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单词 psychological
释义 Word family  noun psychology psychologist adjective psychological adverb psychologically  Related topics: Psychology, psychiatrypsy·cho·log·i·cal /ˌsaɪkəˈlɒdʒɪkəl◂ $ -ˈlɑː-/ ●●○ W3 AWL adjective  1  MPrelating to the way that your mind works and the way that this affects your behaviour 心理的,精神的 SYN mental Sleep disorders are a serious psychological problem. 睡眠障碍是严重的心理疾病。 Freud’s psychological theories 弗洛伊德的心理学理论 What was the patient’s psychological state? 病人的心理状态如何?2  MPrelating to what is in someone’s mind rather than what is real 心理上的〔而不是真实的〕 Max says he’s ill, but I’m sure it’s psychological. 马克斯说他病了,但我肯定那是心理作用。3. psychological warfare MINDbehaviour intended to make your opponents lose confidence or feel afraid 心理战4. the psychological moment British English informalMIND the exact time in a situation when you have the best chance to achieve what you want 〔做某事的〕最恰当时机 —psychologically /-kli/ adverb psychologically disturbed patients 精神失常的病人Examples from the Corpuspsychological• Doctors dismissed her complaints of pain as psychological.• The cause of a physical illness can often be psychological.• Sometimes psychological abuse is worse than physical abuse.• Moreover, the illness leads to profound regression, and the patient needs help to resume normal psychological growth.• But his results in the past two years suggest he has at least partly overcome that psychological handicap.• In this way, he gained a lot of insight into the psychological make-up of different sheep in his flock.• The difficult part is dealing with the personality of the patient, the so-called psychological or human factor.• psychological problems• She works with children who have psychological problems.• Here Moscovici is offering a universal postulate about social psychological processes.• The social psychological survey also left a legacy in the attitudinal questions which are very often contained in questionnaires.• I also used these realistic sounds in a psychological way.• Feminist psychologists' current shift towards more psychological work may increase these limitations.psychological state• Confidence is in one sense a delicate psychological state.• That's why I think he's in a much better psychological state.• Consenting in one's heart is not a performative consent but a psychological state akin to coming to terms with.• It provides a single quality of life score based on indexes of perceived physical wellbeing, psychological state, and sociability.• P, A and C are actual psychological states due to the three functions of the brain in recording, recalling and reliving.• What matters, they claim, is the psychological state of the worker and the skills he or she possesses.• They're all in the mind; experiences like abductions are psychological states that we don't understand.psy·cho·log·i·cal adjectiveChineseSyllable  way and way relating to your mind works Corpus the that the




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