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单词 ragbag
释义  rag·bag /ˈræɡbæɡ/ noun [singular] British English  CONFUSEDa mixture of very different things that do not seem to fit together well 杂乱无章的东西,大杂烩ragbag of a ragbag of leftover bits of food 一堆残羹剩饭Examples from the Corpusragbag• This show is a bit of a ragbag.• They formed an extraordinary ragbag of a community from the point of view of language, culture, religion and education.• The drawing-room had not yet been invaded by the decorators and was still in its original cluttered and faded ragbag splendour.• If Son has a grand strategy for extracting more value out of his ragbag of assets, it is hard to spot.rag·bag nounChineseSyllable  mixture different do a things that of very not Corpus




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