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单词 rats' tails
释义  ˈrats’ tails noun British English  in rats’ tails if your hair is in rats’ tails, it hangs down in separate pieces because it is wet or dirty 像老鼠尾巴一样〔指头发因为湿或脏而一缕缕地垂下来〕Examples from the Corpusrats' tails• Her face was red from the steam and her hair had gone into rats' tails.• I braided too much of my hair and the two loops looked like very long rats' tails.• She was damp, she was sore from scrubbing with the shower mitt, her hair hung in rats' tails.ˈrats’ tails nounChineseSyllable  down hangs if is hair rats’ it your in tails, Corpus




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