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单词 private education
释义  Related topics: Schoolˌprivate eduˈcation noun [uncountable]  SESPRIVATE/NON-GOVERNMENTeducation which parents pay for, rather than free education provided by the government 私立教育Examples from the Corpusprivate education• They said they hope the publicity will lead to scholarship money for a private education for Miranda.• A private education hardly comes cheap: students have to pay up to $ 15,000.• Private medicine turned out to be one of these issues, and private education another.• At present rates, an average private education will cost you about £50,000 by the end.• These schools now provided a free alternative to expensive private education - so that the number of middle-class children in them rose.• In due course I shall return to my private education on the London trading floor.• Opting out may also serve to encourage the development of private education.ˌprivate eduˈcation nounChineseSyllable  rather for, education Corpus which parents pay than




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