随便看 |
- with a flourish
- with (a) good/bad grace
- with a good grace
- with a heavy heart
- with a human face
- with a jump
- with (all) due respect
- with all due respect
- with all guns blazing
- with all the trimmings
- with all your heart
- with an eye to
- with an eye to doing
- with an eye to (doing) something
- with an eye to doing something
- with an eye to doing sth
- with an eye to something
- with an eye to sth
- with any luck
- with (any) luck/with a bit of luck
- with aplomb
- (with) arms akimbo
- with arms akimbo
- with a stroke of the pen
- with/at a stroke of the pen
- Shake out
- Stockyard
- On tiptoe
- Correctional institution
- Ostomy
- From beginning to end
- Go to sea
- Vitelline
- Tinseled
- Forlorn hope
- 问:严子陵何如?曰:富贵利达之世不可无此种高人。但朋友不得加于君臣之上,五臣与舜同僚友,今日比肩,明日北面而臣之,何害其为圣人?若有用世之才,抱忧世之志,朋时之所讲求,正欲大行竟施以康天下,孰君孰臣正不必尔。如欲远引高蹈,何处不可藏身?便不见光武也得。既见矣,犹友视帝而加足其腹焉,恐道理不当如是。若光武者则大矣。
- 问之不切,则其听之不专;其思之不深,则其取之不固。|什么意思|大意|注释|出处|译文
- 问以经济策,茫如坠烟雾
- 问传家何物,多书插架。|什么意思|大意|注释|出处|译文
- 问刘十九》全文|原文注解与大意翻译
- 问号之后就是真理
- 问号的使用方法与技巧
- 问号的使用方法与技巧
- 问君能有几多愁?恰似一江春水向东流
- 问:天地开辟之初,其状何似?曰:未易形容。因指斋前盆沼,令满贮带沙水一盆,投以瓦砾数小块,杂谷豆升许,令人搅水浑浊,曰此是浑沌未分之状,待三日后再来看开辟。至日而浊者清矣。轻清上浮,曰此是天开于子。沉底浑泥,此是地辟于丑。中间瓦砾出露,此是山陵。是时谷豆芽生,月余而水中小虫浮沉奔逐,此是人与万物生于寅。彻底是水,天包乎地之象也。地从上下,故山上锐而下广,象量谷堆也。气化日繁华,日广侈,日消耗,万物