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单词 recondite
释义  rec·on·dite /ˈrekəndaɪt, rɪˈkɒn- $ ˈrekən-, rɪˈkɑːn-/ adjective  formalUNUSUAL recondite facts or subjects are not known about or understood by many people 玄妙的;深奥的 SYN obscureExamples from the Corpusrecondite• Such teachings are very recondite and need considerable study to understand fully.• Eyre's down-to-earth style was well suited to the exploration of these recondite matters.Origin recondite (1600-1700) Latin reconditus, past participle of recondere “to hide”rec·on·dite adjectiveChineseSyllable  about not subjects known facts or Corpus are or recondite




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