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单词 relation
释义 Word family  noun relation relations relationship relative adjective related ≠ unrelated relative verb relate adverb relatively  re·la·tion /rɪˈleɪʃən/ ●●● S2 W1 noun  1  BETWEEN PEOPLE/COUNTRIES 人与人之间/国家之间relations [plural] a) RELATIONSHIPofficial connections between countries, companies, organizations etc 〔国家、公司、组织等之间的〕(正式)关系relations with Britain threatened to break off diplomatic relations with the regime. 英国威胁要和该政权断绝外交关系。relations between Relations between the two countries have improved recently. 最近两国关系有所改善。 b) RELATIONSHIPthe way in which people or groups of people behave towards each other 〔人或团体之间的〕关系relations between Relations between workers and management are generally good. 劳资关系总的来说不错。 → public relations2  in relation to something formal a) used to talk about something that is connected with or compared with the thing you are talking about 相对某事物而言〔用于显示两者的联系或进行比较〕 Women’s earnings are still low in relation to men’s. 女性的收入相对于男性而言仍然偏低。 b) formal concerning 关于某事物,涉及某事物 latest developments in relation to the disease 有关这种疾病的最新进展3  connection 联系 [countable, uncountable]CONNECTED WITH a connection between two or more things 〔事物之间的〕联系 SYN relationshiprelation between the relation between prices and wages 物价和工资之间的联系 The price the meat is sold for bears no relation to (=is not connected to) the price the farmer receives. 肉的售价和农民拿到的价格无关。4  family 家庭 [countable]FAMILY a member of your family 家人;亲戚 SYN relative We have relations in Canada and Scotland. 我们在加拿大和苏格兰都有亲戚。relation of/to What relation are you to Jessica? 你和杰茜卡是什么亲戚关系?close/distant relation Steve is a distant relation of my wife. 史蒂夫是我妻子的远房亲戚。 → blood relation, → poor relation at poor► see thesaurus at relative5. have (sexual) relations (with somebody) old-fashionedSYSEX/HAVE SEX WITH to have sex with someone (与某人)发生性关系 COLLOCATIONS – Meaning 1: ADJECTIVES/NOUN + relationsclose 密切的Many Japanese favor closer relations with the U.S. 许多日本人赞同与美国保持更密切的关系。good 好的Relations between neighbours on the estate are very good. 社区邻里关系很好。friendly 友好的He had begun to establish friendly relations with his co-workers. 他开始与同事建立起了友好关系。race relations (=relations between people from different races who live in the same place) 种族关系nNew government measures aim to improve race relations in inner cities.industrial relations (also labour relations British English, labor relations American English) (=relations between managers and workers) 劳资关系nGood industrial relations are in everyone’s best interests.diplomatic relations (also international/foreign relations) (=official relations between two countries) 外交关系,国际关系nBy then, Canada and Britain had established diplomatic relations with North Korea.nThis visit was the president’s most important breakthrough in international relations (=relations between different groups in society) 社团关系nTwo police officers are responsible for community relations in the area.verbsbreak off relations 断绝关系After the incident, Croatia broke off all relations with Serbia. 那起事件之后,克罗地亚断绝了与塞尔维亚的一切关系。establish/develop relations 建立/发展关系The company has tried to establish relations with several universities. 该公司试图与数家大学建立起联系。nmaintain relationsThe Indian government had sought to maintain good relations with China.restore/resume relations (=begin them again after they were stopped or interrupted) 恢复关系nKenya and Uganda agreed to restore full diplomatic relations.improve relations 促进关系nThe government emphasized the need to improve relations with neighbouring countries.sour relations (=make them less friendly) 使关系恶化nThe dispute has soured relations between the two countries.nenjoy good relations (=have good relations)For years, the company enjoyed good relations with its workersn COLLOCATIONS – Meaning 4: a member of your family 家人;亲戚ADJECTIVES/NOUN + relationa close relation (=a brother, parent, aunt etc )Many of her close relations live nearby.a distant relationHe was some distant relation of Pollitt’s wife.a blood relation (=one related by birth not marriage)It seems natural to share a house with blood relations.phrasesa relation by marriageShe’s a relation by marriage because she married my cousin. friends and relationsWe miss our friends and relations in the UK.Examples from the Corpusrelation• Two-thirds of management boards by 1987 included a senior manager with primary responsibility for promoting service quality and consumer relations.• The other friends were all Parisian except for a young couple, Rumanians living in Paris, distant relations of Teodor.• Not really the thing for good intercompany relations.• Over the past 12 years, we have transformed labour relations.• If the course described to you seems to bear no relation to these criteria do make further enquiries.relation between• There's no relation between income and how much health care a person will use.relation of/to• The precise link between society and organization is found in relations of production.• Her shame for him grows in relation to her pride in her brother.• The trouble with it was that even as early as 1945 it bore little relation to reality.• We wish it to be known that the mosquito is no relation to the Gadfly.• In the considered opinion of many experts this poor relation of the industry will probably take 80% of the market by volume.• All this has upset the applecart of the relation of fertility to prosperity.• Kinship, they believed, would contrast with the relations of production found in capitalist systems.• The current business emphasis on quality assumes that attention is important, yet it inverts the traditional relation of time to·la·tion noun →COLLOCATIONS1 →n COLLOCATIONS2LDOCE OnlineChineseSyllable  official Corpus connections etc between companies, countries, organizations




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