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单词 Accompaniment
(1) He sang "My Funny Valentine" to a piano accompaniment.
(2) He plays folk music with guitar accompaniment.
(3) Hunger is the accompaniment of poverty.
(4) These wines also make a good accompaniment for vegetarian dishes.
(5) White wine makes an excellent accompaniment to fish.
(6) This recipe makes a good accompaniment to ice-cream.
(7) She sang to the accompaniment of guitars.
(8) I prefer to sing with an accompaniment.
(9) Crusty bread is the perfect accompaniment to this soup.
(10) They performed to the accompaniment of Spanish guitars.
(11) The team came out to the accompaniment of fireworks.
(12) Alison Evans provided piano accompaniment.
(13) He sang to a piano accompaniment.
(14) Disease is often an accompaniment of famine.
(15) They were exercising to the accompaniment of cheerful music.
(16) White wine provided the perfect accompaniment to the meal.
(17) She made her speech to the accompaniment of loud laughter.
(18) A dry champagne makes the ideal accompaniment for/to this dish.
(19) These wines make a good accompaniment to most fish dishes.
(20) High blood pressure is a common accompaniment to this disease.
(21) Jane sang a song with a piano accompaniment by Jack.
(22) Ideal accompaniment to any sort of pud.
(23) Serve hot with tortillas or as an accompaniment.
(24) He soon provided his own accompaniment.
(25) She started to doodle with the tape as accompaniment.
(26) Sylvie drew to the accompaniment of voices.
(27) Huang's wife provided accompaniment on the piano.
(28) An elderly man puffed on a trumpet to the accompaniment of drums and piano.
(29) 'Silent movie' is a misnomer since the movies usually had a musical accompaniment.
(30) The women's medical school opened in 1874(), to the accompaniment of much ridicule of "lady doctors".
(1) He sang "My Funny Valentine" to a piano accompaniment.
(2) He plays folk music with guitar accompaniment.
(3) Hunger is the accompaniment of poverty.
(4) These wines also make a good accompaniment for vegetarian dishes.
(5) Jane sang a song with a piano accompaniment by Jack.
(31) Obviously, without the interruption and relief of the contrasting arpeggio, the accompaniment could never have kept its mordant vitality fresh.
(32) Their discord provided accompaniment for the chase that now developed between the two beings.
(33) To the accompaniment of foghorns and buoy bells, beside a crackling fire, l slowly eat my dinner.
(34) These fritters are especially delicious with stewed prunes with orange juice as an accompaniment, if desired.
(35) He was also a noisy eater, as if providing an orchestral accompaniment for his brother.
(36) Emily was turning over their labels, to the accompaniment of Mr Zamoyski's hammering from the back room.
(37) The repeating shape of the accompaniment in quavers is designed to recur only at the first beat of the seventh bar.
(38) There was extremely loud music -- with the accompaniment of bad singing -- coming from the room.
(39) Perch, Salmon, Pike and Eel; regional specialities from the freshwater fish are perfect accompaniment to the wines of Anjou.
(40) When it was over we filed out to the accompaniment of the organ.
(41) Little groups of people drinking or sharing pungent hand-rolled cigarettes to the accompaniment of Radio Luxembourg.
(42) It was sung by children as an accompaniment to skipping.
(43) For a savory accompaniment, poach in stock with a few cloves to serve with ham, chicken or duck.
(44) They did their work to the accompaniment of siphoning and sucking noises.
(45) It was delivered movingly, with an accompaniment which breathed with the singer.
(46) In a short while he found new amusement: walking loudly all over the metal roof, to his own vocal accompaniment.
(47) Improvisation and expression as well as musical accompaniment of the exercises plays a central role in the training programme of the Medau-Schule.
(48) Cars were edging forward with barely controlled impatience to the steady whiplash accompaniment of their windscreen wipers.
(49) Here too he started to write hymns which he would sing to his own accompaniment on a lute.
(50) We discussed the idea of Jean-Claude setting them to piano accompaniment.
(51) As they worked the sound of water slapping against the canal walls was a ceaseless accompaniment to their labours.
(52) He is particularly fond of hot beetroot,[http:///accompaniment.html] recommending it as an accompaniment to roast saddle of hare - a delicious combination.
(53) She had a lovely sweet voice, and always had to sing without piano accompaniment, for she alone knew the songs.
(54) Wild rice is far too expensive to serve, like traditional rice, as an accompaniment to other dishes.
(55) Salmon patties sat casually in their Pyrex homestead, just challenging you not to wolf them down as accompaniment.
(56) The orchestral accompaniment her was again alert, matching the pianist's skill in fine style.
(57) Guests danced to the accompaniment of pipe music and drums.
(58) The programme included practical experience in Breathing, movement with apparatus, and movement accompaniment.
(59) She will entertain with a fascinatingly varied programme of songs, both traditional and modern, with piano and flute accompaniment.
(60) After all, when events unfold in the real world, they do so without musical accompaniment.
(61) With some kinds of solo song, or even operatic aria, the accompaniment should be a mere background murmur.
(62) These wines also make a good accompaniment for vegetarian dishes, especially leek-based dishes.
(63) A huge lighted star was raised, to the accompaniment of a fireworks display.
(64) It is also useful for some contemporary music where a light, jazz-style accompaniment is required.
(65) Earthy porcini mushrooms, tender and meaty, make the perfect accompaniment.
(66) A piano accompaniment being captured in a London recording studio of 1904.
(67) Mrs Thatcher plus Denis and son Mark enter to the accompaniment of cheers and flash guns.
(68) Accompaniment is like this permeating background tone, creating the mood(), influencing all that is added to it.
(69) Six rows of horn players and drummers clap, play and sway from side to side in accompaniment.
(70) It takes much time and effort to find recorded music that is suitable as movement accompaniment.
(71) The title track highlights a good keyboard backdrop and Time is Running Out is an agreeable accompaniment.
(72) Perhaps harmonies such as these could form a suitable accompaniment to a horror film, but normally one would avoid such cacophony.
(73) Without realizing it, their orchestral accompaniment fined itself to the quality of her voice.
(74) Down came the rain, thunder and lightning, providing nature's primeval accompaniment.
(75) But to tell the truth, the album makes a pretty good accompaniment for just sitting around and eating junk food.
(76) The beautiful color and full-bodied taste of these Australian wines make them an excellent accompaniment to meat dishes.
(77) Polyphony, which developed in the ninth century, used the organ as bass accompaniment to liturgical song.
(78) Such equipment and materials being used as an accompaniment to or in educational processes. 3.
(79) It set up a moaning background noise that would occasionally gust into prominence,[] then lapse again to mere accompaniment.
(80) These are not violin sonatas as we know them, rather sonatas for piano with violin accompaniment.
(81) Yet his accompaniment relies on the rhythmic complexity of bebop.
(82) The melody and accompaniment can express the general atmosphere of the poem, but can not underline the significance of individual words.
(83) To take the latter role first, some music needs no accompaniment.
(84) This may be an advantage, as with the accompaniment design in mind the melody will probably be more appropriately shaped.
(85) Upstairs there is another party going on, to the accompaniment of background election noises.
(86) Yet the pump runs on and on, its noise now a constant accompaniment to their once-quiet lives.
(87) A grandfatherly figure puffs on a sousaphone to the accompaniment of drums and banjo.
(88) Added to a simple white sauce, they make a good accompaniment to plain meats such as boiled bacon.
(89) The second violin plays the inverted melody in A, and the first violin the inverted accompaniment in E.
(90) A delicious accompaniment to grilled salmon or flavourful pasta.
(91) Frogs in the tangled grass croaked rhythmic accompaniment.
(92) She sang to the accompaniment of the piano.
(93) traditional songs with piano accompaniment.
(94) The pianist improvised an accompaniment to the song.
(95) Instrengthening accompaniment, Schubert makes outstanding contribution.
(96) They're playing a chordal accompaniment against it.
(97) A good accompaniment to roasted meat, Hungarian goulash, roasted game or noodles with hearty mince sauce.
(98) A performance, as in a burlesque act, in which a person slowly removes clothing, usually to musical accompaniment.
(99) And watched three-spined stickleback fish hunt water fleas, to the accompaniment of either white noise calibrated to match the noise level of speedboats or a silent track as a control.
(100) So now people who like talking to their plants can now enjoy a musical accompaniment, thanks to a Japanese invention that turns petals and leaves into amplifiers.
(101) Any two songs as chosen by participant - each song to be no longer than 5 minutes. Musical accompaniment is the responsibility of the contestant.
(102) Serve EDENVALE Sparkling Cuvee as an aperitif or an accompaniment for most foods. This inspired sparkling is particularly well matched with spicy cuisine and fresh fruit.
(103) A 60 - piece orchestra replaces the boy's usual rock'n'roll accompaniment.
(104) It was found that most teachers and students had realized the importance of the extemporary accompaniment, and more reformation in this area had been carried out.
(105) Previous streaks by the Pundits included a bagpipe player, who provided musical accompaniment to the festivities.
(106) Other individual lessons include piano, violin, viola, flute, piano accompaniment, and voice.
(107) The orchestral accompaniment adds to this effect by interrupting its hurried pulse for a moment.
(108) Food Suggestion : A fine accompaniment to blue cheese, coffee and desserts.
(108) is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
(109) The ultimate result is the formation of the thrombin and fibrin clot, and each enzymolysis accompaniment magnify effective.
(110) In course arrangements, increasing in time for extemporary accompaniment and its relationship with other courses should be considered.
(111) Food: An excellent accompaniment to duck veal lamb and all red meats.
(112) Vocal score for 2 soprano voice solos, 2 mezzo soprano voice solos, 3 tenor voice solos, 2 baritone voice solos, SATB chorus and piano accompaniment. Series: G. Schirmer Opera Score Editions.
(113) They sang without instrumental accompaniment -- or, more accurately in their case, without any interference.
(114) The classical songs by Schumann are unique in the selection of lyrics, tune, rhythm, symphony, sonata form and piano accompaniment, which has formed its style.
(115) Zambelli says it can take two hours of planning just to execute a single minute of firework choreography with musical accompaniment.
(116) Now let's sing the national anthem in unison with the piano accompaniment.
(117) Because it features both vocal harmony and instrumental accompaniment, the music cannot be considered true Gregorian chant.
(118) Furthermore, assembled motors and musical accompaniment also can promote presentation ability.
(119) There, in the sweaty darkness, after the transvestite cabaret, to the accompaniment of Rihanna, we kiss.
(120) Schubert laid the foundation of art song, inaugurated the age of ballade, created the new peak of piano accompaniment.
(121) The accompaniment melody has not accompanied me alone to travel.
(122) A giant flying pig also projected overnight the building's facade the accompaniment of loud grunting sounds.
(123) In particular, primitive dance with musical accompaniment influences today and lays a foundation for national art in modern times.
(124) A theatrical presentation of group or solo dancing to a musical accompaniment, usually with costume and scenic effects, conveying a story or theme.
(125) In order to extracted natural tocopherols from the debromination accompaniment, the method of solvent urea package were used to separate natural tocopherols and fatty acid and its glyceride.
(126) With fusion splicing , a tiny core axial offsets . It originates from an index modification in the core region due to the heat treatments accompaniment to the splice process.
(127) The pianist forgot his music and had to improvise ( the accompaniment ).
(128) Donizetti carefully woven melodic lines, twists and turns to euphemism, expressive and singing, Orchestration in the accompaniment of music at the same time the pursuit of wealth effect.
(129) This article makes an analysis of remains of shaman culture in contemporary folk dance with musical accompaniment.
(130) As her performances grew in popularity, musical accompaniment was added, first with a drum and then the flute and three-stringed banjo-like shamisen.
(131) Its rhythmic structure is underlined by the specially created musical accompaniment.
(132) Piano accompaniment for vocal music falls into two types: impromptu and written.
(133) You can chat with your family and friends, mellow out, enjoy drinking a coffee and the distinct cosy mood in the accompaniment of the wonderful scene of clear sky and green mountains.
(134) Long - Yau Yangko music accompaniment, all percussion instruments, not orchestral music.
(135) Wild rice was served as an accompaniment to the main dish.
(136) There have been seven or eight syllables of two-tone-step line of poetry, which gradually duet with Akon on the use of instrumental accompaniment.
(137) Then you can have your own accompaniment collection and easy to schlep. It can enhance effect when playing or meeting with your friends.
(138) With the accompaniment of the heptachord,[http:///accompaniment.html] the poems sounded beautiful and fascinating and were greatly popular with people.
(139) The extemporization of piano accompaniment is the teaching curriculum in the high teachers' school that has been attached more and more value.
(140) Vocalists can perform with instrumental accompaniment, or they may perform a capella.
(141) An ideal accompaniment to roast meats , casseroles, and overripe cheese.
(142) Looking through the history of the development of the western art songs, the vocal melody and the piano accompaniment become to be a symbiont gradually.
(143) It could be that once the person is reassured that there is nothing seriously wrong with them that they are happy to put up with a bit of musical accompaniment to their movements!
(144) The notion came to her to improve upon the accompaniment with little trills and flourishes.
(145) The musical result of this is an overly loud accompaniment and a weak melodic line.
(146) Meanwhile, fifteen of Africa's aloft active of accompaniment accept been affair in Mali to accede what THEY can do to abetment political and bread-and-butter development.
(147) Quiet redirection subsequently issues from the bassoons, which take up the wandering piano-theme, while the piano itself goes over into a pp semiquaver accompaniment.
(148) Then according to the accompaniment, we divide choir into A Cappella and Choir With Instrumental Accompaniment.
(149) No text of traditional concert music accompaniment, not a fixed tone, the actors played random notes, together with orchestral accompaniment, the adjusted value of D notes.
(150) A marvellous accompaniment to seafood, fish white meat and goats cheese.
(151) The mixed voice parts chorus without accompaniment is a form to perform multi-voice part vocal music works, which has been one of the most valuable expressions among various chorus forms for long.
(152) Weddings, births, christenings, funerals, picnics, parades - all had their musical accompaniment.
(153) To accompaniment of the commonalty of mankind development, people requirement knowledge was gaining.
(154) This passage is to be sung to the accompaniment of a bamboo flute.
(154) is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
(155) Clear day left hand accompaniment musical notation, needs the left hand's.
(156) It would be a tragedy if the chirk and the crick of this once common creature should no more be heard as a choral accompaniment to spring.
(157) Later, the performing arts with innovative, progressive increase in the band accompaniment, while dance and sing.
(158) The cultivating process of the ability of extempore accompaniment is also the process of exerting, opening up and developing students' ability of creation.
(159) The poetry was chanted to the accompaniment of the lyre.
(160) In this way, people who like talking to their plants can now enjoy a musical accompaniment.
(161) The election results were announced to the accompaniment of loud cheering.
(162) Having or characterized by a single melodic line with accompaniment.
(163) The subway operation company has also cleared 68345678 sequency calls, provides the entire journey accompaniment or the relay -like service for the disabled persons.
(164) The teaching of piano extempore accompaniment is the work in which theory and practice are closely jointed.
(165) Another aspect of tap dancing is improvisation. This can either be done with music and follow the beats provided or without musical accompaniment, otherwise known as acappella dancing.
(166) The sound of rain continues in background accompaniment until Catherine dies in the hospital ward.
(167) Videos of West standing on a table in tailored GQ duds while gesticulating through new rhymes (sans musical accompaniment) quickly made the rounds.
(168) Foie gras should be served chilled with thin, buttered toast slices. A SAUTERNES is the perfect accompaniment.
(169) Ideal with game and a perfect accompaniment to hearty stews, strong-flavored herbs and cheeses.
(170) Next, it introduced the melody, form, harmonic progression, poetic rhythm, piano accompaniment of important works in Schubert 's art song again.
(171) Luo Yusheng is famous for storytelling in a Beijing dialect to drum accompaniment.
(172) On this basis, string and reed instrument accompaniment was added.
(173) There are other factors that contributes to athletes' presentation too, such as athletes' figures, retain knowledge, choreography, musical accompaniment, interests and so on.
(174) He had his sister playing the mandolin [ 9 mAndE 5 lin as accompaniment.
(175) Here they have clearly announced their entrance with a proud musical dittie, have calmly collected the trash, and have then moved on-again to a musical accompaniment.
(176) Piano is a classical musical clavier in west. It normally used in recital, ensemble and accompaniment. It is very convenient to the composition and rehearses.




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