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单词 potboiler
释义  Related topics: Literaturepot·boil·er /ˈpɒtˌbɔɪlə $ ˈpɑːtˌbɔɪlər/ noun [countable]  ALa book or film that is produced quickly to make money and which is not of very high quality, especially one that is exciting or romantic 〔为赚钱而〕粗制滥造的书[影片]Examples from the Corpuspotboiler• These are performances to make you forget these are pieces usually treated as potboilers.• Pukhov, a careerist painter, sacrifices his artistic integrity by cynically painting potboilers to please factory and party committees.• The title, like nearly everything else in this brilliant, incisive political potboiler, is well-nigh perfect.pot·boil·er nounChineseSyllable  quickly produced Corpus is film a or money to make that book




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