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单词 reeve
释义  Related topics: Officials, History, Lawreeve /riːv/ noun [countable]  1. PGOthe official who is in charge of the town governments in some Canadian provinces 〔加拿大某些省份的〕地方行政官2. SHSCLan English law officer in the past 〔英国旧时的〕地方治安法官Examples from the Corpusreeve• After a reeve has mated she departs from the lek to lay her eggs and rears her young by herself.• It was the elderly reeve, Fulk.• For some time there was a conflict of jurisdiction between the bishop's reeves and the interests of the Gild Merchant.Origin reeve Old English gerefareeve nounChinese  is official who the town Corpus the in charge of governments in




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