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单词 Miserable
1. What's more miserable than discontent?
2. It is comparison that makes men happy or miserable
3. The secret of being miserable is to have leisure to bother about whether you are happy or not. 
4. He was a lonely, miserable wretch.
5. I was miserable from hunger.
6. Refugees everywhere lead miserable lives.
7. I have had a miserable life.
8. I've been so miserable since Patrick left me.
9. We were cold, wet and thoroughly miserable.
10. My life would be miserable without you.
11. Battery chickens have miserable lives.
12. We have led a miserable life.
13. She sat feeling thoroughly miserable.
14. She's miserable living on her own.
15. She looked rather strained and miserable.
16. They eke out a miserable existence in cardboard shacks.
17. They turned out to be miserable.
18. He racked off a miserable story.
19. He was miserable all the time and rows would start over petty things.
20. His miserable manner cast a cloud over the whole proceedings.
21. She knows how to make life miserable for her employees.
22. Sheila was looking miserable.
23. Don't look so miserable!
24. The miserable scene was revived in my mind.
25. They ended by making themselves miserable.
25. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
26. It was a miserable grey day.
27. Oh, buck up for heaven's sake, Anthony! I'm sick of looking at your miserable face.
28. We mustn't fear daylight just because it almost always illuminates a miserable world.
29. I took a series of badly paid secretarial jobs which made me really miserable.
30. Other people's fairy tales always is romantic, but my fairy tale but never be miserable.
1. He was a lonely, miserable wretch.
2. I was miserable from hunger.
3. I have had a miserable life.
4. I've been so miserable since Patrick left me.
5. We were cold, wet and thoroughly miserable.
6. Battery chickens have miserable lives.
7. She sat feeling thoroughly miserable.
8. She's miserable living on her own.
9. She looked rather strained and miserable.
10. They eke out a miserable existence in cardboard shacks.
11. They turned out to be miserable.
12. He was miserable all the time and rows would start over petty things.
13. Oh, buck up for heaven's sake, Anthony! I'm sick of looking at your miserable face.
14. I took a series of badly paid secretarial jobs which made me really miserable.
15. She knows how to make life miserable for her employees.
16. Sheila was looking miserable.
17. Don't look so miserable!
18. Alexander is in a miserable plight.
31. He was born in a miserable family.
32. The team gave a miserable performance.
33. They endured hours of backbreaking work in miserable conditions.
34. George was as miserable as ever.
35. What a miserable day !
36. He felt too miserable and lethargic to get dressed.
37. He was a miserable old devil.
38. It was a miserable excuse for a meal.
39. She has a miserable existence living with him.
40. It was a miserable wet day.
41. Is something up with Julie? She looks really miserable.
42. She still looks pretty miserable.
43. I spent a miserable weekend alone at home.
44. We got home feeling tired and miserable.
45. What a miserable meal that was!
46. The play was a miserable failure.
47. It was a grey, wet, miserable day.
48. I spent the weekend feeling miserable .
49. It's raining again — what miserable weather!
50. Alexander is in a miserable plight.
51. She's a miserable old trout who complains about everything.
52. Mosquito bites can make life miserable .
53. What a miserable old devil Scrooge was!
54. They were thoroughly dejected and miserable.
55. Many couples make themselves miserable by not communicating.
55. Wish you will love and make progress everyday!
56. He's a miserable old devil.
57. What a miserable old devil he was!
58. He's a miserable old git.
59. They started their holiday on a miserable day.
60. Her past life was miserable.
61. She's had a series of miserable relationships.
62. How can anyone live on such a miserable wage?
63. Janice looks really miserable .
64. The plan was a miserable failure.
65. All in all, it had been one of the most miserable days of Henry's life.
66. I saw Margaret this morning looking as miserable as sin.
67. Why do you make yourself miserable by taking on too much work?
68. The film was a miserable commercial failure both in Italy and in the United States.
69. For years he eked out a miserable existence in a dreary bedsit in Bristol.
70. He always was a miserable man. He never spoke to me nor anybody else.
71. She turned pale at the sight of the miserable condition.
72. She had a miserable holiday she was ill for part of the time.
73. Her attempts to learn to drive had been a miserable failure.
74. There was nothing at all in this miserable place to distract him.
75. A really bad cold pulls you down and leaves you feeling very miserable.
76. You look utterly miserable.
77. She put on a brave front(), but I knew how miserable she was.
78. Mark always has such a miserable expression on his face.
79. Miserable sobs were heard to proceed from the next room.
80. When I'm feeling miserable I go shopping and spoil myself - a couple of new dresses always make me feel better.
81. A warm and sunny September made up for a miserable wet August.
82. He feels/harbours deep resentment against/towards his parents for his miserable childhood.
83. It makes me very unhappy to see you so miserable.
84. I can hardly afford the rent on my miserable income.
85. Our speed over the ground was a miserable 2.2 knots.
86. How can I keep a family on such a miserable wage?
87. It was miserable of you to make fun of him.
88. You may be stuck with a miserable existence for the rest of your life.
89. The boy became yellow as a guinea and thin as a matchstick after three years of miserable life.
90. The family endured a miserable existence in a cramped and noisy apartment.
91. Would it be presumptuous of me to ask why you are so miserable?
92. The man and his wife lead a cat-and-dog life, and both are miserable.
93. She could not bear to see him so miserable and cast down.
94. The final two months were a miserable coda to de Gaulle's first period in office.
95. Pablo led a miserable existence when he first moved to San Juan.
96. Miserable, and unexpectedly lonely, she went in search of Jean-Paul.
97. What a miserable existence! How could anyone live in such dreadful conditions.
98. Their early success was succeeded by a period of miserable failure.
99. He was so miserable that he seriously thought about ending it all.
100. She was more miserable about not being miserable.
101. I am too miserable for words.
102. To be weak is miserable,Doing or suffering. John Milton 
103. In doing that he makes himself miserable.
104. It lets me forget how miserable my life is.
105. He is having a miserable time.
106. The rest is miserable modern history.
107. How else can I stop myself from feeling miserable?
108. Beaches Miserable at being a second class citizen?
109. Factory workers during the 18th century led miserable lives.
110. And they are taught about Britain's unfailingly miserable climate.
111. Every day they became more miserable.
112. All that work for this miserable paycheck!
113. People are still malicious because they are miserable.
114. He sat all alone in his room(), thoroughly miserable.
115. Donnie Green types were traders who made trainees miserable.
116. And Nat was like a running sore, crabby(), miserable.
117. That I break his miserable china duck.
118. The poor miserable animals were starving, dirty and wet.
119. Montgomerie looked the sharpest fielder on a miserable day when tea was delivered to the fielders after one hour's play.
120. The truth of it was, as miserable as things were, I just wanted to say I had been there.
121. Now the hard working couple say they face a miserable Christmas and a bleak future.
122. Look at you now - you're feeling miserable as hell, and I can't say I blame you.
123. We spent the night in, a miserable little border town.
124. A craft which had once been profitably combined with farming became a miserable cottage industry dependent upon the towns and the bag-hosiers.
125. Life can be miserable if you are possessed by and obsessed with immediate gratification. Dr T.P.Chia 
126. We were happy for about nine months and miserable for another six.
127. Besides, nowadays, almost all capable people are terribly afraid of being ridiculous, and are miserable because of it. Fyodor Dostoyevsky 
128. A bachelor's life is a fine breakfast, a flat lunch, and a miserable dinner. Francis Bacon 
129. All the staff seemed to look miserable and the atmosphere was not at all pleasant.
130. Enraged, drunk, freezing and unutterably miserable I left to make the 200 mile trip home.
131. Laugh ... laughs with ... Weep ... alone. 10. As miserable as ... 21.
132. But it is a miserable way to make a necessary adjustment.
133. It was a hell of a big thing, it was the most miserable New Year I have ever had.
134. Dana was in the other day and she looked miserable.
135. But first we are faced with the prospect of a decently brisk run there, and in horribly wet and miserable conditions.
136. Those who condescend to visit these miserable tenements can testify that neither health nor decency can be preserved in them.
137. Instead of enjoying the present moment, why dream of things beyond your reach and become miserable? RVM 
138. They seemed demoralized and miserable, operating an endless mechanical process.
139. We probably all were cursing our miserable fate of living in a divided country.
140. Glasgow certainly needs a modern landmark - something to deflect the eye from the miserable tower blocks of the 1960s.
141. I had a miserable quantitative background and ended up copying some assignments and finessing the rest as best I could.
142. It was one of the most miserable days in my life.
143. She knew a miserable distaste for the day that loomed ahead.
144. There is no need for them to feel so isolated and miserable.
145. It is miserable work as the snow is now falling thickly,(http:///miserable.html) the wind blowing hard.
146. If you are on your own in a hovel it is nothing other than miserable.
147. For example, he suggests that the young Clemens grew miserable when he first tried living full-time as Mark Twain.
148. Ana was close to tears and Mitch looked utterly miserable.
149. Her life was miserable because she could only live in that cycle: borrowing from the trader and selling it to him.
150. For Davenport it represented a personal triumph, following the miserable time he endured while with Boro.
151. Marjorie wore Evangeline's diamonds but, like the new bride, they failed to sparkle under a miserable Edinburgh sky.
152. There was only Sergeant-Chef Gibeau to make our lives miserable now.
153. They were finding it hard to make ends meet and life had become very miserable.
154. The poor kid's so miserable, he's upstairs crying his eyes out.
155. He had been at school almost six months, the most miserable time of his entire life.
156. At Forty-second Street stand the twin apartment towers of Manhattan Plaza, grim reminders of two more miserable affairs.
157. Last year's prodigy, in sharp contrast, endured the most miserable day of his short and spectacular formula one career.
158. Things in the classroom calmed down somewhat after a few days, but the set-up of the place remained miserable for teaching.
159. Again, I was moved that he should have perceived how miserable an exile to the Persian Gulf would have been.
160. You may be as miserable as the people who write to me about losing their jobs.
161. It may lead to a considerable degree of social deprivation and a miserable existence for the families involved.
162. Soho, meanwhile, enthuse and make me feel like a miserable old fart.
163. A week before I was there, storms lashed the coastline - diving would have been miserable, even if possible.
164. Only married people understand you can be miserable and happy at the same time. Chris Rock 
165. I'm not surprised he's miserable, living in that dank old house.
166. Agriculture is crippled, too, by the miserable conditions on the collective farms.
167. But Thou, 0 Lord, have mercy upon us, miserable offenders.
168. The engines were just up there and their noise prevented us from thinking about how miserable it all might be.
169. They made each other miserable, locking wills, disbelieving that the other party could long endure a war of emotional attrition.
170. What I had seen of Czechoslovakia was a society which encouraged a miserable waste of human resources.
171. Sykes had been as cold and miserable as me, hoping against hope that I would surrender first.
172. The children walked along the path, looking miserable and bedraggled after the storm.
173. He felt wretched, in fact at times so miserable that he wanted to laugh out loud.
174. Next morning Clarissa was wandering about her bedroom in a state of undress, feeling miserable.
175. Over £3,000 was raised at the event in 1988, even though it was a damp and miserable day.
175. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
176. The summer holidays that year saw me at my most apathetic - and my most miserable.
177. Some people make themselves miserable and everybody else miserable when they can rather make themselves happy and everybody else happy. RVM 
178. Bowater has had a miserable time since joining the Footsie last week, the share price falling a good 10 p.c.
179. I get the attention of a miserable looking father in a soiled habit sitting alone in his cubbyhole.
180. All of them converged with one common purpose: Make life miserable for quarterback Jeff Hostetler.
181. She appropriated slapstick and hyperbole to the delicious purpose of lampooning the fathead who made her life miserable.
182. But before I clap eyes on his miserable face, I intend to down as many cups of sack as I can!
183. He looked miserable, as if his jeans were too tight for comfort and his jacket too thin for warmth.
184. The Siege of Chattanooga had at least one very unusual aspect: Many of the besiegers were as miserable as the besieged.
185. The funeral of an old high-school classmate just makes him more miserable.
186. For some, the floods meant a miserable day stuck indoors.
187. It is a sorry thing when an eagle can not even ward off two miserable hooded crows.
188. However, she admitted that she had felt very miserable for 3 or 4 months.
189. Meanwhile Labour has voted for one miserable saving - doubling pensioners' concessionary fares.
190. What could they do, except be made miserable by impotence?
191. Corbett then spent what must have been one of the most miserable nights he had ever experienced.
192. Inexorably, it pulls you into the folds of a miserable life of degradation, poverty, and humiliation.
193. Could her refusal be part of a prolonged grief reaction to her sister's death and to her miserable marriage?
194. The workers in Mirny are not well-off by any means; in fact, they lead miserable lives.
195. She should have known better than to think he would bring it to her, miserable sinner that she was.
196. I never thought I was soon to see just how miserable the peoples of the earth can make life for themselves.
197. You shouldn't be surprised to hear that you've made people miserable.
198. Claudino, on the other hand is a miserable, conniving person who continually exerts his poor influence on Leonardo.
199. And full-back Robert Turner had a miserable day with his kicking, landing only two goals from seven shots.
200. You can be smart and happy or stupid and miserable. . . it's your choice. Gordon B. Hinckley 
201. She fully intended to give Matthew Blake the most miserable afternoon of company he had ever had!
202. Today, I will look around & enjoy all the beautiful things that are around me rather than yearn for things that are beyond my control & become miserable. RVM 
203. Can't you see how miserable he is, how difficult all this is for him?
204. His life was changed and made miserable by a computer database he did not even know existed.
205. There comes a point when you either embrace who and what you are, or condemn yourself to be miserable all your days. Other people will try to make you miserable; don't help them by doing the job yourself. Laurell K. Hamilton 
206. The same crew of sorry drunks, getting riotous, getting miserable, getting maudlin.
207. Bathsheba was watching his expression closely, and she had never been more miserable.
208. The mind that is anxious about the future is miserable. Seneca 
209. But at the same time I revelled in the unlovely sound because it might be the saving of my miserable life.
210. She lived in miserable anticipation of the day when Camille fell in love with some nightmare youth.
211. The workers lived a miserable existence and were treated like serfs.
212. Our lives are hard, but theirs are miserable. I would never change places.
213. Her life has been quite as miserable as your Isabel's, I fear.
214. The only way to avoid being miserable is not to have enough leisure to wonder whether you are happy or not. George Bernard Shaw 
215. I wondered if there was another child in all those windows or all the world who felt as miserable as I did.
216. We must not fall into the victim mentality and moan about what a miserable century this is.
217. The journey home was miserable. Everyone was depressed about losing the game.
218. The walk to the town centre is long enough to invigorate me and short enough to avoid getting miserable from the cold.
219. While the Saints built their first temple, neighbors made life miserable and the Mormons neared bankruptcy.
220. Edna did not do these things to make us miserable.
221. She was even more miserable later because almost as soon as she arrived in her room she started to have toothache.
222. Be miserable. Or motivate yourself. Whatever has to be done, it's always your choice. Wayne Dyer 
223. The handful of traders who made life miserable for graduates of Harvard completely dominated a third of the bond market.
224. Pam is about as miserable a person as anyone trotting around London can be.
225. Coffin went away to his own home, feeling miserable and puzzled.
226. Oliver had never seen a dirtier or more miserable place.
227. Let's face it: our lives are miserable, laborious, and short. George Orwell 
228. The rain fell in tiny, miserable droplets that were blown about by the wind.
229. The mortals seemed miserable and the children cruel and now there was nothing left of the spectacle.
230. Just heat up that miserable tent with the sun and bake me out.
231. Though infected lions can meet a miserable death, Packer reports that 60 percent of those with distemper have survived.
232. I felt miserable and realised the hair of my dreams had turned into the worst bad hair day you could imagine.
233. I wish this city would do something about the miserable condition of the roads.
234. It could be a fit of laughter, Blue reasons, but then why would Black be so miserable?
235. January, when most results are announced,( ) will be more miserable than ever-particularly if consumer sentiment continues to deteriorate.
236. His anger at her taking his carrion was gone and instead focused on the miserable hooded crows.
237. Many people feel so pressured by the expectations of others that it causes them to be frustrated, miserable and confused about what they should do. But there is a way to live a simple, joy-filled, peaceful life, and the key is learning how to be led by the Holy Spirit, not the traditions or expectations of man. Joyce Meyer 
238. Jen has been stuck in a miserable job for the last two years.
239. For all I know, they lied and cheated and made their women miserable.
240. Whereas, even if nothing goes wrong at the weekend, Mr Smith will have made himself miserable for days in advance.




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