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单词 preservation
释义  pres·er·va·tion /ˌprezəˈveɪʃən $ -zər-/ ●○○ noun [uncountable]  1  CONTINUE/NOT STOPwhen something is kept in its original state or in good condition 保存;保护 → preservepreservation of Eliot campaigned for the preservation of London’s churches. 埃利奥特发起了保护伦敦各教堂的运动。 We are working for the preservation of the environment. 我们正致力于环境保护工作。 the preservation of our cultural heritage 对我们文化遗产的保护 methods of food preservation 保存食物的各种方法2  the act of making sure that a situation continues without changing 维护;保护;保持,维持preservation of the preservation of peace in the region 维护该地区的和平3  CHANGE/BECOME DIFFERENTthe degree to which something has remained unchanged or unharmed by weather, age etc 保存的状况 The arena is in an exceptionally fine state of preservation. 那座竞技场保存得非常完好。 → self-preservationExamples from the Corpuspreservation• Penryn itself is unspoilt, and its old and narrow streets are under a preservation order.• The government today is trying to combine preservation of indigenous cultures with economic development.• Today the body is rather dark in color but still in a state of preservation.• Often the process of enforcement or preservation makes it necessary for him to take or defend proceedings.• In all three cases the preservation triumphed.• They are the only sure reliance for the preservation of our liberty.• wildlife preservationpreservation of• The tribe is concerned with the preservation of its culture and traditions.state of preservation• Today the body is rather dark in color but still in a state of preservation.• Here it was in an artificial state of preservation.• Ironically, the older buildings were in a much better state of preservation.• His body was discovered several years later in an excellent state of preservation.• After the marble covering was removed, the original cypress casket was found in a good state of preservation.• Also in a remarkable state of preservation is a flute made h-am the ulna at Vulture.pres·er·va·tion nounChineseSyllable  its is kept original Corpus when in something




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