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单词 renew
释义 Word family  noun news renewal adjective new renewable renewed newsy verb renew adverb newly  re·new /rɪˈnjuː $ rɪˈnuː/ ●○○ verb [transitive]  1  CONTINUE/START AGAINto arrange for an agreement or official document to continue for a further period of time 延长〔协议或官方文件〕的期限,使续期renew somebody’s contract/licence/membership etc I need to renew my passport this year. 今年我需要办理护照换发。2  CONTINUE/START AGAIN formal to begin doing something again after a period of not doing it 〔中止后〕重新开始,继续 SYN resume Local people have renewed their efforts to save the school. 当地居民再一次作出努力,挽救这所学校。 Police renewed their appeal for witnesses. 警察再次呼吁目击者出来作证。renew a friendship/acquaintance etc (=become friendly with someone again) 恢复友谊/交情等3  REPLACEto remove something that is old or broken and put a new one in its place 更换;更新 SYN replace The window frames need to be renewed. 窗框需要换新的。4. renew a book DLTCNto arrange to borrow a library book for a further period of time 续借一本书→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpusrenew• The drainage system over some sections of route has had to be refurbished or renewed.• You should check the engine carefully, renewing any parts that are worn or damaged.• Iceland has no immediate plans to renew commercial whaling.• The conference highlighted and promoted service teaching and learning as a way to build academic and citizenship skills while renewing communities.• Subsequently I tried to renew contact with Rubinsky, a man more of my generation.• His firm is renewing efforts to provide in-house computer training.• From this base, after suitable preparations, McClellan planned to renew his efforts against the Confederate capital.• The state desperately needs to renew its road system.• I renewed my vow that evening.• There was nothing to prevent the President from renewing the bombing in the North.• The rebels waited until nightfall to renew their attack on the city.• As a result, firms employing them need to recruit frequently to replace those who choose not to renew their contracts.• To renew your license, contact the Department of Motor Vehicles.• It is wise to renew your water filter every month, even though it may seem to be working satisfactorily.renew a friendship/acquaintance etc• The events are a good reason for the enthusiasts of this largely non-social past time to gather and renew acquaintances.• It was so nice for me to renew acquaintance once again with my old and trusted friends, Ingleborough and Company.• Nancy enjoyed seeing them and an occasional painter or writer who asked to renew acquaintance with Arnold's collection.• On this flight I renewed acquaintance with Mary MacKinnon.• There will be a buffet reception afterwards - a chance to renew acquaintance with old friends.From Longman Business Dictionaryrenewre‧new /rɪˈnjuːrɪˈnuː/ verb1[intransitive, transitive] to arrange for an existing contract, agreement, deal etc to continueMost airlinesrenew theirinsurance policies between July and October.The original contract had a term of three years, with an option to renew for two more.2[transitive] to begin to do something again, after a period of timeIf oil prices remain high, U.S. industry will renew efforts to conserve energy.The company is renewing its focus on customer satisfaction.→ See Verb tablere·new verbChineseSyllable   Business an agreement Corpus to or for official arrange




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