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单词 befuddled
释义  be·fud·dled /bɪˈfʌdəld/ adjective  CONFUSEDcompletely confused 迷惑不解的,极其糊涂的 Even in my befuddled state, I could find my key. 即使迷迷糊糊的,我还是能找到钥匙。Examples from the Corpusbefuddled• Dawn looked a little befuddled.• If only he could keep his increasingly befuddled brain clear enough to squeeze out what he wanted.• Even in my befuddled state I could see they meant trouble.• Tony Hopkins tries out an array of voices and manners - befuddled vagueness, booming ferocity. dangerous, smiling brusqueness.Origin befuddled (1800-1900) fuddle “to drink alcohol, make drunk” ((16-21 centuries))be·fud·dled adjectiveChineseSyllable   Corpus confused completely




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