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单词 Niece
1. Mary bequeathed half of the company to her niece.
2. He has a pretty niece.
3. She pretended she was his niece.
4. She only sees her niece occasionally, so she showers her with presents when she does.
5. He adopts his niece as his heiress.
6. He looked affectionately at his niece.
7. My niece is a little devil.
8. She left her whole estate to her niece.
9. She's his niece, from what I can gather.
10. She left her entire estate to her niece.
11. One of the candidates was the manager's niece, and surprise, surprise, she got the job.
12. My niece was left in my trust for the weekend.
13. My niece is impossible when she's tired - you can't do anything to please her.
14. I bought my niece one of those toy dogs on wheels.
15. My niece was showing me all the tricks that she's learned to do with her new magic set.
16. He would never pretend she was his niece!
17. In 1856-7 his niece Caroline has a pet rabbit.
18. My niece, Sarah-Louise,() is expecting a baby.
19. Keeping an eye on another niece was for Margaret the most natural thing in the world.
20. But Dan Crawley's adopted niece clearly shared Henry's faith in the equine world.
21. Henry's eldest son married Agnes, Barbarossa's niece and the Guelph and Ghibelline feud was thus brought to a close.
22. She spoke sharply, and her niece saw that she was upset for some reason.
23. A niece of Miss Vine's bought her a new budgerigar.
24. Mrs Coxen was aided in looking after the children by her niece.
25. She wasn't exactly overjoyed at the prospect of looking after her niece.
26. The little girl you saw a moment ago was my niece.
27. She boxed up all the old baby clothes to send to her niece.
28. I got a real charge out of seeing my niece take her first steps.
29. This year all the apples are all red. My niece and nephew are going out this morning with step-ladders to pick some.
30. The question now was, did I want to peep at the issue in which my niece appears?
1. Mary bequeathed half of the company to her niece.
2. He has a pretty niece.
3. She pretended she was his niece.
4. She only sees her niece occasionally, so she showers her with presents when she does.
5. He adopts his niece as his heiress.
6. My niece was left in my trust for the weekend.
31. Perhaps, as my niece would say, I should buy myself a new dictionary.
32. His niece, who is a little unbalanced, took this very badly, despite the fact she herself was a substantial legatee.
33. A niece took over the post office when she married, and it was moved to the present premises.
34. My niece is only little, but already she is susceptible to it, wearing T-shirts and baseball caps.
35. For one, Chilcott had kept his temper, hoping to coax his niece round to his point of view.
36. I spent a half-hour recently putting together the ultimate birthday gift for my 5-year-old niece.
37. Niece, will keep the family tradition going into next generation.
38. As they moved towards the next tee she nodded towards her niece.
39. The upshot of it was: his due pension, and his departure to live with a faraway niece.
40. Morrison said she sent her niece and a nephew to see if anything had reached shore, but they saw nothing.
41. Ephraim even agreed to witness the legal document drawn up between his nephew and niece that effected the change.
42. As they walk they sing a special ballad composed by the archdeacon's niece for the occasion.
43. While he and a niece were playing, Jones suffered a broken left thumb.
44. Mrs Gould and her niece are lodging in the Rising Sun.
45. She also said she and her niece plan to sing some of those numbers during the Fallbrook concert.
45. try its best to collect and create good sentences.
46. Also, strangely, he noted there was a similarity in the faces of the aunt and niece.
47. It's not so much that he's lost a niece, more a potential playmate.
48. Peggy Pine who ran the smart clothes shop said that she might have her young niece staying with her.
49. But it was a note from his niece saying Graham was gone and we would all miss him.
50. Suppose that Sarah Payne were your daughter, niece, or granddaughter.
51. My niece has practiced ballet for six years.
52. Jastrow glanced doubtfully from the Palestinian to his niece.
53. You must teach my niece to take things quietly.
54. My niece ran the quarter mile.
55. Jastrow knit his brow fiercely at his niece.
56. From a lighthouse near a cliff to the Eiffel Tower to your four-year-old niece jumping in a puddle.
57. The Big Giant and his niece, the Little Giantess share an embrace as they are reunited once again, in front of Berlin's Brandenburg Gate on October 3, 2009.
58. Her niece, an extremely voluble young woman, engages in soliloquies, not conversations.
59. Her niece had been searching fruitlessly for her every day since March 12th.
60. My niece sacredly sacrificed a piece of pie to the God.
61. Miss Ley could not help asking herself if he really loved her niece.
62. As a mother (Raver) deals with the death of her young son, she learns that her niece is being contacted by the boy from beyond the grave.
63. "This is a very special niece, " Dahl says. "My sister died of cancer 10 years ago and it's her youngest daughter.
64. My little niece guards her pocket-money as a queen does her crown jewel.
65. Cho 's great-aunt, Kim Yang-soon, described Cho as "very cold" and said her niece was constantly worried about him, according to an interview translated by the AP.
66. Canine breeders also believe that linebreeding occurs when breeding grandsire to grand-offspring, uncle to niece and aunt to nephew.
67. She thought it brave of her niece even to have dressed.
68. Mrs. Gardiner then rallied her niece Wickham's desertion, and complimented her on bearing It'so well.
69. Under his enlightenment and encouragement, his niece and granddaughter have also started to learn the technique of gourd pyrography . Mr.
70. Fulbert, the canon of Notre Dame, hired Abelard to tutor his niece, Heloise.
71. Within a month, Ferreira's wife, his 6-year-old niece and two of his employees had died from acute radiation syndrome.
72. Mary left her most precious possession — a small bookcase to her niece.
73. In order to prevent his niece, Rhea Silvia, from havIng offsprIng and so contInuIng Numitor's lIneage, Amulius forced her to become a vestal virgIn.
74. Maya Lin was born in Athens, Ohio. She is the niece of Lin Huiyin, who is said to be the first female.
75. The niece of the great Mongol leader, Kubla Khan,(http:///niece.html) Princess Khutulun was described by Marco Polo as the greatest warrior in Khan's army.
76. In 1840 he helped arrange the marriage of his niece, Victoria, to his nephew, Prince Albert of Saxe-Coburg-Gotha.
77. Xizor's long-lost niece, Savan, sought Guri for the valuable Black Sun files contained in her memory core.
78. The aunt felt her niece was mismatched and was openly contemptuous of Hung - chien's abilities and qualifications.
79. Susan had never met Aunt Mary Maria, but a niece of Susan's, the daughter of her sister Matilda, had worked for her in Charlottetown and had told Susan all about her.
80. Fanny Kemblewas the niece of two Shakespearean tragedians, Sarah Siddons and Siddons's brother, John Philip Kemble.
81. We can do that sort of: When you play tic-tac-toe with your seven-year old nephew or niece, you just look ahead and work backwards.
82. First Lady Michelle Obama curtsies with Lynne Silosky, a niece of posthumous Medal of Honor awardee, Staff Sergeant Robert J. Miller.
83. Madame Denis, the niece of M. de Voltaire, had been extremely good to me.
84. Retailing for about 65 Australian dollars ($56), the hijood was inspired by Zanetti's young niece who wears the hijab and who also likes to play netball.
85. As easy as these directives can be to ignore while in the kitchen, it's even easier when you're outside and playing with the dog, with the Frisbee, or with your baby niece, Feist notes.
86. Framton turned toward his niece with a look of sympathetic comprehension.
87. Fanny Kemble (1809-93) was the niece of two Shakespearean tragedians, Sarah Siddons and Siddons's brother, John Philip Kemble.
88. The massa's eyes drank in the wet - eyed earnestness of his beloved niece.
89. Altmann is the 90 - year - old niece of Bloch - Bauer , who died in 1925.
90. The Big Giant begins his search through Berlin for his niece, the Little Giantess during a street theatre performance on October 3, 2009.
91. She kept her niece for a week while her sister was ill.
92. He had taken it for granted that the Marchioness Manson was still in Washington, where she had gone some four weeks previously with her niece, Madame Olenska.
93. In the course of his brief visit, he quite forgot to ask after his niece.
94. Maya Lin was born in Athens, Ohio. She is the niece of Lin Huiyin, who is said to be the first female architect in China.
95. This darling red dress will be perfect for my niece to wear on New Year's.
96. Gonzales says she couldn't take the cat (she had other pets) but couldn't bring herself to put K.C. down either, so she tried letting the cat live on in her mother's home with a niece who'd moved in.
97. The piano player is my niece that she did not play piano since two year ago.
98. CANON XIX: Whoever marries two sisters, or a niece, may not be a clergyman.
99. She returned to the charge the next evening, and requested her niece to confide in her.
100. Two and half hours later, after an excruciating silence, Dahl discovered that his niece had survived.
101. First Lady Michelle Obama curtsies with Lynne Silosky, a niece of posthumous Medal of Honor awardee, Staff Sergeant Robert J. Miller, October 6, 2010.
102. Bush are the adoptive uncle and aunt of a niece and nephew.
103. The wardrobe of her niece was the perquisite of her [ maid ] Tobias Smollett.
104. My little niece, who is gifted with understanding told me so(http://), O Marimba.
105. Framton shivered slightly and turned toward the niece with a look of sympathetic comprehension.




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