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单词 become
释义  be·come /bɪˈkʌm/ ●●● S1 W1 verb (past tense became /-ˈkeɪm/, past participle become)  1  [linking verb]BECOME to start to have a feeling or quality, or to start to develop into something 变成,变得 The weather became warmer. 天气变暖和了。 Slowly my eyes became accustomed to the darkness. 我的眼睛渐渐适应了黑暗。 Helen became increasingly anxious about her husband’s strange behaviour. 海伦越来越担心她丈夫的反常行为。 Pollution from cars has become a major problem. 汽车污染已成为严重的问题。2  [linking verb]BECOME to start to have a job or position 成为,变成 George became king at the age of 54. 乔治在54岁时当上了国王。 When did you first want to become a teacher? 你最早是什么时候想要当一名教师的?3  [transitive not in progressive] formalSUITABLE to be suitable for someone, or to look attractive on them 适合 SYN suit Blue really becomes her. 蓝色非常适合她。 Don’t try to be clever – it doesn’t become you. 不要装聪明——这样跟你不相称。4  what became of ... ? whatever will become of ... ? HAPPENused to ask what has happened to someone or something, especially when you have not seen them for a long time, or what will happen to someone that you are worried about …怎么样了?/…会怎么样? What became of those Chinese vases that Mum used to have? 妈妈以前的那些中国花瓶呢? Whatever will become of Sam when his wife dies? 如果妻子死了,萨姆会怎么样呢?n GRAMMAR: Linking verbsBecome is a linking verb. This type of verb links the subject of the sentence with an adjective or noun: It became more difficult.She hoped to become a lawyer. THESAURUSbecome to start to have a feeling or quality, or to start to develop into something 变成,变得His parents became worried when he was late home from school. 他放学回家晚了,父母担心起来。Violent crime is becoming a major problem. 暴力犯罪问题越来越严重。nShe became more confident when she joined a drama group.get to start to have a feeling or quality. Get is less formal than become and is much more commonly used in everyday English 变得〔get没有become正式,在日常英语中常用得多〕I was getting very tired. 我很累了。Make sure you’re home before it gets dark. 你一定要在天黑前到家。go to become something – used about things becoming a different colour, or things or people becoming worse in some way 变为,变成〔用于指物体变成不同的颜色,或指物体或人变得不好〕Her hair was going grey. 她头发变白了。He went blind. 他失明了。I think I’m going mad. 我觉得我快疯了。turn to become something – used about things becoming a different colour, or the weather or people’s behaviour changing 变得,变为〔用于指颜色、天气或人的行为的变化〕The water had turned bright green. 水变成了鲜绿色。The weather is expected to turn cold again. 预计天气将再次转冷。He suddenly turned nasty. 他突然凶起来。grow especially written to gradually become something 逐渐变得People were growing impatient. 人们开始不耐烦起来。The rich grew richer. 有钱人越来越有钱。come undone/loose/apart to become undone, loose, or separated into pieces 松开,脱落The screws had come loose. 螺丝松动了。change into something to become something completely different 变成〔完全不同的〕某物The caterpillar changed into a beautiful butterfly. 毛虫变成了一只美丽的蝴蝶。→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpusbecome• Their world became a blinding wall of white, howling towards them, too fast for thought or action.• My friend Kyle stayed with the company and became a departmental manager.• Every time you open the newspaper these days someone else has just become a millionaire.• Even when I was a kid, I wanted to become a psychologist.• Since winning all that money he's become a very unpleasant person.• After a while my eyes became accustomed to the dark.• The main point is that the clash procedure becomes an end in itself.• By this time he had become an enduring institution.• She started to become anxious about her son.• Slowly she became aware that there was someone else in the room.• Bradley went on to become chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff.• It soon became clear that the fire was out of control.• Mobile phones have now become fashion accessories for schoolkids and teenagers.• It is becoming harder to find decent housing in the city.• Baker became head coach.• Many people, who had once been middle-class, who had once had dignity, became irrational.• These kinds of partnerships are becoming more common.• Julian's book was a big success and he quickly became rich and famous.• Somehow they manage to become smaller than life.• Swindon became the end of the line for east bound Inter City trains.• After the death of her father, she became the richest woman in the world.• The weather is becoming warmer.• I don't think that outfit really becomes you, Sheryl.Origin become Old English becuman “to come to, become”, from cuman “to come”be·come verb →n GRAMMAR1 →THESAURUS1LDOCE OnlineChineseSyllable  a start to have Corpus feeling to




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