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单词 Merge
1. They decided to merge the two companies into one.
2. We can merge our two small businesses into a larger one.
3. The bank announced that it was to merge with another of the high street banks.
4. Memories seemed to merge with reality.
5. The two roads merge a mile ahead.
6. His department will merge with mine.
7. The banks are set to merge next year.
8. Night and day begin to merge.
9. Many companies merge and few demerge.
10. The roads merge a kilometre ahead.
11. Fact and fiction merge together in his latest thriller.
12. Where does this stream merge into the Rhine?
13. They are likely to merge with a bigger firm.
14. The country's two biggest banks are planning to merge.
15. Some militant leaders want to merge with white radicals.
16. We can merge our two small businesses into one larger one.
17. The rivers merge just north of a vital irrigation system.
18. Then he showed me how to merge the graphic with text on the same screen.
19. A proposal to merge the two companies was voted through yesterday.
20. Like a chameleon, he could merge unobtrusively into the background.
21. The company plans to merge its subsidiaries in the US.
22. I can merge my two small businesses into a large one.
23. As they grow they merge into one another.
24. When you get into London the two roads merge.
25. You must check your insurance when banks merge.
26. The banks plan to merge and combine their assets.
27. Merge with Crystal Palace and lose Wimbledon's identity.
28. No final decision has been taken [], but it seems likely that the two companies could merge in the near future.
29. One end is blue, one end is red, and the colors merge in the middle.
30. One end is blue, one end is red, and the colours merge in the middle.
1. They decided to merge the two companies into one.
2. We can merge our two small businesses into a larger one.
3. The bank announced that it was to merge with another of the high street banks.
4. The two roads merge a mile ahead.
5. Some militant leaders want to merge with white radicals.
6. One end is blue, one end is red, and the colors merge in the middle.
7. I can merge my two small businesses into a large one.
31. They announced yesterday that they have signed a letter of intent to merge under the name Comarco International Inc.
32. The downy chicks are often perfectly camouflaged to merge with surrounding lichen.
33. All these diverse atmospheres merge together beautifully to create a most delightful and unique East Lindsey market town.
34. Speculation continues that the company may merge or be taken over by another company, such as Sun Microsystems or Oracle Corp.
35. But efforts to merge or eliminate any of them will run into political problems.
36. It will be interesting to see how the two company's product lines merge.
37. The companies will merge technology platforms, which will be more efficient and cut costs.
38. These two problems may merge to produce even greater difficulties for prospective councillors.
39. Firms wanting to merge have therefore been expected to jump through impossibly tight hoops.
40. Other new features in this version are automatic envelope printing, and an easier route to mail merge, called Smart Merge.
41. Allowing the two banks to merge would not be in the public interest.
42. There are plans to merge the two most successful TV channels.
43. Even then, adjacent areas often merge into each other so that the boundaries are blurred.
44. Shadows merge into the snow; the woodcut turns into a shadowy chalk drawing.
45. The two banks have announced plans to merge next year.
46. Click on Define, which opens up a fuller version of the Style box, and then click on Merge.
47. Memories merge with reality now as we beach the canoe near the ledges under the still-standing thick hemlock.
48. Could merge into the neck like a short back and sides. 2.
49. The revolutionary Marxist ideology adopted by the intelligentsia began to merge with the working-class movement.
50. The Atlanta-based telephone company had agreed to merge with GTI Corp.
51. Hoge said that if this merger was approved, other local Bell companies also would merge.
52. As a firm with which to merge, the underperforming Liggett is hardly alluring.
53. These in turn merge gradually into dark circles and bright outer rings with no evidence of impact cratering.
54. Attractive blossoms with mauve and white petals which blend and merge into one another.
55. The plan to merge Hemlo and Battle Mountain Gold has been in the works for two years.
56. The two oil companies, which are due to merge in February, also provide considerable technical assistance.
57. However, where the two colours merge there is a less distinct division as they mingle in an area of dots.
58. In some cases Labour's quangos merge existing ones, or replace well-established bodies.
59. He added that there are no plans to merge the Ketchum public-relations operations with its existing public-relations agency, Porter Novelli.
60. They have been seen to spring suddenly into existence, to change shape, merge and split.
61. His talents were needed to rescue the situation, to merge the Virginia armies into a revitalized Army of the Potomac.
62. You can combine, or merge, documents that are stored separately on the disk.
63. But that could all change with proposals to merge the council with the six smaller district councils within the county.
64. Co. and Morgan Stanley Group Inc., announced they had agreed to merge.
65. Widespread speculation is that several others are enduring serious financial difficulty and may eventually fold or merge with more successful companies.
66. Industry Minister Andrzej Zawislak resigned on July 29 after a decision to merge the trade and industry ministries.
67. People spill back across the empty space of moonlight, and the dancers' faces merge with the crowd.
68. They fall into two primary classes which legal theory tries to keep rigidly separated but which in economic reality merge into each other.
69. Under the high canopy of bronze beech, pale green ash and golden lime leaves the streams merge.
70. K., and the numbers is expected to dwindle as many are taken over, merge or convert to banks.
71. Although the two companies will merge financially, Bell said Excite would keep the McKinley name in cyberspace.
72. The Witnesses of the Total Merge catalogued all those ships believed to belong to other client species of the Capellans.
73. Chase Manhattan and Chemical Banking -- engaged to merge before March -- also had good turnouts.
74. Once you've got the list set up, you go back into WordStar and create a form letter to merge with.
75. This last instance of the stylistics of manner begins to merge into the stylistics of embellishment, self-reference or representation.
76. But soon the Teesdale could merge with Bennet House which concentrates at the moment on younger children with greater difficulties.
77. What is missing is an appropriate forum to merge the various efforts into a functional and widely acceptable whole.
78. But as these countries gradually, if fitfully, merge into the global market economy, fewer and fewer such barriers exist.
79. If you go back further still, the different human races soon merge.
80. During the 30 seconds they would begin together, gradually move apart and then merge together again.
81. These Q branches are often distinct, but sometimes they merge into the rest of the band.
82. Then on Sunday night all styles will merge in a monumental jam session.
83. One is that I often stay at a first-class hotel to merge into the background.
84. Read in studio Voice over Two schools for children with special needs are locked in an argument over whether or not they should merge.
85. Accept a £12m offer to move Wimbledon north to merge with a League club who would take over the Premier League franchise.
86. He wanted to merge his company with a South African mining firm.
87. Essentially, the talks were hostile: Morgan used the threat of price war to force firms to sell out and merge.
88. Chairman John Snow, whose railroads agreed to merge and who have been fighting a Norfolk Southern counteroffer.
89. The vortices merge in pairs to form more diffuse vortices with larger overall circulation.
90. There are, however, strong arguments against forcing charities to merge.
91. The two lanes merge going into the tunnel.
92. Merge Cells Wizard allows you to.
93. Use this checklist to set up a mail merge.
94. The sky and the water seem to merge.
95. Sets or clears the Mail Merge document type.
96. International law and municipal law merge each other.
97. Bone fracture merge blood vessel neurotrosis.
98. Other cross-border alliances could merge newspapers and Internet companies.
99. The last ten years have seen an unprecedented merge of physiology and genomics.
100. Comparing with other sorting algorithms - way merge algorithm is the best one to sort two sorted sublists.
101. The absolute scale standard can be the substantial items for inhibiting business corporation merge, but should contract its scope of application.
102. It must always be possible to perform a three-way merge during harvesting to combine two sets of changes into a single change set.
103. The merge process could not enumerate schema information at the Subscriber.
104. Use this checklist to a mail merge. Begin by choosing the Create button.
105. Confucianist thought was typically characterized as a merge of ethical spirit and political system.
106. To study it deeply,[] this paper analyzes the property and characteristics when there exist weak left-hand side or weak right-hand side conflicts in the minimal merge dependency set D of FD set F.
107. Recent DNA studies have indicated that the neandertal was an entirely different species and did not merge into the H. sapiens sapiens gene pool.
108. It should be fairly easy to decompile the code added by JiBX back to source code, and merge this into the original Java language source files.
109. But their work appears to merge in the study of large eddies.
110. If you're working in a team environment, you'll need to obtain an exclusive lock on the data file (.nextsuitebehavior) since you won't be able to merge the file in your version control system.
111. The example in Listing 1 specifies merge.pdqxml as the name of the merged capture file.
112. Even better, multitail can colorize well-known formats (and you can define custom color schemes, too) and can merge multiple files into a single stream.
113. Let's run merge sort on it, and then we'll look at the code.
114. You can now duplicate all the sketchbook layers and merge them together.
115. This paper is intended to deal with the problem and prove it in terms of merge sorting.
116. Merge SOrting using MPI libraries complete source code can be directly used by the test.
117. Through to the encoder truth table characteristic analysis[/merge.html], has obtained the direct writing logical expression concrete method using the Karnaugh map most minor term merge rule.
118. It is easy to understand the concept of 2 - way merge sort algorithms.
119. Bengal and North Eastern states should merge with China. The former being communist and cultural affinity and the latter on racial make up. Enough with Hindustani rule.
120. The abnormal return gained by the stock-for-stock merge approach is higher than that of the private placements approach while the main reason is the relative scale of the injected assets.
121. Listing 5 shows an example of the Merge command you could use to do this.
122. It uses the merge logic to determine what changes should be present, and then applies them on a piecemeal basis but without creating a merge node.
123. The current various countries' antimonopoly law has some common grounds, including enterprise's lateral integration, the longitudinal merge, such as abuse of dominant market position.
124. Run merge sort on those. By induction, if it does the right thing, I'm going to get back two lists, and I'm going to then merge Them together. Notice what I'm going to do.
125. So when compared to a nested loop join, the merge scan join may incur the cost for sorting the inputs.
126. The Resources section of this article contains a link to the product documentation for the Merge command.
127. You can then use the Merge command line utility to merge these files into a new pureQueryXML file.
128. At this point, the repository detects the new versions in the parent (exemplar) model set as a parallel change and initiates a three-way merge to synchronize each artifact in the enterprise models.
129. Enable databases for transactional ( includes snapshot ) or merge replication.
130. There does seem to be a tiny bit of unused space below the bottom row of keys but this seems to be necessary to permit the slider to merge into the main body.
131. Emad Omara's parallel merge sort algorithm assumes that you will have full access to the machine's CPUs for the duration of the sorting operation.
132. The protection function and decorate function to merge into an integral whole, is replace a tradition to guard against theft effectively the net change a product.
133. Their territory could expand by royal intermarriage , or merge with another state when the dynasty merged.
134. Defeat Ichoron in the Violet Hold on Heroic Difficulty without allowing any Ichor Globules to merge.
135. The merge order position for the menu item to be merged.
136. Chalaza ( pl . chalaxae or chalazas ) The region of an angiosperm ovule where the nucellus and integuments merge.
137. The SVN Ant task does not provide a merge command, so the merge command needs to be run from the command line.
138. Use this checklist to set up a mail merge . Begin by choosing the Create button.
139. United recently regarding the international basket at discussion's Asian contest area and the Oceanian contest area merge question, Yao Ming also discussed own view.
140. This study shows that besides thematic information, categorial information plays a key role in determining the order of merge within VP.
141. The 65 kinds of disyllable sandhi groups merge to become 20 sandhi patterns after tone change.
142. Cervical smear recognition system bases on neural network is designed and developed. The system can be used to merge, classify and standardize files of the cell feature parameters automatically.
143. It scrapped that plan, opting to merge with its publicly traded European fund, a combination that was completed last year.
144. At present, so much research has been done much on merge and diverge areas of interurban expressways.
145. The ecclesiastic universities started to merge into the Chinese society and education system.
146. Bitonic is introduced and a theorem is proved. The algorithm of bitonic merge - sort is given.
147. If they are closer together than that, they tend to merge into a single block on a radar image.
148. The directors have decided to merge the two small firms together.
149. Merge sort, nonrecursive complete source code can be used directly.
150. Merge sort has O(n log n) worst-case and average-case performance.
151. The index file is a cache of the state of a directory tree, used to create commits, check out working directories, and hold the various trees involved in a merge.
152. The result showed that the protoplast of rhizopus and candida can merge each other.
153. In reverse engineering, in order to meet the requirements for model reconstruction, it is often necessary to locate and merge the different view measured cloud data in a global coordinate system.
154. I gave him a thumbnail sketch of how to implement a Merge Sort on disk.
155. Objective To explore the better nursing method of ectopic pregnancy merge bleeding of cavum peritonaei operation treatment.
156. As they reach the mass, they diverge and arch around the undersurface to merge with the inferior pole of the mass.
157. Because $numericBase is converted to a string during the merge operation, no arithmetic operation is performed.
158. Conclusion The feminine infusorium vaginitis patient has the merge mycoplasma infection, It is necessary to carry on conventional the inspection, Provides the basis for the appropriate treatment.
159. Current top comb's disadvantages including intarsia, bend and merge needles, short life span and bad adaptability are pointed out and the reasons of these disadvantages are discussed.
160. Transcultural management often pays attention to only the negative influence of cultural differences. Hence international enterprises attach importance to the culture merge in culture integration.
161. Present an algorithm based on mesh processing to merge multi-sensor data. Use distance method and cube method to realize point data reduction.
162. This paper first defines temporal interval operators, and uses them to filter the database and merge temporal intervals for mining.
163. The decor and gracious service of the past merge perfectly with the amenity of the present.
164. The merge process was unable to mark the subscription as validated.
165. Merge of companies may take the forms of assimilative merge and newly established merge.
166. Hollerith's Tabulating Machine Company would later merge with three other companies to form the Computing Tabulating Recording Corporation, renamed International Business Machines (aka IBM) in 1924.
167. These movements can promote the eustachian tube merge, adjusts the internal ear pressure, reduces or prevents the earache.
168. Objective:To Compare the imaging findings of pelvic fracture between x-ray and CT scan, and evaluate the value of the retrograde urethrography in the diagnosis of merge pelvic organ injuries.
169. Merge Module projects allow you to create reusable setup components.
170. This merge process will run next(), after one of the currently running merge processes terminates.
171. Profile used by the Merge Agent to perform rowcount and checksum validation.
172. In 1913, Jim and Evert McCabe, who led rival Motorcycle Delivery Company, agreed to merge with AMC and a new company was formed.
173. The 3D kinematics in the atlanto-occipital and atlantoaxial joints were evaluated using the volume merge method.
174. Can merge up to 4 hours of data from multiple movies or episodic files.
175. I should like to put forward a suggestion / proposal: merge the two firms into a big one.
176. The minor lips merge at the top forming a single fold of skin covering the clitoris.
176. try its best to collect and create good sentences.
177. Use Merge Cells Wizard each time you need to place values from several cells to one cell or when you need to join several cells preserving the values of these cells .
178. Resize, move, hide, merge, restore and convert partitions without data loss.
179. Once you have distributed a merge module, it should never be modified; instead you should create a new merge module for each successive version of your component.
180. There are ways around this limitation, but the workarounds are messy -- you generally need to find a way to merge the separate code inserts into a single block.
181. Bulges and elliptical galaxies ( that is, diskless bulges ) form when galaxies collide and merge.
182. When all is said and done, Aion will be abetter game because of the server merge.
183. Shortly after the Dadaist movement, electronic and acoustic media began to merge.
184. It uses a 3-way merge algorithm, and is usually capable of merging different versions automatically.
185. GSL is to merge with Marathon Acquisition Corp, a shell company that listed on the New York Stock Exchange in 2006 after raising $309m from investors.
186. The three banks have agreed to merge their mortgage bank subsidiaries.
187. However, the benefit of the merge scan join is that the inner table does not have to be scanned repeatedly as it does for nested loop joins.
188. Insert this type of system into the message board application and merge it with the HTML validation and conversion code.
189. The fields clash and divert the magneton flow temporarily if they cannot merge in an alignment.
190. Should you merge everything you have and earn into one joint account, or should you maintain individual accounts and open a joint one for household expenses?
191. To avoid memory access conflict, the algorithms are based on a parallel merge algorithm.
192. Cirrostratus clouds, thin white streaks of cloud, merge with fluffy balls of cirrocumulus clouds at heights above 20,000 feet.
193. The merge file is created and can be used only by the merge function.
194. For this reason, IVA can B register tones, and IVB can merge with register tones.
195. A hash join is usually faster than a sort merge join since there is no sort operation involved.
196. Comparing with other sorting algorithms, the 2-way merge algorithm is the best one to sort two sorted sublists.
197. Listing 3 shows an example of the Merge command you would use to merge the files specific to DS1.
198. It sets up the data source and main documents; the user then needs to type the form letter and to insert the fields using normal mail merge procedures in Microsoft Word.
199. Cannot publish table'% s'for both merge publication and queued updating publication.
200. Please merge all these items together under the item of " incidental expenses ".
201. The merge process could not enumerate schema information at the Publisher.
202. A method of sorting particles based on the parallel sorting algorithm "odd-even merge sort"has been proposed.
203. In Listing 2, I use a classical merge algorithm to merge the lists from both documents.
204. Chapter six, the games theory analyses and appraisal in gas enterprises merge.
205. When two contributors have changes to the same UML Model, the graphical merge session allows partial acceptance of either side of the UML Model Elements, as well as elements from UML diagrams.
206. This merge scenario is the reverse of the operation usually associated with the classic parallel development three-way merge pattern.
207. My favorite database program is the mail merge program that contains all the customer addresses.
208. You can merge multiple private or shared test object maps into a single shared test object map from either the Rational Functional Tester Projects view or when you create a new test object map.
209. When two contributors make changes to the same UML model, the graphical merge session allows partial acceptance of either side of the UML model elements,[http:///merge.html] as well as elements from UML diagrams.
210. The building should be like the plant , air plant , match the weather land utilization, feat in the request of the natural environment of the region, merge into an integral whole with great universe.
211. But when Thy devotee's five senses merge in the five elements.
212. As previously stated, ordered input is essential to a merge scan join, but it is not required for nested loop joins.
213. Change tracking, inline comments, side-by-side compare, compare and merge, compare versions, and text highlighter features support document revision and collaboration.
214. Let's do selection and let's do merge sort here on the right just to see what actually happens.
215. Specify the entity set and the merge option so that query results can be tracked as entities.
216. We like the simple answer two readers came up with: Merge Sort for sorting.
217. By combining the internal buffering technique and the float hole technique with the divide-and-conquer technique, a fast linear-time in-place 2-way merge algorithm is introduced in the paper.
218. The HEAD stream is the main code stream that users should be integrating to (if they want to branch off on their own and then merge with the HEAD stream later, that's fine).
219. Based on the legal tradition , reality and trend of merge between the two legal families, we should establish the administrative precedent system under the domination of the written law.
220. Pope forced to step back into the Vatican and Italy from Rome merge and become the capital of Italy.
221. The merge executes twice, once when it receives control from the lower start node, and again when it receives control from the join.
222. IsEqual will satisfy all your file compare and file merge tasks.
223. This dialog lets you merge outlines of font symbols in the currently open SWF files before saving the font as a TTF (True Type Font) file.
224. Mr Johnson's has decided to merge with the parent firm.
225. Listing 1 shows an example of how to use the Merge command.
226. The bilinear interpolation algorithm is used to merge images after comparing with the nearest interpolation algorithm.
227. In this case, the SQL Distribution control and SQL Merge control run at the Distributor.
228. A query against 2007 returns data from its parent cube [CubeB], and a query against the merged member 2008 returns the results from both [CubeA] and [CubeB] according to the merge operator.
229. They move through the place known as Point - where matter and antimatter merge to create new realities.
230. Perhaps your organization's habit with PDF is to have someone adept with a particular desktop word processor set up a "mail merge" sort of operation to parameterize document output.
231. To do this, you can use the Merge command line utility.
232. The merge process could not retrieve the list of subscriptions.
233. We had no offers to merge with other companies, either American or foreign.
234. The merge process was unable to reinitialize the subscription'% 1 ':'% 2 :'% 3 '.
235. Its concept of a conflict is purely textual, arising when two changes to the same base file are near enough to spook the merge command.
236. The anti-pattern in Figure 22 explicitly defines the lack of synchronization through unsynchronized cycles by pairing a fork with a merge.
237. So battalion forest cost and operating expenses defray merge into liquid assets kind it is reasonable.
238. In the end the author suggests that mineral resource compensation fee and mineral rights use fee should merge and the merger is called mineral rights use fee.
239. This paper proposes a conceptual new architecture of Ternary Optical Computer ( TOC ) . The concept highlights the idea to merge the TOC in High Performance Computer( HPC ).
240. Finally,[] an improved region merging approach was proposed to merge the initial segments and the final segment was obtained.
241. It can merge or reorder selected pages of PDF files at one go.
242. To increase the support of Rational RequisitePro for branch or merge scenarios, add two additional attributes to every requirement type that will be affected by branch or merge action.
243. A source control tool with a smart implementation of merge history will know this.
244. The merge process failed while updating the generation values in the internal before - image tables.
245. In this paper a fast parallel merge sorting algorithm based on LARPBS is presented.
246. This means that the majority of methods on JpaTemplate are also available in the standard interface, in particular the basic facilities: persist, merge, and find.
247. A fashion show at the merge of Broadway and Seventh Avenue showcased the newest trends in intimate apparel.
248. Cannot validate a merge article that uses looping join filters.
249. Fixed Node Hierarchy: This feature supports the ability to determine cluster leadership, auto merge groups, and node discovery where multicast might not work.
250. The merge process could not initialize the % 1'% 2 : % 3 '.
251. A new method for merge of range data and texture based on calibrating two cameras in a world coordinate system is proposed.
252. Post-Keynesian economists absorbed critically Keynes' Liquidity preference theory and merge it into the framework of the market forming the interest rate.
253. Join plan directives that force optimizer to use the designated join method to join tables in the query, either nested loop join, sort merge join, or dynamic hash join.
254. In Listing 5, I use the merge command from Subversion.
254. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
255. If your company administers a standard, still can ask express mails sheet to merge into as the accessory of bill account.
256. Merge sort takes this idea of divide and conquer, and it does the following: it says let's divide the list in half.
257. A mail merge is generated by creating a form letter and associating with it a data source document.
258. Well, we saw the teaser in terms of that animation that suggests this merge sort algorithm when implemented by a computer is absolutely faster.
259. Zero Point Merge is the coming together of matter and antimatter aspects of your soul.




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