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单词 prayer book
释义  Related topics: Christianityˈprayer book noun [countable]  RRCa book containing prayers that is used in some Christian church services 〔基督教的〕祈祷书Examples from the Corpusprayer book• Some of them wept as the preacher opened up his prayer book and the coffin was gently lowered into the grave.• She even carried her own prayer book.• But no amount of reading from the prayer book gave me the comfort I sought.• These prayers will be found in the prayer book immediately after the psalms.• When he reached his church, he missed the prayer book, and hurried back.nthe Prayer BookˈPrayer Book, the  nthe book of common prayerˈprayer book nounˈPrayer Book, theLDOCE OnlineChineseSyllable  that a used prayers containing is Corpus in book




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