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单词 reach
释义  reach1 /riːtʃ/ ●●● S1 W1 verb  1  development 发展 [transitive]REACH if someone or something reaches a particular point in their development or in a process or competition, they get to that point 达到〔某一阶段等〕 Chelsea could reach the final of the European Cup. 切尔西队会进入欧洲杯决赛。reach the point/level/stage etc I had reached the point where I was earning a good salary. 我已经能挣到高薪了。 The kids have reached the age when they can care for themselves. 孩子们已经到了能照顾自己的年龄。 RegisterIn everyday English, people often use get to rather than reach: 在日常英语中,人们常用 get to而不用 reachThe kids have got to the age where they can care for themselves. 孩子们已经到了能照顾自己的年龄。2  rate/amount 速度/数量 [transitive] if something reaches a particular rate, amount etc, it increases until it is at that rate or amount 提升到,增加到〔某一速度、数量等〕 By 2008, that figure is expected to reach 7 million. 到2008年,那个数字有望达到700万。 wind speeds reaching up to 180 mph 高达每小时180英里的风速 Prices rose steadily to reach record levels. 物价持续攀升,达到创纪录水平。3  agree 达成一致 [transitive]SUCCEED IN DOING something to agree on something or decide something after a lot of discussion or thought 〔经大量讨论或深入考虑后〕实现;达成reach a decision/agreement etc The theatre has reached an agreement with striking actors. 剧院已经和罢演的演员达成了协议。 It took the jury three days to reach a verdict. 陪审团用了三天时间才作出裁决。 The talks will continue until a conclusion is reached. 会谈将一直进行下去,直到得出结论。4  reach a target/goal to achieve what you wanted to achieve 实现目标 We hope to reach our £1 million target by the autumn. 我们希望到秋天时实现100万英镑的目标。5  touch 接触 a) [intransitive, transitive always + adverb/preposition]REACH to move your arm in order to touch or lift something with your hand 伸;伸手〔以碰触或提起某物〕 She reached into her bag and produced a business card. 她伸手从包里取出一张名片。 He reached down to help her to her feet. 他俯身扶她站起来。reach for Kelly reached for his gun. 凯利伸手拿枪。 Luisa reached out her hand to stroke the cat. 路易莎伸手去抚摸猫。 b) [intransitive, transitive not in progressive]REACH to touch something by stretching out your arm 伸手触及 It’s no good – I can’t reach. 没有用,我够不到。 She’s too small to reach the table. 她个子太小,够不到桌子。 c) [transitive]REACH to get something from a high place by stretching up your arm 伸手去拿〔高处的东西〕reach something down She fell while reaching down a vase from the top shelf. 她伸手到架子顶层拿花瓶时摔倒了。6  length/height 长度/高度 [intransitive always + adverb/preposition, transitive not in progressive]REACH to be big enough, long enough etc to get to a particular point 大得[长得等]足以到达 The phone lead isn’t long enough to reach the bedroom. 电话线不够长,接不到卧室。 a skirt that reaches halfway down her legs 长度到她膝盖的裙子reach as far as something/reach down to something Her hair reaches down to her waist. 她的头发垂到了腰部。7  arrive 到达 [transitive]ARRIVE to arrive at a place 到达,抵达 We reached London late at night. 我们深夜到达伦敦。 The pyramids can be reached by public transport. 可以乘坐公共交通工具到达金字塔。► see thesaurus at arrive RegisterIn everyday English, people often use get to rather than reach: 在日常英语中,人们常用 get to 而不用 reachWe got to the airport just in time. 我们正好及时赶到了机场。You can get to the pyramids by public transport. 可以乘坐公共交通工具到达金字塔。8  speak to SB 对某人说话 [transitive]CONTACT somebody if you reach someone, you succeed in speaking to them on the telephone 与…电话联系 SYN contact I can probably reach him on his mobile. 我也许可以打他手机联系上他。9  be seen/heard 被看到/听到 [transitive]CONTACT somebody if a message, television programme etc reaches a lot of people, they hear it or see it 〔信息、电视节目等〕被…听到[看到] Cable TV reaches a huge audience. 有大量观众收看有线电视。10  information 信息 [transitive] if information reaches you, you hear about it 得知〔信息〕 The news reached us in Lahore. 我们在拉合尔得知了这个消息。11  communicate 交流 [transitive] to succeed in making someone understand or accept what you tell them 影响,打动 SYN get through to I just can’t seem to reach Ed anymore. 我好像再也不能让埃德明白了。12. reach for the stars to aim for something that is very difficult to achieve 有九天揽月之志,想摘天上的星星〔指追求难以实现的东西〕13 reach out to somebody phrasal verb to show people that you are interested in them and want to listen to them 愿意倾听 So far, his administration has failed to reach out to hard line Republicans. 他的政府至今没有向强硬的共和党人表示出愿意倾听的姿态。n COLLOCATIONS – Meaning 1: if someone or something reaches a particular point in their development or in a process or competition, they get to that pointnounsreach a point/stageI’ve reached the point in my life where I need a new challenge.reach a levelHe eventually reached the level of Senior Instructor.reach an ageThe payments will be made until the child reaches college age.reach the endSome of these power stations are reaching the end of their useful life.reach maturity (=be fully grown or developed)It takes ten years for these fish to reach maturity.reach your peak (=be the best or most successful that you will ever be )Most players don’t reach their peak until their late twenties.n COLLOCATIONS – Meaning 3: to agree on something or decide something after a lot of discussion or thoughtnounsreach a decisionI hope that they reach a decision soon.reach a conclusionWe reached the conclusion that the man had been murdered.reach a verdictThe jury failed to reach a verdict.reach an agreement/compromise/settlement (=decide on an arrangement that is acceptable to both groups)Substantial progress was made toward reaching an agreement.reach agreement/consensus (=agree about something)The experts seem unable to reach consensus on this point.n GRAMMAR: Comparisonreach• You reach a city, country, or other place: The climbers reached the summit of the mountain. • You reach here/there: You should reach there around 9.45 a.m.• You reach home: She finally reached home late at night. ✗Don’t say: reach to a place | reach to here/there | reach to home arrive• You arrive in a city or country: We arrived in London at 2 a.m. • You arrive at a place such as a house, hotel, or airport: They arrived at the airport at 10.30.• You arrive home: He arrived home at midnight.• You arrive here/there/back: Call me when you arrive there. ✗Don’t say: arrive to a place | arrive to home | arrive to here/there get• You get to a city, country, or other place: We got to London at 2 a.m. We got to the airport at 10.30.• You get home: He got home at midnight.• You get here/there/back: Call me when you get there. ✗Don’t say: get to home | get to here/there→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpusreach• China's economic output is likely to reach $13 trillion within the next few years.• It won't work - the ladder won't reach.• Can you get that book down for me? I can't reach.• After you reach a certain age, nobody wants to hire you.• Inflation continued to rise, reaching a peak of 28%.• Hurricane damage could reach billions of dollars.• In winter, parts of Northern Canada can only be reached by plane.• I don't think these curtains will reach down to the floor.• Have you tried reaching her at home?• Immersed in his thoughts, Kirov reached his small tailor's shop without realizing it.• Babies will put everything they can reach in their mouths.• The door irised open and he reached inside, drawing out the tiny phial before the door closed up again.• At this point the panic reached its peak.• Have you been able to reach Neil?• Someone reached out and grabbed her arm.• The blankets lay to one side of the fire and she reached out for them.• Lastly, Linda will have to work full-time or part-time for this retirement goal to be reached, Steinmetz said.• Temperatures are expected to reach the 80s and 90s.• When he reached the age of reason, I confidently sent him forth to seek his fortune.• It took seven hours before we reached the border.• Snow prevented workers from reaching the broken pipeline.• After reaching the desired revs by using the foot throttle, the driver then pushes the centre button.• This means our mailings to advisers are far more likely to reach the person they are intended for.• Can you reach the salt for me?• It took more than three days to reach the top of the mountain.• I can't reach the top shelf.• Some letters are taking up to two weeks to reach their destination.• Gold prices have reached their lowest level in 15 years.reach the point/level/stage etc• Eventually one of them would reach the point.• Single-cell protein production from non-photosynthetic organisms has also reached the stage of commercial availability, mainly as animal feed.• Sailmaking We've reached the point of no return!• Neither one has reached the stage of serious negotiations.• By the time students reach the stage of taking their final examinations, most of them know their subject pretty well.• In 1895 his income reached the level stipulated by Alfred, and the young couple made plans to marry.• Under the Assyrians, celestial observation reached the point where a true science of astronomy could arise for the first time.• This convinced him he had to reach the point where there was no turning back.reach record levels• In many countries, IPOs have reached record levels just before stockmarket crashes.• Much of the crooked trading is tied to mergers and acquisitions, which reached record levels last year.• Sales have reached record levels, mainly through company stores in Florida, and it has become Porter Paints' fastest-growing product.reach a decision/agreement etc• Any analysis must take account of this, by understanding and responding to the ways in which politicians reach decisions.• First, if the political parties can not reach agreement among themselves, the President must become involved in the negotiations.• Regulators are scheduled to reach a decision by Feb. 18 on whether they will accept the banks' merger applications.• Barneys said the two parties could not reach agreement on financing, royalties and trade name issues.• Kolelas and Lissouba were reported to have failed to reach agreement on forming a new government at a meeting on Nov. 15.• At best in a major conflict it would give allies time to reach agreement on how to use nuclear weapons.reach for• There was a noise outside, and Bill reached for his flashlight.• I reached for the salt, and knocked over a bottle of wine.reaches ... audience• Today the terrible injustice done to those prisoners reaches a mass audience.reach2 ●○○ noun  1  DISTANCE[singular, uncountable] the distance that you can stretch out your arm to touch something 伸手可及的距离out of/beyond (somebody’s) reach Keep chemicals out of the reach of children. 化学品要放在儿童够不到的地方。within reach (of somebody) Keep a glass of water within reach. 手边放一杯水。2  within (easy) reach of something NEARclose to a place 离某处很近,靠近某处 The beach is within easy reach of the hotel. 海滩离酒店很近。3  FAR[singular, uncountable] the limit of someone’s power or ability to do something 〔权力或能力〕可及的范围beyond the reach of somebody He lives in Paraguay, well beyond the reach of the British authorities. 他住在巴拉圭,英国当局鞭长莫及。4  reaches [plural] a) the parts of a place that are furthest from the centre 边缘地带;边远地区the further/outer reaches of something the further reaches of the jungle 丛林的边缘地带 b) the straight part of a river between two bends 〔两个弯道之间的〕笔直河段;直水道 the upper reaches of the Nile 尼罗河的上游5  the higher/lower reaches of something the high or low levels of an organization or system 〔组织或体制的〕高层/下层领域 They lingered in the lower reaches of the Football League. 他们徘徊在足球联赛的下游位置。Examples from the Corpusreach• Its failing came in the inevitable shortfall between reach and grasp.• The highest reaches of love and life depend on trust.• a boxer with a long reach• These shrimp live 3,600 meters below the surface, far beyond the reach of sunlight.• The quality of diet is falling as the prices of meat and staple provisions rise beyond the reach of many poor residents.• Grayling in upper reaches, some pike around Darlington.• Jaq doubted that even the most towering of storms could engulf the uppermost reaches of Vasilariov.out of/beyond (somebody’s) reach• With aid supplies almost always out of reach, the boys became weak, and stragglers fell prey to wild animals.• Directives come from on high, and the entire process is remote and out of reach.• It is usually implied that the answers are out of reach of science.• I thought it would always be out of my reach.• It was clear to him that if he dislodged the knife it would fall completely out of reach.• Instead, they stayed inside and poked their arms through the bars for their food, just out of reach.• For years they saw their dreams frustrated, their goals just out of reach.• The little town crowns a low plateau just out of reach of the flood plain of the nearby Deerfield River.beyond the reach of somebody• The cost of the abortion plus the cost of the travel may well place abortion beyond the reach of many young women.• The government's capture of Toro airstrip near Tabanya has put the displaced almost beyond the reach of help.• Now they were lords of the galaxy, and beyond the reach of time.• However, the prices are beyond the reach of publishers.• In January 1312, as soon as he felt himself to be beyond the reach of the barons, the favourites were restored.• Because they tell truths and provide insights beyond the reach of foreign correspondents angling for knighthoods and Pulitzer Prizes.• But the extra investment needed is simply beyond the reach of many growers.• If there was any wisp of consciousness remaining, it was beyond the reach of instruments, and of memory.From Longman Business Dictionaryreachreach1 /riːtʃ/ verb [transitive]1to increase or improve to a particular level or amountSales are expected to reach 1.2 billion euros this year.2to succeed in making someone see an advertisement, hear about a product etcSponsors want to reach 18-to-34-year olds.The company has an opportunity to reach new customers.3to succeed in speaking to someone or giving them a message by telephoneHe tried three times to reach Mr. Gumbel at his hotel.4reach an agreement/decision/settlement etc to succeed in making an agreement, decision etcThe company failed to reach a labor agreement with the Union.→ See Verb tablereachreach2 noun [singular, uncountable]1MARKETING the number of people that see or hear an advertisement, television programme etcThe network has a reach of about 4 million homes.2within/beyond someone’s reach within or beyond what someone can affordThe software is within the reach of the average business user.Origin reach1 Old English ræcanreach1 verb →n GRAMMAR1 →REGISTER1 →REGISTER2 →n COLLOCATIONS1 →n COLLOCATIONS2reach2 nounLDOCE OnlineChinese  point a or Business reaches Corpus in their particular something someone if




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