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单词 prevention
释义 Word family  noun prevention adjective preventable preventive/preventative verb prevent adverb preventively/preventatively  pre·ven·tion /prɪˈvenʃən/ ●●○ noun [uncountable]  PREVENTwhen something bad is stopped from happening 预防;防止;阻止prevention of Educating new drivers is important for the prevention of accidents. 教育新司机对于预防事故很重要。crime/accident/fire etc prevention Effective crime prevention must be our main goal. 有效预防犯罪必须是我们的主要目标。 a fire prevention officer 消防官员 You know what they say, prevention is better than cure (=it is better to stop something bad from happening than to remove the problem once it has happened). 正所谓预防胜于治疗。Examples from the Corpusprevention• AIDS prevention efforts• The Labour party is fully committed to health promotion and prevention care.• The Secretary of State's crime prevention committee is considering how information should be collected and will continue to do so.• In my view, the provision of adequate fire prevention and fire fighting measures should be Venice's top priority.• So it appeared obvious that in the absence of a known cause, any rational prevention strategy must involve partner reduction.• Develop and implement guidelines for the prevention of opportunistic infections in immunosuppressed persons.prevention is better than cure• Corrosion is the main killer of Land Rovers and, as with human ailments, prevention is better than cure.• You can use the Alexander Technique as a preventative measure: after all, prevention is better than cure.• I have known it to be successfully treated with black sulphur powder mixed with water but prevention is better than cure.• The old adage that prevention is better than cure certainly holds true; as some contractors have discovered to their cost.• The very first rule, as with all sickness, is that prevention is better than cure.• The message that prevention is better than cure applies just as much to dental problems as it applies to heart disease.• Therefore prevention is better than cure.pre·ven·tion nounChineseSyllable  from Corpus something happening bad stopped when is




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