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单词 private parts
释义  Related topics: Humanˌprivate ˈparts noun [plural]  HBHthe sex organs – used when you want to avoid naming them directly 私处,阴部Examples from the Corpusprivate parts• Thereafter, the defendant must have pulled down her pants and tights and stabbed her private parts a number of times.• He was always looking at his private parts.• The guys are at it again, discussing my private parts in public.• She once bared her backside to a crowd and once measured the private parts of three sailors with a broomstick.• The private parts she didn't know how to read?• Then he terrorised the hysterical wives into mutilating their private parts with needles and pins, a court heard yesterday.• Their private parts were firmly jammed in the wringer and all it needed was for somebody to to the rescue.• When I think of the trouble you caused because you couldn't keep your private parts to yourself!ˌprivate ˈparts nounChineseSyllable  used – avoid organs the you want to Corpus sex when




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