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单词 new
释义 Word family  noun news renewal adjective new renewable renewed newsy verb renew adverb newly  new /njuː $ nuː/ ●●● S1 W1 adjective  1  recently made 新造的NEW recently made, built, invented, written, designed etc 新造的;新建的;新发明[创作,设计]的 OPP old the city’s new hospital 市里新建的医院 the new issue of ‘Time’ magazine 新一期《时代周刊》 new products on the market 市场上的新产品 The hardest part of this job is understanding the new technology. 这项工作最难的地方是理解新技术。 a new range of drugs 一系列新药2  recently bought 新买的NEW recently bought 新买的 Do you like my new dress? 你喜欢我新买的连衣裙吗? They’ve just moved into their new home. 他们刚刚搬进新家。3  START TO HAPPEN, EXIST ETCNEWnot there before 以前没有的 having just developed 新出现的 new leaves on the trees 树上的嫩叶 a young man with new ideas 一个有新观念的年轻人 a new generation of women writers 新一代女作家new hope/confidence/optimism etc (=hope etc that you have only just started to feel) 新的希望/信心/乐观态度等 a medical breakthrough that offers new hope to cancer patients 给癌症患者带来新希望的医学突破4  not used before 从未用过的NEW not used or owned by anyone before 未用过的,崭新的 OPP used, second hand New and second-hand books for sale. 出售新书及二手书。 I got a used video camera for £300 – it would have cost £1,000 if I’d bought it new. 我花300英镑买了一台二手摄像机,如果买新的要花1,000英镑。 Jake arrived in his brand new (=completely new) car. 杰克开着他的新车到了。 a spanking new (=completely new) conference centre 一座全新的会议中心5  like new/as good as new GOOD/EXCELLENTin excellent condition 跟新的一样 Your watch just needs cleaning and it’ll be as good as new. 你的手表只要清洁一下就会跟新的一样。6  unfamiliar 不熟悉的NEW not experienced before 不认识的;未体验过的 Learning a new language is always a challenge. 学习一门新的语言总是一项挑战。 Living in the city was a new experience for Philip. 在城市里生活对菲利普来说是一种新的经历。new to This idea was new to him. 这个想法对他来说很新鲜。that’s a new one on me spoken (=used to say that you have never heard something before) 我第一次听说这事 ‘The office is going to be closed for six weeks this summer.’ ‘Really? That’s a new one on me.’ “办事处今年夏天要关闭六个星期。”“是吗?我还是头一次听说这事。”7  recently arrived 新到的NEW having recently arrived in a place, joined an organization, or started a new job 新来的;新加入的;刚开始的 You’re new here, aren’t you? 你是新来的,是吗?new to/at Don’t worry if you make mistakes. You’re still new to the job. 别怕犯错,你才刚刚开始干这份工作呢。new member/employee/student etc training for new employees 对新员工的培训new kid on the block informal (=the newest person in a job, school etc) 新手;新生 It’s not always easy being the new kid on the block. 当新手并非总是件轻松的事。the new boy/girl British English (=the newest person in a job, organization etc – used humorously) 新雇员;新成员〔幽默用法〕8  recently changed 新换的NEW recently replaced or different from the previous one 新换的 OPP old Have you met Keith’s new girlfriend? 你见过基思新交的女朋友吗? I’ll let you have my new phone number. 我会告诉你我的新电话号码。5the new regime in the country该国的新政权n the new regime in Beijing9  recently discovered 新发现的NEW recently discovered 新近发现的 the discovery of a new planet 一颗新行星的发现 new oilfields in Alaska 阿拉斯加的新油田 important new evidence that may prove her innocence 可能证明她清白的重要新证据10  modern 现代的 modern 现代的 the new breed of politicians 新型的政治家11. vegetables 蔬菜 [only before noun] new potatoes, carrots etc are grown early in the season and eaten when young 时鲜的12  new life/day/era START DOING somethinga period that is just beginning, especially one that seems to offer better opportunities 新的生活/一天/纪元 They went to Australia to start a new life there. 他们去澳大利亚开始新的生活。13  be/feel like a new man/woman BETTER/RECOVEREDto feel much healthier and have a lot more energy than before, or to have a different attitude 感到自己焕然一新 I lost 19 pounds and felt like a new man. 我体重减了19磅,感到自己像换了一个人。14  new arrival a) someone who has recently arrived or started work somewhere 新到的人;新成员 b) a new baby 新生儿 The children are thrilled with the new arrival. 刚出生的宝宝让孩子们非常兴奋。15  new blood NEWnew members of a group or organization who will bring new ideas and be full of energy 〔团体或组织中的〕新鲜血液,新成员,新生力量 What we need in this company is some new blood. 我们这家公司需要的是新生力量。16  new broom someone who has just started work in a high position in an organization and who is expected to make a lot of changes 〔期待带来变革的〕新上任官员 The company seems set to make a fresh start under a new broom. 看来该公司在新领导的带领下会有一个新的开始。17. what’s new? spoken especially American EnglishHELLO used as a friendly greeting to mean ‘how are you?’ 〔招呼语〕怎么样? 你好吗?18  the new NEWnew ideas, styles etc 新观念;新式样 This charming hotel is a delightful blend of the old and the new. 这家漂亮的宾馆是新与旧的完美融合。19  something is the new ... British English used to say that something is thought to be the new fashion that will replace an existing thing 某物是时髦的〔替代物〕5 Don’t you know that vodka is the new water, my dear?你难道不知道现在都喝伏特加代替水了吗,亲爱的?n Brown is the new black (=brown clothes are very fashionable now).20. new-made/new-formed/new-laid etc NEWrecently made, formed etc 新造的/新建立的/新提出的等 → a new lease of life at lease1(2), → turn over a new leaf at leaf1(3) —newness noun [uncountable] THESAURUSnew 新的a new sports centre 新的体育中心a new edition of the book 该书的新版nan entirely new theory of time and spacebrand new completely new 簇新的,崭新的a brand new car 簇新的车nThe house looks brand new.recent made, produced etc a short time ago 新近〔制作、生产等〕的recent research into brain chemistry 新近的脑化学研究the latest [only before noun] the most recent 最近的,最新的Have you seen his latest film? 你看过他最新的电影了吗?the latest fashions from Paris 来自巴黎的最新时尚modern different from earlier things of the same kind because of using new methods, equipment, or designs 现代的modern technology 现代技术modern farming methods 现代农耕方法a modern kitchen 现代化的厨房original new and completely different from what other people have done or thought of before, especially in a way that seems interesting 创新的,有创意的The play is highly original. 这个剧本非常有创意。nHis style is completely original.fresh fresh ideas, evidence, or ways of doing things are new and different, and are used instead of previous ones 〔观点、证据、做事方法等〕新的We need a fresh approach to the problem. 我们需要用新的办法来解决这个问题。nThey want young people with fresh ideas.Police think they may have found some fresh evidence that links him to the murder. 警方认为他们可能找到了一些新的证据,证明他和这宗谋杀案有关。novel new and different in a surprising and unusual way – used especially about a suggestion, experience, or way of doing something 〔尤指建议、经历或做事方式〕新的,新奇的,新颖的The club have come up with a novel way of raising cash. 这家俱乐部想出了一个新颖的筹资方法。nThe King was passionately in love, which was a novel experience for him.innovative completely new and showing a lot of imagination – used especially about a design or way of doing something 〔尤指设计或做事方式〕创新的,革新的an attractive website with an innovative design 设计新颖、有吸引力的网站nThey came up with an innovative approach to the problem.revolutionary completely new in a way that has a very big effect – used especially about an idea, method, or invention 〔尤指观点、方法或发明〕革命性的,突破性的a revolutionary treatment for breast cancer 治疗乳腺癌的突破性疗法His theories were considered to be revolutionary at the time. 他的理论在当时被认为是革命性的。newfangled [only before noun] used about something that is new and modern but which you disapprove of 新奇的〔含贬义〕My grandfather hated all this newfangled technology. 我祖父讨厌所有这些新奇技术。n GRAMMAR: Order of adjectivesIf there is more than one adjective, the adjectives are usually used in a fixed order.You say: We’ve got a lovely new car. ✗Don’t say: We’ve got a new lovely car.You say: He wore his new blue shirt. ✗Don’t say: He wore his blue new shirt.Examples from the Corpusnew• Hey, I like your jacket - is it new?• I'd like to get a video camera but I can't afford to buy one new.• By the time we'd finished painting the boat, it looked as good as new.• Do you have Christy's new address?• Don't forget to give me your new address.• What distinguishes the leader from everyone else is that he takes all of that and makes himself-all new and unique.• Important new discoveries in the field of radiology may lead to a breakthrough in the treatment of cancer.• Can the new drugs help her?• All new employees are given training.• Her lawyers have come up with new evidence that may prove her innocence.• Living in a foreign country for a while was a completely new experience.• The new fund will be more diverse than the Passport fund, since it will invest in both large and smaller companies.• They hatch very quickly and at the same time a new generation of workers and soldiers emerge from the stored pupae.• Against that background, the new government should proceed expeditiously to make its actions transparent and itself accountable.• Human Resources runs an orientation course for anyone who is new here.• It's a new idea, very unusual, but it just may work.• Does anyone have any new ideas?• Apparently there's going to be a brand new "James Bond" movie out in the spring.• Learning a new language is more difficult for adults.• After the divorce, she went off to Canada to start a new life.• It's vital that we find new methods of producing and conserving energy.• I had to buy a new refrigerator.• Have you tried that new restaurant on Fourth Street?• Meanwhile, new subscribers began to flock, like moths scenting pheromones, to the Times.• Children who are new to the school may need extra help.• A new woman with two children had been brought in by Jacky in the hope/confidence/optimism etc• The day tingles with new hope.• This is being born again to a new hope.• To be sure, the new generation of flexible, individually controlled telecommunications technologies offers new hope for educational improvement.• Cynthia would know what to do; she would take care of it and leave Evie with new hope in her heart.• Since that day, there has been a new confidence in witnessing to others about the truth of the gospel.• Spurred on by a new hope, she ran across the road and scrambled up the smooth grassy side of the hillock.• And my new confidence was invaluable in making the sale.• Abused women can gain new confidence when they realize they have political leverage against their abusive spouses.bought ... new• Motor vehicles: The business owns a fleet of cars and delivery vans all of which were bought from new.• Purchasers include the many thousands of people who bought new computers at Christmas that came pre-loaded with it.• The next year, 1597, he bought a new house for his family.• She could not have bought a new pair of shoes since Brook Farm.• One hundred thousand people have bought Jethro's new video this month-more than Lock will play to in his lifetime.• When I married Martin, he paid off all my debts, poor dear, and bought me a new winter coat.• How quick the kid had been to recognise that his suit had been bought in New to• Since I'm new to the area, I was pleased to have the opportunity to meet people.• Remember, what is commonplace to you is wonderfully new to your to/at• Some varieties of waterlilies are fairly new to cultivation whereas the majority of well known cultivars date back years.• Highlighting class differences to emphasize his own down-to-earth roots is nothing new to Dole.• It was not new to her and this made her feel worse.• So jail is not new to him, in those days it was an accepted way of life.• After all, rejection was nothing new to me.• This is a concept new to the auto industry but old hat to purveyors of soap, suds and soup.• Also, I was completely new to the research, development, and acquisition business.Origin new Old English niwenew adjective →10-20 →n GRAMMAR1 →THESAURUS1LDOCE OnlineChinese  etc built, made, designed written, invented, Corpus recently




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