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单词 Brute
1. They used brute force to break open the door.
2. His father was a drunken brute.
3. He is a brute to his children.
4. The bear was a great brute.
5. He used brute force to take control.
6. Your dog's an ugly brute, isn't it?
7. You've forgotten my birthday again, you brute!
8. Strength without love produces the brute. Love without strength produces the weakling.
9. The horse broke its leg, the poor brute.
10. You're a nasty little brute!
11. He is an unfeeling brute.
12. He got the door open with brute strength.
13. He was a great brawny brute of a man.
14. The fellow is an ill-mannered brute.
15. The oldest elephant was lame, poor brute.
16. The government used brute force to keep people in subjection.
17. The brute fact is that the situation will not improve.
18. They kicked the door down using sheer brute force .
19. Their desire for independence has to do with brute economics.
20. The dog was an ugly brute, answering to the name of Spike.
21. In the end, we had to resort to brute force to get the door open.
22. To me it is a most hideous brute.
23. He likes me to wheedle, the brute.
24. She wouldn't shed tears over that ... that brute.
25. Comment: A wide receiver, threatening a brute like Lloyd?sentencedict .com
26. Henry Cooper used brute strength to promote after-shave.
27. We will achieve much more by persuasion than by brute force.
28. Discussion can be more effective than the use of brute force.
29. Boxing is a test of skill and technique, rather than brute strength.
30. The person who did this is an animal, a brute.
1. His father was a drunken brute.
2. The bear was a great brute.
3. He used brute force to take control.
4. Your dog's an ugly brute, isn't it?
5. You've forgotten my birthday again, you brute!
6. We will achieve much more by persuasion than by brute force.
7. Discussion can be more effective than the use of brute force.
8. He is an unfeeling brute.
31. Was brute force and intimidation all they knew?
32. What they see is the brute fact of several thousand uncounted votes that would have made a difference.
33. And let's not limit the language to pictures of thunder and brute strength.
34. Keith believes that stamina, not brute strength, is the real key to nude mud wrestling.
35. The use of brute force for righteous ends appeals strongly to rap's adolescent male following, of course.
36. She had a husband, a great brawny brute of an ex R.A.F. pilot who knocked her about.
37. The brute reality is that there is no political will for a repeat military operation to finish the job.
38. Even his strong-man routine seems devoid of any intelligence or style and focuses, instead, upon brute force and muscle.
39. This conflicts both with a brute biological concern for children, and with the minimum requirements of civilized morality.
40. Mat a brute that man must be who said that the finest instrument to play upon was a sensitive impressionable woman!
41. He just limped around gaining more sympathy from his students by hinting what a brute his wife was.
42. Lucker opens a case with brute force, sending unprocessed film rolling everywhere.
43. But like men, chimps do not rise entirely on brute strength.
44. The mere brute pleasure of reading - the sort of pleasure a cow must have in grazing. Lord Chesterfield 
45. He looked at her white face and the dark fear in her eyes and felt a brute.
46. Teravainen belonged to the brute force school; off the tee, he was as long as anybody.
47. That brute Cullam fetched him a fourpenny one, poor little devil.
48. In practice brute consistency breeds believability and it's unflagging consistency that convinces others of personal commitment.
49. Nomatterhow he had changed - if indeed he had changed - that man had once been a sadistic brute.
50. In 1966 Ford introduced its first Bronco model, a bare-bones brute that has achieved collector status.
51. With brute force techniques ... they do achieve about the same end result as we do with much more sophisticated techniques.
52. She would not cry over such an overbearing, ill-tempered brute.
53. Instead of brute force, the clever approach would be to attack the weakest point.
54. A small brute with dark hair and a face like a gangster.
55. For him,(http:///brute.html) the whale was a brute beast which provided the source of his income.
56. But it is also a story of brute resolve and drive, and courage at a crunch.
57. It's not just boxing and brute strength you've got to do your homework.
58. Sometimes you have to use sheer brute force to get these things open.
59. By brute force they began to pull the raft sideways away from the danger.
60. And Cowher has revealed just enough intellectual depth to assure women that he is not a stupid brute.
61. There is less skill and ingenuity in the use of brute force than any other technique.
62. They had been driven by brute necessity to defend one country.
63. By sheer brute strength and blind defiance of the laws of gravity he almost reached the top of the incline.
64. For the brute power demands of heavy rock and large orchestral works, stick with a solid-state amplifier.
65. Milly had a husband -- a great brute of a man who knocked her about.
66. In the analogue world, the reshaping of a page of information or a physical object requires some exercise of brute force.
67. Williams is unhappy because his father was a tough, unlovable brute whom he couldn't help loving.
68. With its tendency to glorify brute force it outrages moral standards and inflames the passions.
69. Low, relentless, brute power.
70. Majestic grace is matched with brute strength ... Each horse is hand-picked for its temperament and skill.
71. Their only ultimate recourse is to deal with each other by brute force.
72. This has been a war fought more with technology than brute force.
73. Unlike Xenophon, however, Grisone advocated the use of extreme punishment, violence, and brute force.
74. When did our nationalist proclivities get traded for brute anticommunism?
75. In the short term this brute force approach appears to be the best method of incorporating linguistic knowledge into computers.
76. It was therefore with a fit companion that I tackled the brute for a fourth attempt.
77. In terms of predicting and controlling the social environment, high technology can quite clearly be every bit as important as brute force.
78. Wado employs very light and fast techniques, preferring evasion to meeting brute force head on.
79. They are not many degrees removed from the brute.
80. Confronted with brute facts, Mr. Baldwin had recoiled.
81. That's your fault for foisting the brute on us.
82. Actually man is in transit between brute and God.
83. You are a brute to keep it from me.
84. Eichmann is not a low police brute.
85. This tactic epitomizes speed and maneuverability over brute armor.
85. try its best to gather and create good sentences.
86. Am I a murdering brute? Do I look it?
87. Brute force was used to put down the revolt.
88. The brute guarding him beat him to a pulp.
89. Analogously, we also have the 1 (4,000 pounds) to 3 (11,333.333 ounces plus 666.667 ounces) proportion for Brute.
90. The last Brute pulled the body off and pointed a grenade launcher at Fred's faceplate.
91. This paper discuss the ways of debugging: brute force, cause elimination and backtracking.
92. Seventeen feet (five meters) of brute reptilian force, a saltwater crocodile snaps at the camera in Shelburne Bay, Cape York Peninsula, Australia.
93. The burly brute swaggered forward, towering over me, and shouted.
94. The sun uses brute gravitational force to achieve fusion reaction.
95. This adapted version of Ambrose Bierce’s The Devil’s Dictionary contains words like brute, gallows, damn, wrath, and X.
96. Tripitaka Tang: Wukong, Mr. Wu, how could you talk with Kwan-yin sister like a brute?
97. The results indicate that the proposed approach achieves the acceptable satisfaction level and requires less computation time than the brute force enumerative method.
98. The security of encryption algorithms depends heavily on computational infeasibility of brute force attack.
99. In the Brute Age, everything is determined by the human's needs in spite of the agriculture production, stockbreeding , the use of iron utensils, even the development of the clanship.
100. Even young adults struggle, having passed through an archaic school system that still insists on the brute memorisation of words and grammar.
101. Showing the power of Death in brute force, Pudge roams the battlefield searching for flesh to assimilate to his own gruesome body.
102. When I see a beautiful sweet-tempered girl married to an ill-natured brute of a husband, What a pity, say I, that she should pay so much for a whistle!
103. Hui has a strong, chivalrous, good exercise, brute force of the national character.
104. Brute force attack on cryptographic algorithm is an important branch of cryptology.
105. Wukong,Mr. Wu, how could you talk with Kwan-yin sister like a brute?
106. There was in the woman a substratum of the brute, and in the man the material for a blackguard.
107. There is no such thing as a "brute fact, " because all creatures, objects and facts are revelational; the entire universe was created by God, thus pre-interpreted by God.
108. The Mesabi Iron Range, a brutish stretch of maroon hillocks ( John McCormick ) See Synonyms at brute.
109. We thought the boatswain a brute, and, practically, told him so.
110. Basically, the first person to get Rail Guns is major advantage, since brute force generally wins.
111. Man has struggled long against the brute forces of nature.
112. Equipped with brute mighty dust absorption system, it collects sawed powder, which makes the plate surface clear, and circumstance sanitation.
113. One was the serjeant called Scar a black-tempered brute with a head as smooth as stone and the shoulders of an ox.
114. She can easily pass any skater with ease with her brute strength.
115. Custer was an idiot and a brute and he deserved his fate.
115. Wish you will love and make progress everyday!
116. Equipped with brute mighty dust absorption system, Which makes the plate surface clear, and circumstance sanitation.
117. Equipped with brute mighty dust absorption system , which makes the plates surface clear, and circumstance sanitation.
118. Brute mathematics predict the new species, known as the marbled crayfish, will outcompete the locals.
119. The infernal little brute started going all over the house revolver in hand.
120. So with all the strategy, ruthlessness and brute force, which ant species reigns supreme?
121. My Brute is a crazy, off-the-wall game of combat that gives you the chance to challenge fighters from all over the world.
122. The aggressor troops are not many degrees removed from the brute.
123. This misshapen ogrelike brute has taut flesh with a claylike texture.
124. The Devil’s Dictionary: This adapted version of Ambrose Bierce’s The Devil’s Dictionary contains words like brute, gallows, damn, wrath, and X.
125. General Stilwell had told Roosevelt the brute fact at Cairo.sentencedict .com
126. Boxing’s two most gifted and stylish performers, in their prime the antithesis of the brute fighter, ended up indistinguishable from the broken-down old pugs they were sure they’d never become.
127. The glue of skin: Protect cord fabric layer and internal layer glue, have higher tensile brute force and wearability.
128. Before Dwight was brute forcing us with his tremendous comedic abilities in an office setting, he was playing as Lahnk, the Requisition Officer in Galaxy Quest.
129. Deep Blue and its successors beat Mr Kasparov using the " brute force " technique.
130. Play through 10 thrilling stages as both Lawrence Talbot and The Wolfman and experience the brute strength and insatiable bloodlust that launched a legacy of horror!
131. The security of encryption algorithms depends heavily on the computational infeasibility of brute force attack.
132. When they saw him repulse society, they said, " He is a brute. "
133. An uncultured coal - mining town; regarded him an uncultured brute.
134. They said Kelso got some rascally adventurer, some Belgian brute, to insult his son - in - law in public.




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