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单词 publish
释义 Word family  noun publisher publishing adjective published ≠ unpublished verb publish  Related topics: Newspapers, printing, publishingpub·lish /ˈpʌblɪʃ/ ●●● S3 W1 AWL verb  1  [transitive]TCN to arrange for a book, magazine etc to be written, printed, and sold 出版〔书刊等〕 → publication The first edition was published in 1765. 第一版于1765年出版。 They are publishing the dictionary on CD-ROM. 那部词典他们将以光盘版的形式推出。2  [transitive]TCN if a newspaper or magazine publishes a letter, article etc, it prints it for people to read 刊登,登载,发表 → publication We love reading your letters and we try to publish as many as possible. 我们喜欢阅读大家的来信,并且会尽量刊登出来。3  [transitive]TCN to make official information such as a report available for everyone to read 公布,公开,宣布 → publication The latest unemployment figures will be published tomorrow. 最新的失业数字将于明天公布。n Grammar Publish is often passive in this meaning.4  [intransitive, transitive]TCN if a writer, musician etc publishes their work, they arrange for it to be printed and sold 〔作家、音乐家等〕发表(自己的作品) University teachers must publish regularly to gain promotion. 大学老师要获得晋级必须经常发表作品。5. publish and be damned British English used to say that you should take a risk in saying what you think is true, although the result may be harmful to you 说出真话并准备承担后果→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpuspublish• 'I've had a remarkable life, ' says the 60-year-old author, who has published 35 books.• About 80 % of the work on show was neither the result of a commission nor published.• Rowling's latest Harry Potter novel sold millions of copies as soon as it was published.• So far none of the members' names have been published.• The newspaper published a list of the elected school district officials.• King has made history by publishing a novel on the World Wide Web.• The Reports were published amidst a general expectation among informed opinion that the Poor Law would indeed be reformed or abolished.• Ladybird publish books for young children.• Californians' degree of support for the process is reflected in the results of a survey recently published by the Field Poll.• This option is particularly useful when more than one pass is required to publish complex data.• Good books are published every day.• Amateur Photographer is published every Tuesday.• 'Moby Dick' was first published in London in 1851.• We publish mainly textbooks and other educational materials.• Dinner conversation that evening took in gout, on which a distinctive book had been published some years earlier.• When finally published they would astonish everybody.From Longman Business Dictionarypublishpub‧lish /ˈpʌblɪʃ/ verb1[intransitive, transitive] to arrange the writing, production, and sale of a book, magazine etcHer second novel was published in July.We publish course books for language learners.2[transitive] to make official information such as a report available for everyone to readThe latest unemployment figures will be published tomorrow.Public companies have to publish an annual report and accounts.→ See Verb tableOrigin publish (1300-1400) French publier, from Latin publicare “to make public, publish”, from publicus; → PUBLIC1pub·lish verb →n GRAMMAR1LDOCE OnlineChineseSyllable  for Business book, etc be magazine a written, to arrange Corpus to




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