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单词 rattle
释义  rat·tle1 /ˈrætl/ ●○○ verb  1  [intransitive, transitive]SHAKE if you rattle something, or if it rattles, it shakes and makes a quick series of short sounds (使)咯吱作响 Dan banged on her door and rattled the handle. 丹砰砰地敲她的门,还把门把手拽得咯吱作响。 The window rattled in the wind. 窗户被风吹得咯吱作响。 Bottles rattled as he stacked the beer crates. 他把啤酒箱摞起来,酒瓶咣当咣当地响。2  [intransitive]MOVE/CHANGE POSITION if a vehicle rattles somewhere, it travels there while making a rattling sound 〔车辆行进时〕嘎啦嘎啦地响rattle along/past/over etc The cart rattled along the stony road. 马车沿着碎石路嘎啦嘎啦往前走。 An old blue van rattled into view. 一辆蓝色旧货车咔嗒咔嗒地驶入我们的视线。3  [transitive] informalFRIGHTENED to make someone lose confidence or become nervous 使慌乱,使紧张 His mocking smile rattled her more than his anger. 他那种嘲讽的微笑比他的愤怒更让她慌乱。 It was hard not to get rattled when the work piled up. 工作积了一大堆,哪能不着急呢。 His confidence was rattled by the accident. 这场事故动摇了他的自信。4  rattle somebody’s cage spoken informalANGRYANNOY to annoy someone – used humorously 惹恼某人〔幽默用法〕 Who rattled your cage? 是谁惹你了? PHRASAL VERBS5 rattle around phrasal verb British English BIGto live in a building that is much too big for you 居住〔在空荡荡的大房子里〕 in Dad and I rattled around miserably in the house after Mum died. 妈妈死后,我和爸爸住在这空荡荡的房子里,非常凄惨。6 rattle something ↔ off phrasal verb SAYto say several pieces of information or a list quickly and easily from memory 快速背诵;不假思索地说出 Chris rattled off some statistics about the teams. 克里斯脱口说出了那些球队的一些数据。7 rattle on phrasal verb British English informal SAYto talk quickly for a long time about boring things 喋喋不休地说 SYN go on about Nancy would rattle on for hours about her grandchildren. 南希会几个小时喋喋不休地讲她的孙子孙女。8.rattle through something phrasal verb British English informal FAST/QUICKto do something quickly because you want to finish it 迅速完成9 rattle up something phrasal verb British English if a sports player rattles up a number of points, they get that number of points very quickly 〔体育比赛中〕迅速得〔分〕 The West Indies had rattled up 411 for 5 when rain stopped play. 比赛因雨停止时,西印度群岛队已经在5局里拿下了411分。→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpusrattle• I woke up to the sound of cups and plates rattling, and knew that Dad was already up.• Sometimes, the bolts work loose and start rattling around.• Steve Merritt in an apparent bid to rattle Clinton.• The man from corporates rattled everyone.• Nothing rattles him.• Keys rattled in his pocket as he walked.• I did find the window open, and locked it myself because of the way it was rattling in the wind.• The windows were rattling in the wind.• The church door was rattling insanely and nothing could be seen through the windows, so fierce was the rain.• There's something rattling inside the washing machine.• Gear changes at 4 a. m. nearly rattled my window.• A battered old Chevrolet rattled past.• Then come the usual suspects, categories that we can rattle through quickly before announcing the big ones.• Once they had done this, they used breathing and rhythmic rattling to induce trance states.• Monday's earthquake rattled windows and woke residents.rattle along/past/over etc• Rain reduced it to 37 overs a side and the home team were soon rattling along.• The train rattled along and we both hung on to the straps looking at each other.• The car rattled along, crossing the myriad narrow gauge loco tracks that ran between the factories lining the route.• The train's wheels were churning, the engine rattling over points and spouting clouds of steam.• Tony went as fast as he could, and I was concentrating on staying on board as we rattled over the bumpy paths.• Now she was rattling along the empty streets, the horse's hooves sounding sharp and crisp in the silence.• They rattled along the main street of what looked like a typical East Anglian village.• Michael Lynagh is still rattling along towards the four-figure mark but not at the same rate.get rattled• If you hit him a couple times, he gets rattled.• He's a good player because he doesn't get rattled easily.• A dispatcher for a small fleet of trucks, he found it hard not to get rattled when the calls piled up.Related topics: Colours & sounds, Toysrattle2 noun  1  [countable, uncountable]C a short repeated sound, made when something shakes 〔物体晃动发出的〕嘎嘎声,咯吱声 They listened anxiously to every rattle and creak in the house. 他们紧张地听着房子里的每一声响动。rattle of the rattle of chains 锁链的当啷声 the faint rattle of distant gunfire 远处隐约的隆隆炮声 → death rattle► see thesaurus at sound2. [countable]DHT a baby’s toy that makes a noise when it is shaken 拨浪鼓3. [countable] British English an object that people shake to make a loud noise and show excitement or encouragement, for example at ceremonies or sports games 〔仪式或体育比赛中表示兴奋或助威用的〕响板Examples from the Corpusrattle• There was a rattle and a creak from behind me.• Death rattle is what it was.• Foaming liquid sprayed above the dancers' heads and fell to the floor with the dry rattle of earth sprinkled on wood.• A machine gun opened up but its rattle was lost in the second explosion.• Sioux medicine men collected tiny, glistening pebbles from anthills and used them in medicine rattles.• Ponyets heard the staccato rattle of the receiver quite plainly.• Think about the rattle of the electric trains on their way to Southfields and Putney.• I heard the rattle of a key in the door, and knew David was home.• Just then we heard the rattle of a key in the lock.rattle of• the rattle of chainsOrigin rattle1 (1300-1400) Probably from Middle Low German ratelenrat·tle1 verb →PHRASAL VERBS1rattle2 nounChineseSyllable  if or rattle something, you Corpus if




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