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单词 Ramp
1. That driver drove the car up the ramp.
2. The new ramp will facilitate the entry of wheelchairs.
3. The company announced plans to ramp up production to 10 000 units per month.
4. Lillian was coming down the ramp from the museum.
5. Producers can quickly ramp up production.
6. Take the Lake Drive ramp at Charles Street.
7. Those planes powered down and off the ramp.
8. This marble ramp weighs one ton.
9. I pushed the wheelchair up the ramp and into the supermarket.
10. Announcement of the merger is expected to ramp up share prices over the next few days.
11. To ramp up a share price during a takeover bid is unacceptable.
12. To stay competitive, they'll have to ramp up product development as well as cutting prices.
13. Anderson is disqualified for not fully crossing the ramp.
14. A Dakleton on the ramp at D F Malan.
15. Ah, the stink of the ramp.
16. They instruct helpers where to point the ramp.
17. And one foot thumps on the ramp.
18. One wall hides an access ramp.
19. Here there is usually a ramp or board up which cyclists may push their bicycle.
20. Dozens of black cabs pile down the ramp below Euston.
21. The whale will be dragged up its main ramp and butchered.
22. A mini ramp jam with fancy dress and the odd one foot tail grab ollie.
23. Mickey had a ramp with pea sized objects rolling down to be dealt a mighty blow from a spring loaded mallet.
24. It took five strong men to heave the statue up a ramp and lower it into place.
25. One of our students was unable to propel her wheelchair up the ramp.
26. She was shepherded by her guards up the rear ramp of the aircraft.
27. Meanwhile Geoff Turton, 16, was issuing instructions via an electronic machine with arrows on what way the ramp should point.
28. There was a horseshoe put-down and pick-up point between an ascending and descending ramp but parking there was prohibited.
29. Small quantities are already being sampled and volume production starts to ramp in January.
30. The route up the Wellenkuppe from the glacier follows a wide snow ramp and then scrambles over rock for a while.
1. That driver drove the car up the ramp.
2. The new ramp will facilitate the entry of wheelchairs.
3. It took five strong men to heave the statue up a ramp and lower it into place.
4. One of our students was unable to propel her wheelchair up the ramp.
5. The company announced plans to ramp up production to 10 000 units per month.
6. Those planes powered down and off the ramp.
7. This marble ramp weighs one ton.
31. Past the security guard, up the ramp, out on to the dim street.
32. He walked, slowly and stiffly, towards the ramp that led from the garden to the street.
33. There is hi-tech glass and lighting, cute little passport kiosks and a tapered rubber ramp to baggage reclaim.
34. He heard many voices as people passed on the pathway from the bridge to the ramp.
35. The next day she was gone and the next night I was back on the ramp.
36. He favours large spaces neutralised by white walls and is converting the gallery's ramp into a tunnel.
37. This is not to say, however, that the ramp is strictly hillbilly food.
38. As their cameras rolled, the film crew looked on anxiously while Crawford drove the Rolls up the ramp.
39. The back of the truck was flung open, a ramp was let down, and the loading began.
40. On the ramp he cut a frankly glamorous figure, where he moved like a series of elegant decisions.
41. To the right there was a ramp down to a double garage on basement level.
42. Would you rather do this on a barnacled tidal ramp in a loaded plastic kayak or a loaded glassfibre kayak?
43. The vehicle began to creep cautiously down a ramp of hard-packed rock, into the interior of the crater.
44. Suddenly the car skidded as she maneuvered to enter the icy patch of the ramp to the expressway.
45. I hit a patch of ice as I entered the ramp to the expressway.
46. A deuce-and-a-half backed up to the door ramp(), and men began loading chest protectors on to the truck.
47. Then the rear ramp was lowered and the squad swarmed out to set up a defensive perimeter around it.
48. The boat broke up and Roman used the lumber to make a ramp to load hogs on the truck.
49. Eventually it is intended to remove the ramp which presently gives access to the pattern room.
50. The West Court has a paved entry from the north,[http:///ramp.html] but by way of steps down rather than a ramp up.
51. As I sat there, the china spewed forth from the open door and cascaded down the ready-made ramp into my lap.
52. Inside the cavern fluorescent lights threw a weird glow as the vehicle descended a ramp deep into the earth.
53. Their proposals are for a traffic-calming ramp or similar device, or even just a sign reminding drivers of the speed limit.
54. If he won't go much higher up the ramp, we tell him how clever he is and take him away.
55. The steps at the front entrance were demolished and a ramp was constructed together with new steps.
56. The ramp begins to be known as the cheese grater.
57. Membership of the club was enforced to provide funds to improve the ramp.
58. An internal ramp of the maximum permitted gradient would take up too much floor space in the small shop.
59. It is one of the longest galleries and is approached by both ramp and steps.
60. She eased her speed to turn off to the ramp.
61. Now the cars thumped and bucked on the ramp, the uptown stampede from the traps of the underpass.
62. The stern ramp is down almost as quickly as the anchor and the first mexeflote raft is soon manoeuvring into position ....
63. He eased the car gently up the cobbled ramp, passed beneath the shadowed arch of the gatehouse.
64. There are 11 tent / recreational vehicle sites but no showers, flush toilets or boat ramp.
65. Driving slowly down the street, up the ramp and through the arch, Tom thought about that word, indomitable.
66. The ramp would be lifted and locked in place, and the truck would pull away.
67. The men encircled the hapless animals, beating and clubbing them, forcing them forward up the ramp.
68. Normally following that kind of response the ramp idea would go down like a lead balloon.
69. On the complex differences of social class, gender and ethnicity, Ramp ton was conspicuously silent.
70. His wet feet slithered on a wooden ramp which sounded hollowly underneath.
71. Naughty students could end lessons for the day simply by rubbing a ramp inside a radiator.
72. He stepped forward and advanced slowly up the ramp, still singing in that voice which shook the rafters.
73. Handlers guided it down the ramp with ropes and then let it wander away rather unsteadily.
74. The first task is to smack the ball up the ramp and enter the rollercoaster ride.
75. The suggested design has a flat deck 15x4.8 m with access via a 2.7 m wide bow ramp.
76. Once or twice as he walked up the ramp he put the suitcase down and rested for a moment.
77. Research on the station will ramp up slower than expected because of smaller crews and limited resources.
78. The ramp is still heavily used despite it's small transitions and general condition.
79. The side of the highway: cars slipping by, those in the closest lane slowing to get off on to a ramp.
80. Several humans with official-looking trousers and big boots were standing at the bottom of the ramp.
81. The ramp was angled at 12 degrees below the horizontal.
82. Far ahead he could see a sloping ramp that led up to a wide mouth gaping into a busy street.
83. The truck sank with a loud gurgle to mid-window, then settled into the mud directly in front of the loading ramp.
84. In addition to a ramp for wheelchairs, more disabled parking spaces are being provided.
85. The park is pretty dialled in with a food shop, skate shop, and the midi ramp.
86. He moved off. Past the security guard, up the ramp, out on to the dim street.
87. Builders had put the ramp in free of charge, but the council said it was too steep.
88. Gary and Bean were looking understandably nervous by now, their eyes fixed hypnotically on the ramp of the horse-box.
89. People come right through a closed ramp, skidding and veering around me.
90. A special bus ramp behind the store even allows tour coaches to decant eager customers directly into the store.
91. Moon West Ramp, remote starting point misses Hanxing infix!
92. Add another color component by clicking within the ramp.
93. Some spray would arch over the front ramp.
94. The factory don't have that capacity to ramp up.
95. The approach ramp is a double deck roadway structure.
96. Beware ramp, eg seen on a road sign.
97. Don't pamper scamp tramps that camp under ramp lamps.
98. The effects of gas chromatographic conditions on decomposed products of trichlorfon, e. g. injection temperature, injection mode and oven ramp, were studied.
99. The Ramp Type indicates the direction of the color gradient.
100. The passengers walked up the ramp to board the airplane.
101. The sedimentary environment can be divided into intertidal zone and subtidal zone where the mud flat, mixed flat, sand flat and channel facies developed on the low ramp.
102. There is only one 'easy' way up, on a naturalstaircase-like ramp on the Venezuelan side – to get up any other waytakes and experienced rock climber.
103. Ramp up your video communication with QuickCam Communicate STX's highperformance VGA optics and integrated microphone.
104. Monitor and manage the ramp up of the new assembly lines.
105. The problem is that today, two months ramp up time is not acceptable.
106. Yes, they produce more cortisol and noradrenaline, but crucially, they also ramp up production of calming factors that help keep the brain's higher functions intact.
107. Due to steady phase error, low-order PLL has a trouble in tracking frequency ramp signals, so that the receiver cannot lock carrier signals.
108. On simple introduction of the Traffic Signal Monitor System of Ramp Mine, some typical handling methods are analyzed and summarized to provide accurate data for the data processing terminal.
109. The ramp input is followed by second-order integration in the method of conventional control if steady-following error is equal to zero. It makes the system transient quality decrease.
110. Finally,[http:///ramp.html] lawmaker recommend reducing manpack radio production rate to allow time for vendor to ramp up production.
111. The ramp has just been put in its position. Now you can get your belongings and disembark.
112. What's more, the prions ramp up amyloid beta's neurotoxic effects.
113. Being able to tinker with the molecular master switch for long-term recall also raises the notion of a pill to ramp up memory capacity in the average person.
114. Police said Armstrong was involved in a domestic incident at her apartment just before she drove down a Newburgh boat ramp and into the Hudson with her four children.
115. Instead, the ramp output signal may be dependent upon a ramp control value received, e. g. , from the baseband processor.
116. Ramp Control , UN 001, is there any fuel hydrant at gate 2?
117. Its curved shape responds gracefully to the curved expressway entrance ramp.
118. Otherwise the street was a no-man's-land of weed-choked lots, abandoned buildings, a power station, a bridge ramp.
119. Use of the ramp signal will be discussed further below.
120. So I'll get on that deaf train with a wheelchair ramp.
121. Going forward, a big question is how well suppliers are positioned to ramp up production.
122. This paper describes the problem of steady-state error due to a ramp input also.
123. It will introduce the responses of the step, ramp and impulse input for mechanical and circuit systems by using Laplace transform.
124. Using an optical switch, this ramp up time can be reduced to less than a tenth of a picosecond, delivering peak laser power to the plasma on a faster time scale.
125. It will involve plans to recapitalize banks, make Greek's debt mountain more sustainable and ramp up the firepower of the bloc's rescue fund..
126. The main sacrificial altar with a large ramp stood in that courtyard as well as a basin that was there for ablutions.
127. Applying the ramp texture provides the apple with a realistic variation in surface color.
128. RAMP 1 is a normal, required subunit of the CGRP receptor.
129. Passengers board the ramp bus takes you to the domestic airport terminal.
130. The feedback ramp controller was designed. The goal of chaos control is to realize periodic orbits from unstable periodic movement and the ramp metering is the control variable.
131. A novel economic dispatching algorithm considering unit ramp rate. available transfer capability limitations of bothlines and transmission interfaces is advanced.
132. We drive up the long ramp and stop in front of the JAL check - in counter.
133. Work with whole NPI team on achieving quality target during ramp up build.
134. Repeat steps 6 and 7 for the other three ramp colors.
135. Jet quietly outgrew her small water tub, so we purchased a kiddy pool and propped a board on the edge to serve as a ramp.
136. ... locomotive bogie frame suspension - axle load transfer is analyzed on the ramp.
137. Hoffmann agrees: "What we need is to rapidly ramp up efforts, and to work in a more strategic, coordinated and smarter way than we have up until now."
138. Randomize a Ramp texture's color using three separate 2D noises which affect the color's Hue, Saturation, and Value.
139. The Yanqi Basin formed in Mesozoic and Cenozoic, is a hydrocarbon bearing basin, which has not only an imbricate , back, ramp thrust structural styles, but also a wrench structural style and so on.
140. The ramp - up of volume production accompanied by a project team.
141. When & how to use watchdog ( WDT ) & constant ramp time for RAMP command?
142. The boat's wake acts as a ramp. The rider can use the wake to perform thrilling tricks, like the jumps and flips of a snowboarder.
143. A noteworthy feature of the ramp is elimination of stoops.
144. It features an LED display, menu driven parameter control, electronic ramp and dwell, and a memory for parameter storage.
145. Clustering results indicated that the genetic diversity of Secale based on RAMP markers were correlated with the geographical distribution.
146. This full - featured unit offers an all - new icon - based display, expanded ramp capabilities and integrated humidification controls.
147. The traffic operation characters and main problems of Shanghai urban freeway were analyzed. The isolated ramp metering scheme was carried out in the key bottleneck position.
148. The authors use the linear combination of step-like signal and ramp signal to finish the time-frequency domain transformations and the spectrum error is eliminated.
149. Analytical delay models for RLC interconnects under ramp input are presented.
150. He ran up the ramp, only to fall over the ledge.
151. The results of computer simulation and practical running prove that this scheme can reduce static error of ramp response without affecting system step response character.
152. The generator embodies an integrator as a ramp generator and a threshold detector with hysterisis as a reset circuit.
153. Lower and raise the ramp to see how the angle of inclination affects the parallel forces acting on the file cabinet.
154. Note that in the embodiment of FIG. 3, before this inter-slot silent period, the ramp output signal tracks the ramp input signal received from the transceiver.
155. The technology of power adjusting is one of the key technologies of fuel rod ramp test.
156. However, after the inter-slot silent period, the ramp output signal during the 8- PSK mode does not track the ramp input signal.
158. Marine scientists plan to ramp up efforts on Tuesday to coax a couple of wayward whales out of the Sacramento River and back into the Pacific.
159. The primer design is a key step for RAMP and REMAP, in which anchored simple sequence repeat primers were used.
160. Could you direct me to the eastbound freeway on ramp, please ?
161. Historical record has it that this marBle ramp weighs aBout 300 tons.
162. They are making money on used cars and to ramp up business on parts and service.
163. Later I slowly crawled under the ramp, flow relented a lot,() beating tumultuously bereave barely portrayed the mood also slightly to settle.
164. The result showed that the air curtain could eject airflow in stead of auxiliary fan, which raised the active volume and reduced the humidity of the airflow for main ramp.
165. Genetic diversity of 21 accessions of Secale L. , including 3 species and 11 subspecies, was evaluated by using random amplified microsatellite polymorphism (RAMP) markers.
166. Laying on the ramp at the entrance station skid-proof sheet of red, the exhibition hall located in the escalator and straight staircase, staff presentations, which are set up for the disabled.
167. Twenty one guest suites cascade down the slope from the Main Lodge, with access from a Breezeway ramp.
168. However, different manners of squelching the ramp output signal may be effected in other embodiments.
169. One approach is to look at what that venture might generate in revenue and costs at a future date (let's say 3-5 years after the initial ramp up).
170. The spiral ramp bridge of the Second Fuling Wujiang River Bridge is designed as a double-deck loop structure with a radius of its roadway alignment 45.
171. The ramp sits at an acute angle to deflect the intake airstream from the longitudinal direction.
172. The system has obtained very good step response,[http:///ramp.html] ramp response and sine function response.
173. Advantageously, it can also be used as access ramp to the bearing railway structure.
174. On the big ledge-to-mini ramp gap, the first time i tried it, i got nutted really bad.
175. As for the ramp engineering, the author put forward the difference incremental algorithms for the planar graph gradients.
176. In this paper, we carefully analyze the characteristics of density limit disruptions during current ramp-up, flattop and ramp down phases.
177. One of the photographs revealed a minute aircraft close to an inclined ramp.
178. Still referring to FIG. 4, a ramp generator 233 may generate ramp signals to be provided as the ramp output, e. g. for an 8-PSK mode of operation.
179. The solution, Marquardt decided, was to ramp up degree of proportional precision.
180. Organic reefs in the study region form a patch reef group on the carbonate platform margin ramp and they are interruptedly distributed along the platform margin.
181. Given the long lead time for technology development, research, development, and demonstration need to ramp up now.
182. Let’s say you are spending a boatload on hardware to ramp up your web service’s capacity. And it is bringing your cash flow down.
183. We, who started on the path of righteousness, marching for civil rights and against the war in Vietnam, need to find an appropriately high-minded approach to life's exit ramp.
184. Plum rain wet down empty, a far cry from Stone Ridge ramp through the clouds.
185. The lateral ramp fault is taken as an effective pathway of hydrocarbon migration in the strike-slip fault.
186. UN 001 , Ramp Control, may the ground power unit and the air starting unit leave your aircraft?
187. A heterodyne interference is caused by a frequency modulation of a laser diode (LD) with a ramp injection current, and a linear phase detection is realized.
188. Excellent weekend symposiums like the No Fluff, Just Stuff series can help you ramp up without too much time away from the office.
189. Ely raced his 50 horsepower engine and started to roll down the ramp.
190. This paper discusses the problem of parameter optimization in ITAE criterion of ramp response for electrohydraulic servosystem, and puts forward a new scheme optimal design.
191. Start - ups will have to ramp up production quickly to compete with cheaper silicon modules.
192. They are: 1. Bojarski-Lewis method, 2. Use of inverse boundary conditions(), 3. Use of ramp response waveform.
193. Check operator's work according to WI station by station during beginning of ramp up.
194. Honda Soltec is prepping to ramp a solar cell production to full capacity, up from current 50% capacity, equivalent to roughly 27.5MW.
195. Don't pamper damp scamp tramps that camp under ramp lamps.
196. In this paper, we will provide an optimal ramp test under minimal expected total cost by combining accelerated lifetime test and stochastic degradation model.
197. UN 001 , Ramp Control, standing water has been reported on the apron, braking action medium.
198. Of the tombs, the one coded M20is a catacomb led to by a ramp. The funerary objects include mainly bronze and iron ones.
199. include swivel . rotary hose, elevator link, hydraulic tong , air spiders , lelly bushivg , rotarytable and substructure ( with ramp and oadder ) etc.
200. His troops advance in force ; they build a siege ramp against me encamp around my tent.
201. What used to be an exit ramp is now a boat ramp to disembark survivors.
202. Fists clenched, the rear ramp on the ears,[http:///ramp.html] neck and around central location of the skull.
203. Parameters of the nine point controller are analyzed based on phase plane method so that obtain steady state performance of the control system under step input and ramp input.
204. An intrinsic accuracy, adjustable resolution ramp generator IP core designed for the column single-slope ADC in a CMOS image sensor is presented.
205. Furthermore, during 8-PSK operation, the incoming ramp signal from baseband processor 258 may be provided to transmitter 236 to modulate the gain.
206. Specifically, this data may include control information squelch the RF signal and clamp the ramp output.
207. The wave the jetty and flung the object on the wet wooden boards the ramp.
208. Results reveal that self-ignition is inclinable to occur in the expansion ramp, and two auto ignition mechanics are employed.
209. And while the ECB has, in effect, offered bridge financing for much of this, it is not clear what landmass that bridge is heading for or who is going to build the off ramp.
210. The regulating performance of this engine was also simulated. The results show that the engine's response is rapid and stable when ramp input is employed.
211. The check list is baseline of incoming quality check for 1 st batch material for ramp up.




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