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单词 rave
释义  rave1 /reɪv/ verb [intransitive]  1  rave about/over something to talk about something you enjoy or admire in an excited way 极力夸奖某事物,对某事物赞不绝口 SYN enthuse Now I understand why travelers rave about Lapland. 我现在明白为什么游客会对拉普兰交口称赞了。 The customers were raving over our homemade chili. 顾客对我们自制的辣椒粉赞不绝口。2  ANGRYto talk in an angry, uncontrolled, or crazy way 咆哮;胡言乱语;语无伦次rave at He started raving at me 他开始对我胡言乱语。rave onBritish English British English Lisa raved on about how awful it all was. 莉萨气愤地诉说着这一切是多么糟糕。 He was still ranting and raving the next morning. 第二天上午他仍在大叫大嚷。→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpusrave• Basically everyone raved about Leeds that day - and Tuesday was a comfortable if a little uninspired.• Newman was raving and banging his head on the wall of his cell.• He was raving at Maurin, at all the people who had failed to live up to his expectations of them.• They would rave for twenty minutes about the mouse, and totally ignore the significance of bit-mapping.• Coach Bill Oates does not rant and rave on the sideline.ranting and raving• Our task is to understand our Ego, so that we can recognise its ranting and raving.• Matilda was still ranting and raving against the absent Earl for getting himself captured.• Its as if he was ranting and raving when he said it.Related topics: Leisurerave2 noun [countable]  1  DLa big event where people dance to loud music with a strong beat and often take drugs 狂欢晚会 an all-night rave 通宵狂欢晚会 rave music 狂欢舞会音乐 rave parties 狂欢派对 → raver2  strong praise for a new play, book etc 〔对新剧、新书等的〕吹捧,好评 The play got raves from the critics. 这部戏得到了评论家的热情褒扬。Examples from the Corpusrave• There were critical raves, too, for Revelations and for a dance by John Butler.• Police have now warned of tough action against plans to hold any future rave parties.• Even so there are rumours of an illegal rave.• I am a great fan of rave music yet the lyrics have never made me want to try the drug.• The black markets proffer Levis, pirated rave music and electric kettles.• Now they're investigating how the rave was organised.• They say the rave will be big but like its mascot it will also be inoffensive.rave3 adjective  rave reviews/notices/reports strong praise for a new play, book etc, especially in a newspaper or magazine 〔尤在报纸或杂志上对新剧、新书等作的〕高度评价win/receive/earn rave reviews The performance earned them rave reviews from critics. 这次表演使他们赢得了评论家的盛赞。Origin rave1 (1300-1400) Old French raver “to wander, talk wildly”rave1 verbrave2 nounrave3 adjectiveChinese   Corpus something talk in an enjoy about excited or you admire to




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