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单词 propinquity
释义  Related topics: Familypro·pin·qui·ty /prəˈpɪŋkwəti/ noun [uncountable + of/to]  formalSSFNEXT TO the fact of being near someone or something, or of being related to someone 〔空间上的〕接近,邻近;〔血统上的〕近亲关系 SYN proximityExamples from the Corpuspropinquity• Discussion of family support often seems to assume geographical propinquity, which is increasingly problematic.• It was nothing more nor less than propinquity.• Ah, the propinquity of cheap life and expensive principles, of religion and banditry, of surprising honour and random cruelty.• This dichotomy had less to do with national character than with propinquity.Origin propinquity (1300-1400) Latin propinquitas, from propinquus “near”pro·pin·qui·ty nounChineseSyllable   Corpus or someone of something, fact or the being near




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