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单词 prolific
释义  pro·lif·ic /prəˈlɪfɪk/ adjective  1  LOT/LARGE NUMBER OR AMOUNTa prolific artist, writer etc produces many works of art, books etc 〔艺术家、作家等〕多产的,作品丰富的 Handel’s prolific output of opera 韩德尔丰富的歌剧作品2  a prolific sports player produces a lot of runs, goals etc 〔运动员〕进球次数[得分]多的 the most prolific goalscorer this decade 这十年来得分最多的射手3. GROW PLANTS, VEGETABLES ETCBABY/HAVE A BABYan animal or plant that is prolific produces many babies or many other plants 〔动物或植物〕多产的,多育的4  LOT/LARGE NUMBER OR AMOUNTexisting in large numbers 大量存在的 the prolific bird life 大量的鸟类 —prolifically /-kli/ adverbExamples from the Corpusprolific• Papworth was both a prolific and multifarious designer.• The discovery well produced a prolific flow of 19.4 million cubic feet of gas from depths of almost 300 feet.• Strawberries are prolific in the area.• The family was one of the most prolific in the parish, but in the end the male line withered.• As an artist, Benton was prolific - more than 1,900 drawings were found in his studio after his death.• The have a great offensive line and a prolific runner in Terrell Davis.• Since then, Hull has become hockey's most prolific scorer.• These mixtures are earlier growing and more prolific than meadow-grass, and can be more difficult to make into top-quality hay.• Ansle is a prolific writer of more than 200 romances.• Bracy Clark was a prolific writer.Origin prolific (1600-1700) French prolifique, from Latin proles; PROLETARIANpro·lif·ic adjectiveChineseSyllable  a produces writer many prolific works artist, Corpus etc




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