ablation of capsaicin sensitive afferent neurones was verified by a depletion of calcitonin gene related peptide from the gastric corpus wall.
26. In 79% of the biopsy specimens there was concurrence over the grading of the extent of gastric metaplasia.
27. Ascorbic acid, the reduced form of vitamin C, is thought to protect against gastric cancer.
28. There are few data concerning the role of anti- H pylori treatment in gastric ulcer disease.
29. It has long been known that pernicious anaemia predisposes to development of gastric adenocarcinoma.
30. Early studies by Cooke showed that ethanol in concentrations of 1% to 20% did not stimulate gastric acid secretion.
1. Miners are a high risk group for certain types of gastric cancer.
31. Ethanol has a systemic as well as topical action on the gastric parietal cell.
32. There was no obvious relationship between age and the development of gap junctions in patients with gastric ulcer or in healthy volunteers.
33. These results suggest that the loss of intercellular communication mediated by gap junctions may be associated with the recurrence of gastric ulcers.
34. Patients underwent gastric endoscopy with biopsy specimens taken for determination of the histological endocrine cell status.
35. Other investigators claim that endogenous prostaglandins may not be essential since gastric cytoprotection persists after pretreatment with prostaglandin synthesis inhibitors.
36. Three fine calves had shown symptoms of acute gastric pain, I had treated them and they had died.
37. Involvement of other mucosal sites preceded, coincided with, or followed the manifestations of the gastric lymphoma.
38. Materials and methods Three biopsies of the gastric antrum were taken in 94 random patients referred for routine gastroscopy.
39. These findings suggest that loss of intercellular communication via gap junctions is associated with gastric ulcer formation.
40. Prominent among the protective mechanisms that are controlled by nociceptive neurones is the microcirculation of the gastric mucosa.
41. Isotope gastric emptying studies may be useful in clinical practice.
42. In a study of 23232 miners, excess mortality was noted for benign respiratory conditions, accidents,[] and gastric cancer.
43. Children who are malnourished with chronic diarrhoea have defective gastric acid secretion.
44. Recent controlled studies have served to clarify the different aspects of the interaction between alcohol and gastric acid secretion.
45. It is speculated that this increases protection against gastric cancer.
46. This is expressed as concentration of tyrosine, and it occurs by dilution of the gastric juices by the food.
47. This increased incidence of gastric carcinomas seems to be related to local factors.
48. The stomach is mostly empty-the whisky is lying in a shallow pool where it is now mixed with highly acidic gastric juices.
49. It has been suggested that gastric cancer which occurs in some manual workers is occupation related.
50. Inhibition of prostaglandin synthesis by NSAIDs is the major established mechanism by which NSAIDs render the gastric mucosa vulnerable to mucosal injury.
51. According to previous studies, gastric metaplasia is an almost constant finding in patients with duodenal ulceration.
52. Further studies are clearly needed to fully elucidate the effect of ethanol on the gastric parietal cell.
53. Grossly normal appearing gastric biopsy specimens were taken from healthy volunteers.
54. A repeated endoscopy and biopsy specimens of the gastric lesions showed no change.
55. Therefore, additional evidence clearly pointing to a causal relation between H pylori infection and gastric ulcer disease has to be provided.
56. However, a decline in pentagastrin stimulated gastric acid secretion with age was seen in those subjects with superficial gastritis also.
57. Pancreatic carcinoma is now overtaking gastric cancer as the fourth leading cause of death from malignancy in the United Kingdom.
58. Alcoholic beverages with low ethanol content stimulate gastric acid secretion by additional mechanisms.
59. Several factors are responsible for recurrent exposure of the distal oesophagus to gastric contents and the subsequent development of reflux oesophagitis.
60. Invitro gastric antral biopsies were stimulated by vortex mixing and eicosanoid measurements determined by radioimmunoassay.
61. Psyllium significantly delayed gastric emptying from the third hour after a meal.
62. This increase in gastric secretion showed a positive correlation to the total number of cigarettes smoked.
63. Gastric emptying tests with radiolabelled meals and gamma camera imaging have proved popular for many years in clinical research and physiological studies.
64. Patients with previous oesophageal or gastric surgery were excluded from the study.
65. The stomach was then removed and the number of gastric lesions were counted.
66. The excess for gastric cancer was noted only for men over 70 years of age.
67. The experience of partial gastrectomy indicates that the time required for de novo growth of gastric carcinoma is about 15 years.
68. In addition, our data indicate genetic heterogeneity of gastric ulcer disease.
69. The normal gastric mucosa can prevent bypass diffusion of potentially noxious substances from the gastric lumen.
70. The patients with gastric ulcer had significantly fewer gap junctions than did the healthy volunteers.
71. Discussion A decrease in the incidence of gastric carcinoma has been widely reported over the last three decades.
72. Fasting gastric electrical control activity was recorded and analysed using a modification of the method described by Van der Schee etal.
72. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
73. This observation illustrates the usefulness of endosonography in the staging of low grade gastric lymphoma.
74. On logistic regression, the presence and extent of gastric metaplasia was not significantly associated with H pylori infection.
75. If these results can be confirmed, chemotherapy without gastrectomy should be the treatment of choice for agressive gastric lymphomas.
76. These reports suggested that inhibition of prostaglandin synthesis was unlikely to be sole mechanism responsible for the gastric damage induced by indomethacin.
77. Acid output was calculated by multiplying the hydrogen ion concentration by the volume of the gastric aspirate.
78. Neuropeptide Y has also been reported to increase substantially gastric acid and pancreatic exocrine secretion.
79. There are no studies on the acute effect of alcohol intake on gastric acid secretion in chronic alcoholic patients.
80. A recent review confirmed the increase in risk of developing a gastric carcinoma after gastric resection.
81. The results of gastric juice against plasma concentrations according to H pylori status are shown in Figure 3.
82. An increased risk of developing gastric cancer after previous vagotomy has also been reported.
83. In conclusion, we investigated the influence of Helicobacter pylori colonisation on gastric mucosal eicosanoid synthesis in patients taking NSAIDs.
84. In accordance with Wyatt etal we found a significant association between the extent of gastric metaplasia and microscopic signs of duodenitis.
85. Primary small cell gastric lymphomas are less frequent and are usually localised, solitary lesions that can be completely excised.
86. In addition, the phospholipid composition of gastric mucosa was compared with that of duodenal mucosa in 10 patients with duodenal ulcer.
87. The animals were anaesthetised three hours later and gastric blood flow and area of gastric lesions were measured as previously described.
88. The concentration of other essential cationic metals in gastric juice did not differ between healthy subjects and those with peptic ulcer disease.
89. Over the years there have been many studies of the effects of smoking on gastric secretion.
90. The protein was further shown to inhibit cAMP release of gastric fundic biopsies and to prevent its stimulation by histamine.
91. The significance of platelet activating factor in the gastric juice of healthy humans is still difficult to analyse.
92. One and a half years later gastroscopy showed some slight fasting gastric secretion.
93. Meye etal reported that tight junctions in the canine gastric mucosa were significantly damaged by exposure to aspirin.
94. A panel of monoclonal antibodies were used to characterise the gastric lymphoma in all 50 patients who had undergone surgery.
95. It has been reported that gastric infusion of bile salts in rats delays gastric emptying and inhibits small bowel transit time.
96. Aggressive factors include gastric juice and bile salts which can reflux back into the stomach.
97. In healthy men without atrophy, gastric acid secretion is preserved with ageing and is independent of H pylori status.
98. The gastric mucosa resists the corrosive effects of peptic hydrochloric acid secretion and noxious extrinsic agents.
99. Studies in rats have shown that bile salts inhibit gastric emptying and prolongs intestinal transit time.
100. Endothelin induced gastric mucosal damage was carried out as described below.
101. In many series, smoking and/or alcohol has been associated with gastric cancer, and especially with cancer of the cardia.
102. But gastric metaplasia may also develop as a non-specific response to mucosal injury not associated with acid peptic damage.
103. An important problem in the detection of gastric metaplasia is its patchy distribution.
104. The source of oxygen radicals in gastric mucosal injury induced by indomethacin in rats is not clear.
105. We conclude from this study that H pylori eradication enhances gastric juice ascorbate secretion,[http:///gastric.html] and thus increases intragastric anti-oxidant protection.
106. Delayed gastric emptying after surgery was confirmed in only 20% of patients referred with this clinical diagnosis.
107. Furthermore, the state of the gastric mucosa was not described.
108. H pylori has variable effects on serum gastrin concentrations and gastric acid secretion.
109. In the diabetic subjects studied, therefore, the possibility of gastric retention of solids has not been answered.
110. Real time ultrasound is a simple method of measuring gastric emptying which has been validated by previous studies.
111. There are no studies on the effect of acute alcohol intake on gastric secretion in the chronic alcoholic patient.
112. In man[], nicotine given parenterally has been shown to have an acute inhibitory action on the gastric secretion.
113. There is also evidence to support a role as a risk factor for gastric carcinoma.
114. In our previous study, the ratio of gastric to duodenal ulcers was 1.69 in Kinki district where Kyoto Prefecture is located.
115. By contrast there seems to be no increase, or even a decrease, in less serious gastric mucosal injury.
116. Can gastric juice ascorbic acid secretion be restored by eradication of H pylori?
117. H pylori positive gastritis, and the combination of active duodenitis and gastric metaplasia were independent predictors of duodenal ulceration.
118. This improvement results from more profound inhibition of gastric acid secretion.
119. Another study has shown a positive association between gastric cancer and exposure to coal dust in those miners who smoked.
120. Deadly nightshade, laburnum and curare are all extremely poisonous and peppermint oil can cause gastric ulcers.
121. Similar studies need to be done to evaluate the role of the cholinergic nerves in the gastric response to intragastric ethanol.
122. Conversely, operations that divert bile away from the stomach will ameliorate dysplastic features induced by previous gastric surgery.
123. Likewise, the carcinogenic action of bile may be related to the duration of exposure of gastric mucosa to biliary carcinogens.
124. There is no simple method to assess proliferation in single gastric crypts.
125. Case 1 was the only patient who had gastric lesions, all lesions since have been ileal.
126. Gastrin is the designation given to a family of protein hormones produced by the mucosal cells of the gastric antrum.
127. Only in two cases was a difference of more than one grade in the extent of gastric metaplasia found.
128. Gastric metaplasia tended to occur less frequently in our patients receiving NSAIDs, but the differences did not reach statistical significance.
129. Thus, in addition to duodenal ulcer disease, H pylori eradication may also cure gastric ulcer disease.
130. The effect of chronic alcohol abuse on gastric acid secretion is not as predictable.
131. Morphologically, this barrier is provided principally with tight junctions between gastric surface mucous cells.
132. The lesion has been described as a volcano with central whitish discoloration projecting from an otherwise normal gastric mucosa.
132. try its best to gather and create good sentences.
133. Finally Aluminium Hydroxide/Magnesium Hydroxide is administered orally, as a neutralizer of gastric hydrochloric acid.
134. Peptic ulcers are produced by the self-destruction of the gut wall by pepsin and hydrochloric acid in gastric juice.
135. There are no studies in the literature to date linking miners with an increased risk of developing gastric H pylori infection.
136. The relative complexity of gastric crypt anatomy compared with colorectal mucosa has discouraged its use as an experimental model in proliferation research.
137. Secondly, stimulation of capsaicin sensitive neurones in the stomach enhances the resistance of the gastric mucosa against experimentally imposed damage.
138. Dietary replacement of arachidonic acid by eicosapentaenoic acid results in an enhanced resistance to ethanol induced gastric damage.
139. The average excess mortality for gastric cancer among coal miners was 126 per million, with a range of 65-226 per million.
140. The study of gastric mucosal proliferation may have important clinical applications.
141. Previous gastric surgery was uncommon in all three groups and showed no significant difference.
142. Withdrawal from heroin, usually described in lurid nightmare language, is actually like a severe attack of gastric flu.
143. Only one patient was non-white. Previous gastric surgery was uncommon in all three groups and showed no significant difference.
144. There was no significant difference in gastric emptying between the two groups.
145. To determine the extent of gastric metaplasia, multiple biopsy specimens were collected from standardised sites of the duodenal bulb.
146. So far, no prospective study has been performed to investigate the natural history of gastric metaplasia.
147. The association between gastric histopathology and Helicobacter pylori was also investigated.
148. Histological examination of these areas at this time confirmed a chronic gastritis and atrophic gastric mucosa.
149. Mutoh etal showed that intracellular glutathione was mainly responsible for protecting against gastric cell injury induced by ethanol.
150. Data on the phospholipid composition in gastric mucosa differ, but there is general agreement on the predominance of phosphatidylcholine and phosphatidylethanolamine.
151. These results could suggest a prominent role of tissue type plasminogen activator in the pathogenesis of endothelin induced gastric mucosal damage.
152. Then the collection of gastric juice was restarted and continued for a final 60 minutes.
153. Oral aspirin is difficult if the patient is nauseated and vomiting and the opiate given to relieve pain may delay gastric motility.
154. Gastric acid is the primary barrier against orally ingested enteric pathogens, and a major regulator of small bowel flora.
155. A gastric lymphoma developed in the fourth patient seven years after radiotherapy treatment for Hodgkin's disease.
156. Bonnevie reported that the incidence rate of duodenal ulcer was four times higher than that of gastric ulcer in Copenhagen County.
157. Loperamide oxide increased the rate of gastric emptying but slowed both small intestinal and whole gut transit.
158. Six patients had gastric ulcers and five had duodenal ulcers.
159. A positive correlation was observed between the gastric juice ammonium and severity of gastritis.
160. The acute response to nicotine in these chronically treated rats was a significant decrease in gastric secretion.
161. Characteristics and quantity of vomit, gastric aspirate, and stools were recorded.
162. This study examined whether the phospholipid composition of the full thickness gastric mucosa is changed in peptic ulcer disease and gastritis.
162. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
163. Gastric acid was diverted into a large bore collection tube via the opened gastric cannula.
164. The gastric juice was collected by gentle manual aspiration during 135 minutes.
165. A opportunity arose from a primary study of proliferation in gastric malignancy to investigate BrdUrd labelled gastric mucosa.
166. For patients with postoperative dumping or diarrhoea it is prudent to assess gastric emptying before starting remedial surgery.
167. In one female patient, the body ulcer was later identified as a gastric lymphoma and surgical resection was done.
168. Vomiting, however, leads to a loss of gastric hydrochloric acid, and often causes a metabolic alkalosis.
169. Gastric varices Gastric varices are not uncommon in cirrhotic patients with portal hypertension.
170. The cause for this is not clear but one factor could be the higher proportion of miners who had had gastric surgery.
171. H pylori infection has been shown in prospective epidemiological studies to be a risk factor for gastric cancer.
172. Endoscopic gastric antral biopsy specimens were also obtained for urease activity, culture, and histology.
173. It is concluded that successful eradication of H pylori improves secretion of vitamin C into gastric juice.
174. One of the lumens was used to drain the gastric contents by siphonage.
175. We have also shown for the first time such treatment also decreases basal gastric acid secretion significantly.
176. Decreased peptic activity was present not only in the antral mucosa but also in the less affected mucosa of the gastric body.
177. The prevalence of active chronic gastritis and subsequent gastric atrophy increases with age.
178. Gastric cancer and especially oesophageal cancer ate two of the most lethal gastrointestinal cancers in terms of cure rate and survival.
179. Small gap junctions were observed between gastric surface mucous cells in all healthy volunteers.
180. It does, however, express histamine H 2 receptors, which are pharmacologically indistinguishable from those on human gastric glands.
181. Both the rash and the gastric symptoms disappeared immediately after corticosteroid treatment.
182. Table V shows the percentage of time the oesophageal and gastric tracings indicated identical pressure recordings.
183. Previous gastric surgery was not a feature of our tumour group as has been suggested by previous studies.
184. The level of platelet activating factor in the rat gastric mucosa was determined after the administration of endothelin-1 using a radioimmunoassay method.
185. Discussion Our present studies implicate active oxygen and lipid peroxidation in the pathogenesis of gastric mucosal injury induced by indomethacin.
186. Kurata etal reported that duodenal ulcers were diagnosed 2.5 times more frequently than gastric ulcers in Los Angeles, California.
187. These results give rise to the hypothesis that endothelin might increase the tissue type plasminogen activator activity accompanying the gastric mucosal injury.
188. Contamination and poor analytical techniques presumably explain why previous values for trace metals in gastric juice were so high.
189. Thus, a radiograph six hours after meal intake showing incomplete gastric emptying of markers indicates delayed gastric emptying.
190. Limited studies have been published on human gastric mucosal cell proliferation and a detailed overview of such work has been published.
191. Prostaglandins are well recognised as protecting the gastric mucosa and enhancing the perception of pain.
192. Up to seven layers are necessary to prevent the gastric juices from dis solving the package.
192. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
193. Gastric clearance of indigestible markers was significantly slower in patients with than in those without cardiovascular autonomic neuropathy.
194. Population studies of gastric acid secretion in children at risk from undernutrition are clearly not possible using conventional intubation techniques.
195. In the gastric mucosal biopsy specimens a severe phlegmonous inflammation was found.
196. Therefore, we decided to compare gap junctions between gastric surface mucous cells of gastric ulcer patients with those of healthy volunteers.
197. Refluxed gastric alkali was determined by appearance of gastric marker in oesophageal aspirates.
198. An attempt was made where possible to aspirate gastric juice using a Teflon catheter passed down the suction biopsy channel.
199. Five patients had additional selective gastric vagotomy because of excessive gastric acid or a history of duodenal ulcer.
200. The larval stages occur in the gastric glands and can only be seen microscopically following processing of the gastric mucosa.
201. It is generally assumed that hypergastrinaemia predisposes to the development of gastric carcinoids through progressive hyperplastic changes of fundic endocrine cells.
202. Gastrin is a gut hormone produced by G cells located in the gastric antrum.
203. Pernicious anemia is thought to be caused by an autoimmune reaction against gastric parietal cells resulting in impaired secretion of intrinsic factor.
204. Persistant pain is often reported after gastric surgery and management is difficult.
205. Many studies can be discounted since they have used unnatural smoking protocols, or basal or maximal gastric secretion as a plateau.
206. Repeated gastric biopsies did not show progression to a higher grade lymphoma in any of the patients.
207. Gastric or other visceral crises with severe pain are sometimes a part of the syndrome.
208. The authors thus concluded that the excess mortality noted for gastric cancer was probably related to socioeconomic class rather than coal mining.
209. Martin etal found that among Helicobacter pylori positive patients ingestion of NSAIDs significantly increased the risk of gastric ulceration.
210. Cisapride does not affect gastric secretion either in animals or man.
211. Peptic ulcer is a convenient term which covers both gastric and duodenal ulcers.
212. A small bowel barium meal and colonoscopy were performed in eight cases and gastric endosonography was performed in one patient.
213. Perhaps the most striking finding in the present study was the histological analysis of the gastric mucosa surrounding the tumour.
214. That was how I got my gastric trouble.
215. The right vagus divides into celiac and gastric branches.
216. Do a few meetings let food gastric decrescent?
217. Gastric stasis may result in nausea and vomiting.
218. To observe bacteriologic changes and inflammatory cells of different tongue coating in patients with gastric disease and explore the mechanism on occurrence of tongue coating of the patients.
219. Objective : To investigate the diagnosis and management of delayed gastric emptying ( DGE ) after gastrectomy.
220. Methods Serum VEGF (with Elisa) and plasma HCY (with immunochemistry) levels were determined in 31 patients with gastric cancer both before and after operation as well as in 35 controls.
221. Objective To study the preventive effect of honey milk tea on stress gastric ulcer, and to confirm the value of honey milk tea used as an alimentotherapy.
222. Differentiated carcinomas may develop from native gastric mucosa or intestinal metaplastic mucosa.
223. Gastric juice contains hydrochloric acid to provide an acidic solution for pepsin.
224. Gastric carcinoid tumors are rare tumors in gastrointestinal tract. Endoscopic polypectomy and surgical excision are the major strategy for treatment.
225. Objective : To investigate the effects of Houpu Pill on gastric emptying and intestinal transit in mice.
226. Conclusions Peroxyacetic acid causes chemical burn to gastric antrum in addition to esophagus.
227. To investigate, they followed 23 men and women who had undergone Roux-en-Y gastric bypass surgery,[http:///gastric.html] one of the most popular types of weight-loss surgery.
228. Cabbage contains chemicals that help heal both gastric and duodenal ulcers.
229. Conclusions: The electrogastrogram is abnormal in PHG patients, which may probably be related with the upper gastrointestinal symptoms and gastric motility disorder.
230. And the improvement of GFK has a close relation with its positive effect on T cell sub-group of patients with middle -late gastric cancer.
231. Only in instances with no lymph node metastasis, lymph vessel invasion was related with the prognosis of gastric cancer.
232. Active treatment for precancerous lesion of the gastric - remnant.
233. DWN potently inhibited both decrease of SOD and PGE2 and increase of MDA in damaged gastric mucosa induced by ethanol in a dose-dependent manner.
234. The splenic artery supplies the area of the fundus by way of the short gastric arteries.
235. The researchers report that the decrease in the incidence of all premalignant gastric lesions is larger than the current 2.13% annual decline of gastric cancer in the Netherlands.
236. Objective: To explore the clinical manifestations, pathogenic mechanisms and treatment of delayed gastric emptying after Pancreatoduodenectomy.
237. Conclusion: The gastric algesia impulsion are mainly conducted by sympathetic afferent nerve.
238. Objective To proceed deep data mining in large database obtained by Cancer Genome Anatomy Project and to distinguish the difference expression genes of gastric carcinoma.
239. Conclusions Electrical stimulation with proper parameter can completely entrain gastric slow wave of rats.
240. Gastric distention may also reduce lung volume by elevating the diaphragm.
241. Conclusion Composite procaine mixture has protective effects on acidulated alcohol induced gastric ulcer in rat.
242. Gastric and duodenal ulcers were noted to evolve from early superficial mucosal disease.
243. Objective:To explore the changes of hexosamine and phospholipids in gastric mucosa of rats with open abdominal trauma after seawater immersion.
244. Objective To analysis the relationship between gastric Schistosomiasis and carcinoma ventriculi.
245. The results obtained indicate that gastric juice is a kind of non - newtonian fluids.
246. We have learned previously that gastric bypass surgery will decrease type 2 diabetes if not 'cure' it in many people, but that was always shown to be dependent upon weight loss.
247. Objective: observe the curative effect and mechanism of inflammation of gastric relict treated with differential diagnosis.
248. Gastric acidity would not prevent the organism from passing into the gut.
249. Results: Gastric leiomyosarcoma of primary malignant tumors of the stomach.
250. From 1974 to 1988,16 cases of smooth muscle tumors of stomach were operated in our hospital. It contained of gastric leiomyoma(11 cases), leiomyosarcoma(4 cases)and leiomyoblastoma(1 case).
251. The pepsin contents of gastric juice were determined by JacalinHRP ELISA assay.
252. Objective To investigate risk factors for and management of delayed gastric emptying ( DGE ) after gastrectomy.
253. The determinations of free sialic acid (FSA), total sialic acid (TSA)and fucose (FUC) in morning urine were carrivdout in 30 control subjects, 40 atrophic gastritis and 31 gastric cancer patients.
254. S Objective: To study the effect of chronic stress on the ethanol induced gastric mucosa damage and analysis the peripheric mechanism.
255. Methods Rats model of chronic gastric ulcer was made by acetic acid and instillation.
256. Ultrasonography can recognize gastric cancer but is usually in the late stage.
257. Objective To determine the etiology, diagnosis and treatment of functional delayed gastric emptying ( FDGE ) following subtotal gastrectomy.
258. Conclusion: The pistol shot sound stress environment can affect the gastric motility and result in mucosal lesion, the longer the stress time is, the more severe the lesion is.
259. Objective To investigate the clinical effect and value of hypotonic intraoperative intraperitoneal chemohyperthermia(HIPCH) in advanced gastric cancer.
260. Spontaneous gastric incretion occurs without intentional stimulation in man and in certain other species.
261. The alkaline protease activity was identified after hatching. Acid protease was not present until the appearance of the gastric gland (about 15 days old).
262. Methods The serum and tela NO in 35 patients with gastric carcinoma were detected.
263. Discuss about using High - frequency electric coagulator in Electrocautery to treat prolapse of gastric mucosa.
264. Objective : To evaluate left gastric vein shunt index ( LGVSI ) for predicting esophageal variceal bleeding.
265. Gastric secretion is reduced in volume and total acid content.
266. In chronical experiments on dogs provided with gastric pouches, we showed that the gastric secretion stimulated by histamine can be reflexly inhibited by electrical stimulation on the skin.
267. The curative effect of this new drug on gastric carcinoma was better than that of any anticarcinogen we applied to patients.
268. This diagnostic vacuum is fundamental and may pose important questions at the current concept of reflux of gastric juice as a common cause of laryngopharyngeal inflammation.
269. Gastric varices in patients with portal hypertension should be correctly identified.
270. Conclusion Stomach perforation in newborns is caused by congenital gastric wall hypogenesis and high tensile of stomach lead to anoxemia. The key of increasing cure rate i...
271. What should is gallbladder excised and diet of gastric excision patient notice?




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