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单词 prohibit
释义 Word family  noun prohibition adjective prohibitive verb prohibit  Related topics: Lawpro·hib·it /prəˈhɪbɪt $ proʊ-/ ●●○ AWL verb [transitive]  1  SCLFORBIDto say that an action is illegal or not allowed 禁止 SYN ban, forbid Smoking is strictly prohibited inside the factory. 厂区严禁吸烟。be prohibited from doing something They are prohibited from revealing details about the candidates. 他们被禁止透露候选人的详情。n Grammar Prohibit is usually passive in this meaning.► see thesaurus at forbid2. STOP something THAT IS HAPPENING formal to make something impossible or prevent it from happening 使不可能;阻止→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpusprohibit• Selling alcohol to people under 21 is prohibited.• The U.S. prohibited all flights to the country while the war was in progress.• Its purpose is to secure religious liberty in the individual by prohibiting any invasions thereof by civil authority.• However, this ideal is prohibited by the urbanisation of our environment.• Tabai, who had been President since independence, was constitutionally prohibited for serving a further term in office.• Can an underground newspaper be prohibited from criticizing school policies?• His poor eyesight prohibited him from becoming a pilot.• In 1972 the Government of Sind Province declared the river dolphin protected by law and prohibited its killing and trapping.• Fidelity yesterday announced a new policy prohibiting its managers from discussing specific companies with the media.• Vanreenen relinquished his membership and served as secretary for six years; the Honorable Company prohibits members from working for the club.• Certain religions may prohibit particular types of food, alcoholic drink or restrict dress.• Mexican law prohibits the clergy from teaching in universities and schools.• International Law prohibits the use of chemical prohibited from doing something• At that time, there were laws that prohibited blacks from owning property.From Longman Business Dictionaryprohibitpro‧hib‧it /prəˈhɪbətproʊ-/ verb [transitive]LAW to officially stop someone doing something by making it illegal or against the rulesThe firm’s own internal rules now prohibit that type of loan.prohibit somebody from doing somethingregulations prohibiting companies from promoting their shares immediately after an offering —prohibition noun [countable, uncountable]the prohibition of cigarette advertising on television→ See Verb tableOrigin prohibit (1400-1500) Latin past participle of prohibere “to hold away, prevent”pro·hib·it verb →n GRAMMAR1LDOCE OnlineChineseSyllable  action is Business say or not illegal allowed to that an Corpus




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