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单词 Goggles
1 My swimming goggles keep steaming up so I can't see.
2 You must wear goggles and a mask that will protect you against the fumes.
3 Always wear goggles as a protection for your eyes when using the machines.
4 Skiers wear goggles to protect their eyes from the sun.
5 He wore leather gauntlets and goggles covered his eyes.
6 Spike There's something wrong with the goggles though.
7 Beneath his goggles, his eyes dance with crazed joy.
8 Goggles are a must for skiing while it's snowing.
9 At night agents wear special night vision goggles.
10 They all wore caps and goggles and black trunks and Nutty couldn't tell who was who.
11 He wore corrective goggles which must translate the rubicund gloom of this vestibule into the true spectrum.
12 Anti-fog goggles are recommended for embarrassing facial hair or false eyelashes.
13 Their riders were helmeted and sinister behind dark goggles and black leather.
14 Bert took this seriously, stopped wearing his goggles and suffered partial blindness caused by the glare from the welding torch.
15 Cheap swimming goggles fit Whopperbears but don't let it be tempted to go sub-aqua!
16 The guardsmen in saurian leather and goggles, who manned this last of many checkpoints, stiffened.
17 Put on those flying goggles, tweak that handlebar moustache and blow the enemy to hell!
18 We strap on the goggles and headphones which are wired up to what looks like a drum machine.
19 Winter hunting equipment, for example-including snow goggles, ice picks, and harpoons-was stored in skin bags.
20 The reflection of a soldering iron in protective goggles as the musical weapons are forged.
21 He feels like a fool in his virtual reality goggles as he trudges through the driving rain to the parked aircraft.
22 Many of these are based on caustic soda and require care in use and protective clothing, gloves and goggles.
23 She wore a naval greatcoat with brass buttons and some sort of goggles on her head.
24 If you can imagine a benevolent and myopic stork in goggles and woolly hat, then you've just about got the picture.
25 The evidence showed that the plaintiff would have worn the goggles if he had been firmly instructed to do so and supervised.
26 Ryan had his mask on,[] only pushed up above his eyes like flying goggles before take-off.
27 In the moonlight Ion Manescu, sitting in the lead vehicle, peered through his snow goggles at the rolling wilderness.
28 Damaged discs or grinders can be very hazardous and gloves and goggles must be worn.
29 If passengers chose to travel outside they were equipped with helmet and goggles.
30 There was some smoke there but not so much that he required to use his goggles.
1 My swimming goggles keep steaming up so I can't see.
31 Regulars blinked in disbelief as Anthony made his entrance in 1920s flying suit, helmet, goggles and scarf.
32 Visible only at night by some one wearing night-vision goggles, the light appears green or yellow.
33 A simple cleaning kit for instance can include rubber gloves, disposable masks and goggles if necessary.
34 Engineers with goggles on their headsets and drones hovering at their heels.
35 Even with goggles, the chlorine in the water made his eyes red.
36 He still had his flying helmet on but the goggles were smashed.
37 Something smashed into his instrument panel and thin oil streaked his goggles.
38 Keepers who attend this particular variety of Cobra always wear goggles.
39 When I think of Abdul, I think of a giant black man with goggles on, running down a court.
40 He stopped wearing the goggles and was struck and blinded in one eye by a piece of metal.
41 The standards of laser laser protective goggles are given.
42 Wear safety goggles and use a face mask if you are creating dust.
43 Chief Petty Officer Albert Shannon descended on the helicopter's 50-foot cable wearing a wet suit with a glow stick hooked to his goggles.
44 Beer goggles are fictitious eyeglasses which purportedly cause an inebriated wearer to see members of the opposite sex as more romantically attainable or physically attractive than they actually are.
45 Climbing kit includes climbing boots, crampons snow goggles, alpenstocks iceice pitons , piton hammers, and rope ladders.
46 And active infrared night - vision goggles under any circumstances can see things.
47 Well, if there is snow , you have to bring with you crampons , an ice axe, ice piton and snow goggles .
48 Night Vision Goggles Amplifies vision and allows the Marine to maneuver better.
49 If there is snow , you have to bring with you crampons , an ice axe , ice piton and snow goggles .
50 Eyes - wear chemical safety goggles unless a full face piece respirator is worn.
51 Yes, very clearly. I used a pair of tinted safety goggles as part of the faceplate.
52 A dog wearing riding goggles is pulled by a motorcycle down Main Street in Daytona Beach Friday afternoon, February 29, 2008, during the start of Bike Week gets off to a roaring start.
53 Our produce contains Harley goggles , skiing goggles, helmet visors, motorcycle goggles, ext.
54 We had to pack ski jacket, pants, boots, gloves, hat and goggles.
55 His costume suggests work and subservience : work - goggles around his neck, a grimy face, knee - pads.
56 The barrel-chested Bolt was distinguished by the six tusk-like growths on the sides of his snout, and by the leather racing cap and goggles he wore.
57 She glanced at his white - swatched head and blue goggles.
58 I snatch up a pair of Canadian goggles that look like lizard eyes and head for the cashier.
59 Personal Protection: Wesr respirator, rubber gloves, goggles and protective clothing.
60 Always wear the protective face mask when spraying. We also recommend wearing gloves, goggles and overalls.
61 Bela, stand watch at the cave mouth. Are your night-sight goggles working? Good. Lron, come here and help me orient my map readouts on the local topo features.
62 The Spaniard was wrapped in a serape; he had bushy white whiskers; long white hair flowed from under his sombrero , and he wore green goggles.
63 According to a source familiar with the Red Crossreport, Khalid Sheikh Mohammed claimed that he was shackled and kept naked, exceptfor a pair of goggles and earmuffs.
64 Along with gloves, goggles and other paraphernalia , the new gear set her back about $ 700.
65 Ahsoka is wearing a re-purposed par of Hondo Ohnaka's pirate goggles with the strap removed.
66 The company also plans to aim for military applications, to perhaps field-test night glow goggles by the end of 2008.
67 Is personal protective equipment worn ie . Ear plugs , overalls, gloves, masks, goggles?
68 Hello Daddy and Mommy! Swimming activities will start , so pack a bathing suit, a swimming cap, goggles and a bath towel for your kids next week, please.
69 In addition to safety glasses with side shields or goggles, a face shield helps prevent flying debris from striking your face.
70 Choice of consumers in the shortsightedness of goggles or focus on the difference.
71 Depending on the task to be completed you can wear goggles, a face shield or everyday safety glasses.
72 Sable goggles use a soft silicon padding which fits slickly against the eyes, this create a water tight seal that protect your eyes from cooling and other heritance.
73 Labor protection equipment: Dust mask, goggles, gloves and protective clothes.
74 Whether you're looking through rose-colored glasses or beer goggles, the effect of Mercury Retrograde is the same ... skewed vision.
75 From 1975 to 1980, Oakley has been produced off-road racing goggles for the mainstream.
76 You're taking the word of a guy who has night - vision goggles?
77 Wear facemask and protective goggles that accord with safety standard.
78 Each player must prepare a pair of non-marking rubber-sole shoes and standard sports clothing, and should bring along their own squash racket, players are advised to wear goggles to ensure safety.
79 If there is snow , you have to bring with you crampons , an axe , piton and snow goggles .
80 Wear goggles when you're doing carpentry or even yard work.
81 The two types of goggles to choose shortsightedness is not the same.
82 An optional night-vision mode from micro-current control technology eliminates the need for a screen optical filter when wearing night vision goggles.
83 In the F-35 cockpit, the helmet-mounted display, combined with the aircraft's distributed aperture system, or DAS, alleviates the need for night vision goggles.
84 I would have visions of myself like Timoshenko standing up in my tank with dark goggles over my eyes as the Germans cowered in the snow and the rope of cold was drawn tighter and tighter.
85 I did. I bough the whole outfit this a kickboard, a pair of goggles, a swimsuit, and a swimming cap, all matching.
86 Without those polarised goggles,[] Avatar Day would surely be an irrelevance and Avatar just another cornball sci-fi fantasy about alien monsters on a faraway planet.
87 The blond wire-haired daschund needs to wear a jumper to go outside, as well as a pair of special goggles for her cataracts.
88 I stared at the glasses that looked like swimming goggles with rose-coloured lenses.
89 First - Aid Personal Protection: Wear respirator, rubber gloves , goggles and protective clothing.
90 Do you have your safety goggles and the right protective gloves?
91 How to choose the laser protective goggles is also explained.
92 Their latter-day counterparts (human and equine) are better protected, with goggles, shields and other kit made of lightweight, flame-resistant, unshatterable and stab-proof materials.




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