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单词 possible
释义 Word family  noun possibility ≠ impossibility the impossible possible adjective possible ≠ impossible adverb possibly ≠ impossibly  pos·si·ble1 /ˈpɒsəbəl $ ˈpɑː-/ ●●● S1 W1 adjective  1  if something is possible, it can be done or achieved 可能的,可能做到的,可能实现的 OPP impossible Is it possible to get tickets for the game? 有没有可能弄到比赛的门票? It might be possible for the documents to be sent over. 这些文件也许可以发送过去。 Computer technology makes it possible for many people to work from home. 计算机技术让许多人可以在家里工作。 I want to avoid the rush hour traffic if possible. 如有可能我想避开交通高峰时间。 I walk or use public transport whenever possible. 只要有可能我就步行或者乘坐公共交通工具。 We are doing everything possible to track down the killer. 我们正竭尽全力追捕杀人凶手。 Our staff will help you in every way possible. 我们的员工会尽力帮助你。 Even if it were technically possible, we do not have the money to do it. 即使技术上可行,我们也没有钱去做。 She decided to stay as far away from him as was humanly possible. 她决定尽可能离他远点。2  as soon/quickly/much etc as possible VERYas soon, quickly etc as you can 尽可能快/多等 I need the money as soon as possible. 我需要尽快拿到这笔钱。 Sharon always does as little work as possible. 莎伦总是尽可能少做事。 The original features of the house have been preserved as far as possible (=as much as possible). 这所房子原有的特色被尽可能地保留了下来。3  a possible answer, cause etc might be true 可能的,合乎事实的,合理的 There seem to be only two possible explanations. 似乎只有两种合理的解释。 the possible causes of a child’s learning difficulties 造成孩子学习困难的可能原因it is possible (that) It’s possible that the letter got lost in the post. 有可能那封信在邮寄过程中弄丢了。4  a possible event or thing might happen or exist 可能发生的;可能存在的 Heavy rain is possible later in the day. 今天晚些时候可能会有大雨。 the possible effect on the health of local people 对当地人的健康可能造成的影响 You need to look at the possible consequences of your actions. 你要想一想你的行为可能造成的后果。 In Hollywood, anything is possible (=anything can happen, even though it may seem very unlikely). 在好莱坞万事皆有可能。5  the best/biggest/fastest etc possible POSSIBLEthe best etc that can exist or be achieved 最好的/最大的/最快的等 Try to get the best possible price. 尽量要拿到最好的价格。 What is the worst possible thing that could happen? 最坏的情况会是什么呢?6  would it be possible (for somebody) to do sth? spokenASK FOR something/ASK somebody TO DO something used when asking politely if you can do or have something (某人)可不可以做某事? Would it be possible to speak to Oliver? 可不可以和奥利弗说说?n COLLOCATIONSphrasesit is possible to do somethingFrom the hilltop it was possible to see the sea.make it possible to do somethingMedical advances have made it possible to keep more patients alive.if possible (also if at all possible)If possible, take light exercise first thing in the morning.where/wherever/whenever possibleChoose wholemeal varieties of flour and pasta, where everything possibleWe must do everything possible to limit our impact on the Earth's every way possibleThe company helped promote the scheme in every way possible.adverbsperfectly/quite possible (=definitely possible)Combining a family with a career is perfectly possible .theoretically possible (=possible in theory, but difficult and unlikely)It is theoretically possible for all students to get full marks.technically possible (=possible with the technology available)Amendments to software may be technically possible, but are inadvisable.humanly possible (=possible for anyone)It is not humanly possible to work for more than fifteen hours a day. THESAURUSpossible if something is possible, it can be done or achieved 可能的,能做到的I think it’s possible that we could win the race. 我认为我们有可能赢那场比赛。I want to get back by 5 o'clock if possible. 可能的话我想5点钟前回来。Please let me know your answer as soon as possible. 请尽快给我答复。feasible if an idea or plan is feasible, it is possible and you can find a practical way of doing it 可行的,行得通的We need to find out first if the idea is technically feasible. 我们首先要弄清楚这一想法在技术上是否可行。It is not feasible to have security cameras in every part of the building. 在大楼的每一个地方都安上监控摄像头是行不通的。nDa Silva considered it feasible that uranium could be produced on an industrial scale.viable possible and likely to be successful, and therefore worth doing 可行的,可实施的Nuclear energy is the only viable alternative to coal or gas. 核能是唯一可能替代煤或汽油的能源。The product needs to be commercially viable. 该产品得是在商业上可行的。n We have yet to find a viable solution to the problem. The company was no longer financially viable (=it could not make enough money to be able to continue). 这家公司财务上已难以维持了。workable a workable plan, system, or solution is one that can be done or used 可行的,行得通的By early morning, they had arrived at a workable and safe solution. 到凌晨时他们找到了一个可行且安全的解决办法。The company would have a tough job convincing people that the deal was workable. 公司要让大家相信这宗交易是可行的,这会很困难。doable informal if something is doable, you have enough money, energy, or skill to do it 可行的,可做的This exercise programme is doable for most people. 这一锻炼计划对大多数人都是可行的。nDo you think the walk is doable?nHosting great parties is fun, easy, and doable on any budget.nThe book is full of interesting and doable recipes.achievable (also attainable formal) able to be achieved 可达到的,可完成的A 15% cut in carbon emissions is achievable. 碳排放量减少15%是能做到的。Perfect democracy is not attainable, nor is perfect freedom or perfect justice. 完全的民主是达不到的,完全的自由或公正也是做不到的。realistic if something is realistic, it seems sensible to think that it can be done or achieved 现实的,实际的a realistic target 实际的目标Their expectations didn’t seem very realistic. 他们的期望似乎不太现实。nIt is important to set yourself realistic goals.Examples from the Corpuspossible• Travel to other planets may soon be possible.• We must get her to the hospital as quickly as possible.• We will deal with all complaints as soon as is humanly possible.• You can't be a Muslim and a Catholic at the same time - it's just not possible.• I planned on saying as little as possible.• I want to get back by 5 o'clock if possible.• Please let me know your answer as soon as possible.• technological changes and their possible effects on our lives• It is possible for more than one person to win the competition.• What makes it possible for the speaker to communicate this to the hearer?• Accidents are always possible in heavy industries like mining.• Echoes of the signal alert them to possible prey, at ranges up to 80-90 metres in shallow waters.• It is therefore easier to prevent development on the basis of the precautionary principle, rather than look for possible solutions.• It is possible that the children are still alive.• Sudden snowstorms are always possible this time of year.• They're as unique as it is possible to be without splitting at the seams.• Is it possible to find a room in a good hotel for less than $100?• It is seldom possible to give a general overall clearance of a product for all export markets.• The doctors did everything possible to save her life.• Here's a list of possible topics for your next essay.• The only possible way a woman could rise in class was to marry into a family of higher social standing than her own.• Detectives can now check every criminal's records, which wouldn't be possible without computers.humanly possible• Acquaint yourselves with it as soon as is humanly possible.• If so, will he ensure that a police officer accompanies every military patrol whenever humanly possible?• Our Government is fashioned to fulfill this concept so far as humanly possible.• The task at hand was to devise an immediate gathering of the vestry and to make it as splendid as humanly possible.• What she must do was concentrate on getting her memory back so that she could get home to them as soon as humanly possible.• Although speechreaders learn the necessity for keen attention and mental focus, it is not humanly possible to focus attention all day.• They demanded attention which it was not humanly possible to give.• He should be punished for as long as it is humanly possible to punish is possible (that)• In this way it is possible for a marble statue to wave at us.• This survey shows it is possible for sufferers to help themselves effectively as our programme has proved.• On the latter point it is possible for the public to judge since proceedings in both houses of Parliament are now televised.• So you're saying it's possible that Mark did it.• First, it is possible that the volatiles were borne on the small bodies from which the planets accreted.• Hence, it is possible to guarantee the same perfect result time after time.• The radial shields are usually covered although in some specimens it is possible to see the outline of distal end.• But it is possible to work with people who have had no previous experience of teaching or drama.• Iain Gordon I don't think it is possible without help from another program.anything is possible• At this age, anything is possible.• Early this month reputable polls showed that anything is possible.• I haven't time to really listen and get good feedback from my kids ... In imagination anything is possible.• In Hollywood, we must remember, anything is possible.• With it, anything is possible.• If anything is possible, that certainly is.• Once you have the rules, almost anything is possible within those rules.possible2 noun [countable]  SUITABLEsomeone or something that might be suitable or acceptable for a particular purpose 可能适合的人[事物] Frank’s a possible for the job. 弗兰克是那份工作的一个可能人选。Examples from the Corpuspossible• Dern is another possible for the award.• It's a device which when read by scanner, gives a unique code; one of 34 billion possibles.• There were other possibles - mostly underworld figures - but I discounted them as red herrings.• He assumed that this could only be because he was one of the possibles.Origin possible1 (1300-1400) French Latin possibilis, from posse “to be able”pos·si·ble1 adjective →n COLLOCATIONS1 →THESAURUS1possible2 nounLDOCE OnlineChineseSyllable  can something Corpus it if possible, is or done be




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