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单词 Gross domestic product
1. Growth in the Gross Domestic Product decelerated significantly, from 10.5 per cent in real terms in 2000 to a mere 0.1 per cent in 2001.
2. Growth in the Gross Domestic Product ( GDP ) decelerated significantly, from 10.5 per cent in real terms in 2000 to a mere 0.1 per cent in 2001.
3. The annual percentage rise in the implicit gross domestic product deflator.
4. Trichet said the M3 target assumes a gross domestic product growth of 2. 5 percent.
5. Our gross domestic product was literally heavy, for it was dominated by coal, steel, iron, and grains.
6. The Arab countries devote the highest percentage of gross domestic product in the world to arms.
7. Projecting numbers like gross domestic product and per-capita income back into the past is a highly risky undertaking.
8. An inflation measure linked to the gross domestic product had its smallest rise since 1964.
8. try its best to gather and build good sentences.
9. The gross domestic product rose between July and September compared to the previous three months.
10. Potential output is that rate of gross domestic product which would result if all resources were fully employed.
11. The Economics Ministry said today gross domestic product probably shrank in the fourth quarter of 1995.
12. The gross domestic product annually grew, on average, 9. 8 % from 1987 to 1995.
13. Gross domestic product was estimated to have grown by 8.3 percent during 1989.
14. GDP stands for Gross Domestic Product.
15. Its double - digit growth in gross domestic product last year is statistical proof of the ongoing changes.
16. Government expenditure is around 16 per cent of gross domestic product.
17. Investment was sharply down and was estimated to represent only 9 percent of gross domestic product.
18. Candidates for a single currency must limit their public deficits to 3 percent of gross domestic product by the end of 1997.
19. Tourism is our second biggest contributor - after North Sea oil - to gross domestic product.
20. Dini said inflation was kept to a moderate pace during the year, even as gross domestic product rose 3 percent.
21. It shows the decline in the percentage of the Gross Domestic Product devoted to Defence from 1946 onwards.
22. Only nations that reduce their budget deficits to 3 percent of gross domestic product and accumulated debt to 60 percent automatically qualify.
23. The Arab states allocate a higher percentage of their gross domestic product to military expenditures than do the Western countries.
24. It now accounts for only 20 to 25 percent. of the total gross domestic product of Britain.
25. The government will release a preliminary estimate of full-year gross domestic product tomorrow.
26. Domestic product proportion Agriculture now contributes only 3.4% of Community gross domestic product, compared with 5.4% in 1970.
27. Possibly one fifth of their loans are bad debts or some 30 per cent of gross domestic product.
28. The positive impact of these shipments on second quarter gross domestic product was offset by a fall in inventories of manufactured nondurable goods.
29. Investors are set to pore over September non-farm payrolls, the final reading of second-quarter gross domestic product and several other big economic reports.
30. Economists worry companies' hesitance to hire will restrain consumer spending, the biggest component of U.S. gross domestic product.
1. Growth in the Gross Domestic Product ( GDP ) decelerated significantly, from 10.5 per cent in real terms in 2000 to a mere 0.1 per cent in 2001.
31. A nation's gross domestic product (GDP) is the total market value of all final goods and services produced by a nation.
32. And although the nominal amount of public debt didn't decline, it did come down from some 30 percent of gross domestic product in the early 1790s to a bit more than 10 percent by 1815.
33. Consumer prices in Japan have fallen for seven of the past 10 years, and gross domestic product, unadjusted for changes in prices, was the smallest since 1991 last year.
34. The percentage of federal debt held by the public is projected to go from 41% of the gross domestic product in 2008 to 68% by 2019.
35. Most telling is that although Venezuela's gross domestic product dwarfs Cuba's, Venezuela's infant mortality rate is still three times higher.
36. Real gross domestic product - The sum value of goods and services produced in a country and valued at constant prices, calibrated from some base year.
37. Last year, Indonesia's gross domestic product recorded a growth of 3.32 percent.
38. By using gross domestic product as a measure of change, he devised a'China years'table.
38. try its best to gather and build good sentences.
39. Most economic forecasters now expect gross domestic product to start growing soon, if it hasn't already.
40. Some of these countries, including India, have already decide to increase the percentage of their gross domestic product set aside for education.
41. A hard-nosed pragmatism is generally considered to be China's guiding principle at home and abroad: whatever produces growth in gross domestic product.
42. China's gross domestic product is among the fastest - growing in the world.
43. That equals nearly two - thirds of Austria's gross domestic product.
44. On Friday, the Bureau of Economic Analysis reported that gross domestic product fell at an annualized rate of 6.2 percent from the third to the fourth quarter of 2008.
45. Few nations can match our economic performance since independence; our gross domestic product per capita has risen more than twelvefold and exceeds $9, 000.
46. Our prescription was that federal debt held by the public be allowed to rise each year, but no faster than growth in current-dollar gross domestic product.
47. Gross domestic product - The sum of the market values of all final goods and services produced within a particular country during a period of time.
48. Government revised downward its third-quarter gross domestic product (GDP) data for the latest seasonally adjusted annual rate of 0.5 percent.
49. The city's gross domestic product doubled between 2000 and 2005.
50. The currency regime is a tax on consumption, which accounts for a mere 36 per cent of gross domestic product and represents a considerable subsidy to exports.
51. Besides measuring the value of the net transfer of resources, the goods and services balance also furnishes information about the status of a nation's gross domestic product (GDP).
52. Gross domestic product at factor cost: The gross domestic product at market prices minus the difference between indirect taxes and subsidies.
53. The United States has the largest gross domestic product in the world.
54. Official government debt as percentage of gross domestic product is under 20 %.
55. Household debt remains a near - record 122 % of gross domestic product.
56. Economic losses in developing countries with the highest burden of maternal and early childhood undernutrition amount to between 2 and 3% of gross domestic product (GDP).
57. Although the media often refer to a recession as (at least) two back-to-back quarters of negative real (inflation-adjusted) growth in the gross domestic product, this is not really correct.
58. The most commonly reported measure of aggregate output, the gross domestic product (GDP), is the market value of all final goods and services produced in a country during the course of the year.
59. Income of gross domestic product, finance resided the first in national capital 1996.
60. Since imports subtract from gross domestic product and exports add to it, a smaller trade gap -- fewer imports and more exports -- is generally good for the economy.
61. While this could help its exports, gross domestic product could nevertheless drop as much as 50% because of lost trade with the EU, forced currency conversions and sclerotic financial markets.
62. Social security expense holds the proportion of gross domestic product, level of appellative social security.
63. GDP gross domestic product is the core index of national economy.
64. Business accounting of gross domestic product is the serious content of national economic accounting.
65. For the past 300 years we've consistently spent just about seven-tenths-of-one-percent of our gross domestic product on artificial lighting.
66. Last year, it had a current account surplus of 1.1 per cent of gross domestic product.
67. Its real consumer spending has jumped 15 per cent in the past year, outpacing the almost double digit rise in gross domestic product.
68. Thus the concept of gross national product is formed, which equals to gross domestic product plus net overseas income from the primary distribution.
69. The closely watched Confederation of British Industry forecast gross domestic product growth will slow to 0.8% in 2008 and will contract in 2009.
70. Gross government debt is close to 200 per cent of gross domestic product.
71. The latest look-ahead from the National Association for Business Economics says the gross domestic product is on track to expand at just a 1.5 percent pace from October through December.
72. Every UK pound spent on publically or charitably funded research yields a 30% return per year—in perpetuity—from direct or indirect gains to the UK's gross domestic product.
73. The IMF calculates that the stock of domestic loans, including those both on and off banks' books, reached 173% of China's gross domestic product as of the end of June.
74. Economists said the sharp inventory drop could lead to a downward adjustment to second-quarter gross domestic product, but higher output in the third quarter.
75. "We've got to be very cautious about what it implies for the future," Gault said about the surprisingly strong gross domestic product number.
76. In all, GM's bankruptcy could lop off 4 percentage points from the U.S. gross domestic product, of which two-thirds is driven by consumer spending, LaVorgna said.
77. In Australia, second-quarter gross domestic product advanced 1.2 percent from a revised 0.7 percent in the prior period.
78. The most common measure of the U.S. economy is the federal government’s report on the gross domestic product (GDP).
79. Material standard of living is measured by gross domestic product per head at purchasing power parity.
80. It is important not to confuse [ gross domestic product ] with stock markets.
81. Last week, the British Government announced in the third quarter decreased in gross domestic product.
82. Growth of the economy is a primary indicator of economic health and is measured by the gross domestic product (GDP), or the country's total output of goods and services.
83. Total research and development investment in China grew by 22 per cent in 2006, totalling 300 billion yuan (US$39.6 billion) or 1.4 per cent of the country's gross domestic product.
84. Academicresearch has shown that the national ACSI score is a strong predictorof Gross Domestic Product (GDP) growth, and an even stronger predictorof Personal Consumption Expenditure (PCE) growth.
85. Should the Democratic Party fail to deliver, personal consumption, which accounts for about 60 percent of gross domestic product, could stagnate.
86. Some distributed lag models were designed to analyze the influence of health care consumption, and government finance spending to the investment multiplier of gross domestic product.
86. try its best to gather and create good sentences.
87. Jiangyin one ten thousandth of the people in the country's land to the national one-thousandth of the population, and create a national 1/250 gross domestic product.
88. Personal consumption expenditure as a percentage of U.S. gross domestic product for two - thirds of economic growth.




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