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单词 red
释义  Related topics: Colours, Hair & beauty, Groupingsred1 /red/ ●●● S1 W1 adjective (comparative redder, superlative reddest)  1  colour 颜色CC having the colour of blood 红色的 We painted the door bright red. 我们把门漆成鲜红色。 a red balloon 一个红气球 → blood-red, → cherry red at cherry(3), scarlet2. hair 头发CCDCB hair that is red has an orange-brown colour 红褐色的3  face 脸CCDC if you go red, your face becomes a bright pink colour, especially because you are embarrassed or angry 涨红的,通红的〔尤因尴尬或生气〕go/turn red Every time you mention his name, she goes bright red. 每次你提到他的名字,她的脸都会涨得通红。4. wine 葡萄酒 red wine is a red or purple colour 红色的 → white5  like a red rag to a bull British English (also like waving a red flag in front of a bull American English)ANGRYUPSET very likely to make someone angry or upset 容易使人愤怒;容易使人苦恼 Just mentioning his ex-wife’s name was like a red rag to a bull. 只要提到他前妻的名字,他就会怒不可遏。6. roll out the red carpet/give somebody the red carpet treatment BETTERto give special treatment to an important visitor 隆重欢迎/隆重接待某人7  not one red cent American English informalMONEY used to emphasize that you mean no money at all 没有一分钱 I wouldn’t give him one red cent for that car. 他那辆车白送我都不要。8. politics 政治 informalPPG communist or extremely left-wing political views – used to show disapproval 共产主义的;激进左翼的〔含贬义〕 —redness noun [uncountable] → paint the town red at paint2(5)Examples from the Corpusred• In the morning, when she calls her parents, her eyes are red and moist: from sleeplessness, he assumes.• a red dress• He saw the red flag come down for the final time over Red Square in Moscow.• Colbert had curly red hair and an aptitude for getting into scrapes.• She was about eleven, with long red hair in two plaits.• He drove straight through a red light.• A little touch of brightness in the room had been Patrick's red pyjamas, where had those pyjamas come from?• The red velvet background of the reliquary is studded with precious gems and valuable ornaments donated by her grateful clients.• Her cheeks were red with excitement.bright red• Even his ears went bright red.• The last time I saw Bob his lips were chapped bright red.• She was surprised to see a bright red figure appear from behind a cart.• The bright red Infobox, a temporary three-story structure, provides a handy observation post.• It was written in bright red ink.• Only his bright red lips and large blue eyes stood out from the general blackness.• In the middle was this bright red sun.• Measuring roughly 20 by 10 feet each, one section is bright red, the other black.go/turn red• He said he had, but I saw he was going red.• His eyes brimmed and his lids went red.• He turns red and his veins clog up at one end.• He turned red and purple and declared publicly his worthlessness.• He jumped an amber as it turned red and shot off, leaving me law abiding at the lights.• They turn red and the tears fall out.• Two months later, the maples will turn red and yellow.• He used to feel himself going red every time.Related topics: Colours, Drink, Groupingsred2 ●●● S2 W2 noun  1  [countable, uncountable]CC the colour of blood 红色 I like the way the artist uses red in this painting. 我喜欢画家在这幅作品中对红色的运用。 the reds and yellows of the trees 红黄斑斓,层林尽染 The corrections were marked in red (=in red ink). 修改处用红笔标出。2  [countable, uncountable]DFD red wine 红葡萄酒 → white a nice bottle of red 一瓶香醇的红葡萄酒3  be in the red informalBFOWE to owe more money than you have 负债;有赤字 OPP be in the black → overdrawn This is the airline’s fourth straight year in the red. 这是该航空公司连续第四年亏空。4. [countable] informalPPG someone who has communist or very left-wing political opinions – used especially in the past to show disapproval 赤色分子;共产主义者;激进左翼人士〔尤用于过去,含贬义〕 → see red at see1(34)Examples from the Corpusred• Even the interior decorations of the houses seem to feature that same deep red.• Where are your promises of bright yellow and indigo, where are your streaks of red?• His hair, dyed tomato red for a new movie, sticks up every which way.• Young reds will be purplish at the rim - as they age this becomes red, mahogany and eventually brown.nRed adjective  n1  derogatory (especially in newspapers) supporting left-wing political ideas; Socialist or Communist ‘Red Ken wins seat in Parliament.’ (=newspaper report)n2. of Communist countries; especially formerly the communist countries of Eastern Europen3. better Red than dead a phrase used during the Cold War by some people opposed to nuclear weapons, meaning that it would be better to be controlled by a Communist government than to be killed in a nuclear warFrom Longman Business Dictionaryredred /red/ noun be in the red to owe more money than you have, or to make a loss in a particular period of timeThe company is some $6 million in the red. → compare in the black under black3Origin red1 Old English readred1 adjectivered2 nounRed adjectiveLDOCE OnlineChinese  of colour the blood Corpus having Business




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