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单词 remiss
释义  re·miss /rɪˈmɪs/ adjective [not before noun] formal  CARELESScareless because you did not do something that you ought to have done 玩忽职守的;疏忽的 SYN negligentremiss in parents who are remiss in their duties 没有尽责的父母it was remiss of somebody to do something It was remiss of the social services not to notify the police. 没有通知警方,这是社会福利部门的疏忽。Examples from the Corpusremiss• Even today, the day after, I am feeling a bit remiss.• The Home Office has also been remiss about security devices, an important subject that has been debated at length today.• The point was that he had been remiss and that he was sorry and wanted to make it right.• The editor would be remiss in her duties if the information were not reported.Origin remiss (1400-1500) Latin past participle of remittere “to send back, relax”re·miss adjectiveChineseSyllable   Corpus you do you did careless that because not something




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