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单词 purse
释义  Related topics: Clothes & fashion, Finance, Other sportsldoce_275_cpurse1 /pɜːs $ pɜːrs/ ●●● S3 noun  1  [countable] a) especially British EnglishDC a small bag in which women keep paper money, coins, cards etc 〔女式〕钱包 SYN American English wallet Julie opened her handbag and took out her purse. 朱莉打开手袋,拿出钱包。 b) (also change purse, coin purse American English) a small bag used to hold coins, used especially by women 〔放硬币的〕小钱包,零钱包〔尤指女式钱包〕 →5  See picture of handbag BrE【英】/purse AmE【美】手提包, purse BrE【英】/wallet AmE【美】钱包 →4  See picture of 见图 purse2  [countable] American EnglishDC a bag in which a woman carries her money and personal things 〔女用〕手提包,手袋 SYN British English handbag I locked the door and dropped the keys in my purse. 我锁上门,然后把钥匙丢进手提包里。 →4  See picture of 见图 BAG →5 see picture at 见图 bag13  [singular] formalBF the amount of money that a person, organization, or country has available to spend 〔个人、组织或国家的〕可使用资金,财力 Election expenses are met from the public purse (=money controlled by the government). 竞选费用从政府经费中支出。 A visit to the new county museum will set the family purse back by around £12. 一个家庭去参观新的县博物馆要花费大约12英镑。4  [countable]DSO the amount of money given to someone who wins a sports event, such as a boxing match or a car race 〔给予体育比赛获胜者的〕奖金 They will compete for a $100,000 purse. 他们将争夺10万美元奖金。5  the purse strings BFCONTROLused to refer to the control of spending in a family, company, country etc 控制〔家庭、公司等的〕开支,掌管钱财hold/control the purse strings It all comes down to who holds the purse strings. 一切都得由掌管钱财的人说了算。 She keeps tight control over the purse strings. 她严格控制着开支。Examples from the Corpuspurse• Milton Berle wore a wig and a dress as he battered a policeman with a purse.• A purse was stolen from a vehicle.• A purse was taken at gunpoint.• She reached into a small clutch purse, pulled out a plastic bag and threw up into it.• Trading in works of art needs a deep purse and long-time backing.• I can never find anything in my purse.• They act as guardians of the public purse when dealing with members of spending departments who seek additional resources.• The same hopes as any other pensioner, unless of course that pensioner happens to hold the purse strings.• Either there is money in the purse or there is not, etc.• Income from the new sales tax will go into the purse and will pay for the sports complex.• The purse for Friday's title fight is more than $50 million.the public purse• Why should he - or anyone - be allowed to abuse the public purse?• His mere re-election can be relied on to revive the market and solve those problems - without costing the public purse one penny.• Haze says his plan would help small businesses without draining the public purse.• And all was to come from the public purse.• They act as guardians of the public purse when dealing with members of spending departments who seek additional resources.• Several key projects are at risk if Railtrack's demands on the public purse increase.• Clearly, this case was an outrageous fraud on the public purse.• If rectification were refused, the public purse would be saved the burden of paying an indemnity.• That will not impose any great burden upon the public purse.purse2 verb [transitive]  HBHif you purse your lips, you bring them together tightly into a small circle, especially to show disapproval or doubt 噘起〔嘴唇,尤用于表示反对或怀疑〕 Mrs Biddell pursed her lips and shook her head. 比德尔太太噘起嘴,摇了摇头。→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpuspurse• She pursed her lips and blew on the baby's squashed, immobile face.• One of them looked at his wristwatch, pursed his lips and scowled fiercely.• Richmann pursed his lips in thought.• He squinted, pursing his lips.• Only the too-narrow lips, pursed in a determined, almost spiteful way, keep his face from being handsome.• The prioress, lips pursed tight, hurried out and we followed.From Longman Business Dictionarypursepurse /pɜːspɜːrs/ noun [singular]1the amount of money that a person, organization, or country has available to spendWe offer holidays to suit every purse.2the public purseECONOMICS the money controlled by a governmentThe project is a continuing drain on the public purse.These payments should be met out of the public purse.3hold/control the purse strings to control how money in a company, family etc is spent4tighten/loosen the purse strings to increase or reduce the control you have over spendingThe government has decided that it must now tighten the purse strings.Origin purse1 (1200-1300) Late Latin bursa; → BURSARpurse1 nounpurse2 verbChinese  women which small bag money, a Corpus keep in paper Business




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