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单词 Caught up
1) They got caught up in a street brawl.
2) The law caught up with him yesterday.
3) As expected, excessive drinking caught up with him.
4) Eventually, the army caught up with him in Latvia.
5) The thief caught up the money and ran away.
6) Paul got caught up in the rat race and was never at home.
7) He caught up the ball as it rolled along and threw it back.
8) When he heard the bugle call, he caught up his gun and dashed out.
9) He was unwittingly caught up in the confrontation.
10) My raincoat was caught up on the hook.
11) She caught up a popular neologism from the newspapers.
12) She caught up her hair.
13) He caught up with Gary, puffing for breath .
14) We caught up with the nuns.
15) He caught up on months of unread periodicals.
16) The police caught up with those bandits at last.
17) Nick caught up with me and rode alongside.
18) She was caught up in the anti-nuclear movement.
19) Innocent passers-by got caught up in the riots.
20) I didn't want to get caught up in endless petty arguments.
21) They were so caught up in the movie that they forgot to do their homework.
22) We were so caught up in the movie that we forgot what time it was.
23) She was so caught up in the music that she forgot to have her supper.
24) I was caught up in the busy traffic again this evening.
25) The taxman caught up with him and demanded £17,000 in unpaid taxes.
26) She got caught up in the excitement and drama of the auction.
27) He caught up a stick and struck out his assailant.
28) They had been selling stolen cars for years before the police caught up with them.
29) The people themselves weren't part of the conflict; they were just caught up in it.
30) They were involved in burglary for years before the police caught up with them.
1) They got caught up in a street brawl.
2) The law caught up with him yesterday.
3) As expected, excessive drinking caught up with him.
4) Eventually, the army caught up with him in Latvia.
5) The thief caught up the money and ran away.
6) They had been selling stolen cars for years before the police caught up with them.
7) Paul got caught up in the rat race and was never at home.
8) He caught up the ball as it rolled along and threw it back.
9) When he heard the bugle call, he caught up his gun and dashed out.
31) We were so caught up with the details, we lost sight of the big picture .
32) They were both caught up in a whirling vortex of emotion.
33) It's very easy to get caught up in the rat race.
34) The leaves were caught up by a sudden gust of wind.
35) He was caught up in the anti-fascist movement during the Second World War.
36) The safety of civilians caught up in the fighting must be guaranteed.
37) Children often become caught up in a tug of love between warring parents.
38) The police car finally caught up with the van at the junction.
39) They were having an argument and somehow I got caught up in it.
40) When she caught up with them, she saw that they had sat down and were going through the contents of the bag.
41) A number of tourists got caught up in the riots.
42) The law caught up with him years later when he had moved to Spain.
43) I didn't reckon with getting caught up in so much traffic.
44) He became caught up in a seething mass of arms and legs.
45) They must have switched ——otherwise would have we caught up with them up long ago.
46) Sorry I'm late — I got caught up in a traffic jam.
47) Although he subsequently became a successful businessman, his criminal past caught up with him.
48) I didn't hear you come in; I was so caught up in this book.
49) That's why he's got so caught up with this crazy idea about Mr. Trancas.
50) It's easy to get caught up in the social whirl.
51) There was a ten-mile chase before the thieves were caught up by the police car.
52) The robbers had gone five miles before the police caught up with them.
53) She was caught up in the political scandal that broke in 1999.
54) This will prevent it from getting caught up.
55) Agents finally caught up with Danvers in Mexico City.
56) Breaknecking it has finally caught up with me.
57) Kenetech got caught up in that.
58) And then I got caught up in being young.
59) We get caught up in the commercial aspects of Christmas.
60) When this is augmented by oddly tangential keyboard sounds it's an enjoyable little maelstrom to be caught up in.
61) My mind has at last caught up, and indeed overtaken my body.
62) I would say the top teams are just as good, but the lesser teams have caught up a little bit.
63) Writing in the late 1960s and early 1970s, he argued that advanced capitalist societies were caught up in a major contradiction.
64) By investing products with meanings from other sign systems, Williamson argues that receivers are caught up in an ideological bind.
65) Ideally some one in the ferreting party will be given the task of removing each rabbit as soon as it is caught up.
66) They were suddenly afraid. Over the moor they went until, at last, they caught up with the hounds.
67) A side benefit for Deborah was that she gained some extra time to get caught up on work and to see Paul.
68) The situation is grim for the innocent people, caught up in this conflict.
69) The girls walked in the Rose Gardens and caught up on the past months, discussed the future.
70) He finally caught up with her about thirty yards away from the pond.
71) Rather than just evolving in a gradual, uniform manner, the earth may actually be caught up in a repeating cycle.
72) For a moment, she felt unusually relaxed, caught up in the lazy, easy-going atmosphere of the Sunday afternoon crowds.
73) Meys he regrets getting caught up in the drug scene.
74) Left unstirred, simmering soup will produce a scum that gets caught up in the eddies.
75) Eventually the law caught up with him and he was heavily fined for caging protected species.
76) A dozen of the company's senior executives have been caught up in the country's ever-widening corruption scandal.
77) Nigel caught up with me and I was glad to have company as it can get spooky in the half-light.
78) Creed caught up with her in the hallway and grabbed her by the shoulder, spinning her round.
79) And the ambulance was engulfed in flames before firemen caught up with it.
80) Auguste found himself caught up in the general excitement and cursed his heavy waterlogged costume.
81) I am painfully aware of how we get caught up in our times and become contaminated by our own hypocrisy.
82) But now his injuries have caught up with him, despite a brave battle to recover from recent knee surgery.
83) When I caught up with Jean-Claude, he told me to return to the cottage alone.
84) I have also, since her departure, caught up on the job applications correspondence, which in itself takes time.
85) I paused for a moment to slip my shoes off, and then I caught up with him.
86) Guy flipped on the power switch and caught up,[] pacing the other rider for several miles.
87) Now Ian caught up with us aboard a well-equipped deep-sea game-fishing boat hired from Shimoda to take his farewell pictures.
88) I got caught up in the alma mater thing, having such good friends here.
89) Such an experience may be demoralising if you're unlucky to get caught up in the tangle.
90) But after I got caught up in things at graduate school, that just never happened.
91) Waller's double-glazing business was caught up in the plague when hooligans set his small factory on fire.
92) While the adults sat about and caught up with the local gossip, the children would round off the day with sports.
93) Sadly, teachers too are sometimes caught up in a competitive assessment system - perhaps even as beneficiaries.
94) We went for a stroll on the grounds, and Jen caught up with Penny and took her off ahead.
95) It is so easy to be caught up in the whirl.
96) Several times she felt almost caught up with the constant demands for her attention.
97) A strange feeling of expectation mixed with our fear as we became caught up in the thrill of the hunt.
98) Photography not only developed in the Victorian era but was also implicitly caught up in nineteenth-century interests and attitudes.
99) Nicholson was caught up in the aftermath and became Hollywood's hottest property to emerge for two decades.
100) It is possible to become totally caught up in the drama of real life, just as it is with fiction.
101) Men have finally caught up with women in locking themselves out of their rooms.
102) He could get caught up in the story, so to speak, and little by little begin to forget himself.
103) Since then blacks have got richer at almost the same rate as whites, but they have not caught up at all.
104) She was quickly caught up in the Southampton social whirl.
105) When population had caught up with these new areas, population would again press upon the food supply.
106) The face is that of a Renaissance choirboy, or cupid, caught up in some act of Southern atavism.
107) Police finally caught up with Serrano when he was spotted eating in an Upper East Side restaurant.
108) Caught up in the moment, he was clearly and completely immersed in his work.
109) From the very first moment of her return to the vicarage Ruth was caught up in a whirlwind of work.
110) It yielded after causing only moderate cranial discomfort, but as it did I found my feet caught up in something.
111) Again and again I was possessed by a desire to tell her all, and before justice caught up with me.
112) This argument can make little appeal to anyone not caught up in the artifices of philosophy.
113) You can't let praise or criticism get to you. It's a weakness to get caught up in either one. John Wooden 
114) But instead of returning to the trees and swinging happily ever after, the orangs got caught up in web of conservation politics.
115) From safety she could notify the authorities of Travis's whereabouts and still get out of the country before he caught up.
116) I caught up with him on Exhibition Road, where he had run into the street and flagged down a hansom.
117) After all it's not every day you get caught up in a paradigm shift.
118) And that headdress would get caught up in the overhead wires, you silly boy.
119) Many young people did not qualify and were in danger of being caught up in crime.
120) Landowners who get caught up in this bureaucratic runaround receive no compensation for their economic loss as a result of wetland determination.
121) They'd been caught up in gunfire at home in Beirut, which left them paralysed.
122) The police car caught up with the stolen van after a long chase.
123) There is now a widespread view that trade unionism is caught up in a fundamental transformation.
124) Almost inevitably the issue had become caught up in a tangled web of local education politics.
125) I was supposed to be running the operation but I got caught up with other business.
126) He's so caught up in the rules that he's missing the point of the game, which is just to have fun.
127) There, during the war, the Allies were caught up in a jumble of intrigue, political romanticism and oriental exoticism.
128) We pray for your guidance on leaders, and your hand of comfort on the innocent people caught up in conflict.
129) She was so caught up in her own feelings that she failed to detect the danger in the question.
130) As the day of the wedding drew closer, the young Campbell lass found herself caught up in the arrangements.
131) In this, Ken played a drama instructor caught up in the then current controversy over corporal punishment.
132) Hundreds of thousands of people travelling home or heading out for the evening were caught up in the ensuing chaos.
133) The committee was becoming caught up in issues that did not fall within its remit.
134) I thought at one time it might be caught up in the Christmas post.
135) In addition, coworkers may be as caught up in the company jargon as you are.
136) I find that you get caught up in all the excitement.
137) He felt very emotional, caught up in his own acting and awareness of the speech's significance from the night before.
138) There he's caught up in a gas attack, and when he returns to Swindon he suffers recurring asthma.
139) Illness eventually caught up with Alan, but not until he had reached the age of 79.
140) Although she had never studied German before, Jane soon caught up with the others.
141) He was caught up in frightening events far beyond his comprehension.
142) I have caught up cats and hedgehogs - with the latter by far the most unwelcome.
143) Some of these girls get caught up in this freedom idea.
144) Caught up in these movements was the hippie culture of the period, with its involvement with hallucinogenic drugs.
145) Your letter has caught up with me in Nanchang.
146) He caught up and walked in stride with her.
147) A prosecutor was caught up in Justice Department scandal.
148) Tess's mother caught up its notation in a week.
149) Auditors caught up with the embezzler.
150) She was caught up in the Women's Liberation Movement.
151) He caught up a popular neologism from the newspapers.
152) A famous artist got caught up in nightclub shooting.
153) Today, my constant bragging to friends caught up with me, and everyone believes I'm a swinger. Because of this, no girl wants to go out with me, in case they become just another notch under my belt.
154) She disentangled the sleeve of her jacket which had got caught up in a rose bush.
155) He'd got caught up with some floozy who drag him down and take all his money with her.
156) And loyal English fans - be they Manchester United followers or whoever - do not deserve to be caught up in those riots.
157) Even email that the customer wants (and often expects) to receive, may be caught up in this filter.
158) She was determined not to be caught up in the turmoils of home again.
159) However, there is agreement that exports for humanitarian aid will not be caught up in export bans in future.
160) Even with his head start she caught up with him.
161) This, even as analysts are questioning whether Jobs will be caught up in the stock option backdating controversy at Apple.
162) SINGAPORE (Reuters) - A decade ago, the main terrorism risk for business travelers was that they could be caught up in an attack targeting an embassy, government office or airliner.
163) Millions were caught up in the movement and did the Great Henchman's bidding.
164) He caught up in a flash, seized and flung the intruder to the ground.
165) Older people are less likely to be caught up in their emotions and more likely to focus on the positive, ignoring the negative.
166) In any conversation about a book, says Mr Bayard, both parties are talking about different texts, "caught up in an endless process of inventing books".
167) I thought that our complacency had caught up with us.
168) Friends say that he lost confidence, as can happen quickly to a man caught up in a confidence game.
169) In the 1860s, the United States was caught up in the Civil War. The 1960s are remembered for social revolution, the assassination of President John F. Kennedy and Beatlemania.
170) Psychiatrists become too caught up in their theories to deal adequately with reality.
171) The team know they wanted to do some type of mage or magic wielder, but didn't want to get caught up in cliched wizards or have him feel too much like a World of Warcraft character.
172) Fonterra's 43 per cent-owned Chinese dairy company San Lu is one of 22 firms caught up in a scandal in which the industrial chemical melamine was added to watered-down milk to boost protein levels.
173) By 2001 – just five years after it was invented – the DVD had caught up with VHS in terms of sales.
174) I caught up with Sherif and asked him about his group of political activists.
175) But the blind peddler was caught up with the train of his one dramatic reminiscence.
176) Finally the lion caught up with the stag and killed him.
177) I'm more caught up in the fact that she's creaming him This is an eroge after all[sentencedict .com], isn't it?!
178) Dr. Varan cautioned that more research was needed before the media industry caught up with the evolving way people consume its product.
179) Laplace, the astronomer , was still at work when death caught up with him at seventy - eight.
180) Don't get caught up in the cesspool of mediocrity when it comes to your choice of casual footwear.
181) The point here is that you don't need to get too caught up in the latest data binding fad, or use your buddy's favorite XML constraint set, or Java 5.0's newest features.
182) You're caught up in three devastating feelings: hurt, abandonment, and doubt.
183) The Anubis Gates. Tim Powers. A modern scholar gets caught up in time travel, body- swapping, swashbuckling, and sorcery in London, circa 1810. Thing Charles Dickens meets Indiana Jones.
184) Fern's sneakers were sopping by the time she caught up with her father.
185) Fears are increasing that British holidaymakers in Spain could be caught up in a summer of violence after the country experienced its second bombing in two days.
186) Third, it’s really important not to get caught up in the fallacy of misplaced concreteness.
187) Tragically, the odds finally caught up with the space program.
188) Ann's investment strategy focuses on the long term, she plans to buy and hold good stocks rather than get caught up in market timing or trying to become a day trader.
189) Just then I was caught up in conversation with Mrs. Jones.
190) Scarlett caught up her wide straw bonnet from console table and jammed it on her head.
191) In the 1860s, the United States was caught up in the Civil War.
192) The taxman caught up with him and demanded £7,000 in unpaid taxes.
193) However, Courteney, 46, is said to be unsurprised by David's candid interview and doesn't want to get caught up in any "ridiculousness." A source said: "She knows who David and what he's like.
194) One day, the herd caught up the piggy, and the piggy howled loudly like a bull at a gate to dispute.
195) I caught up with Poh just before the start of the ICCCW in Beijing.
196) This fantasy, in which the subject is caught up, is as such the basis of what is expressly called the " reality principle" in Freudian theory.
197) I caught up with Coburn, a medical doctor and ordained Southern Baptist deacon.
198) A piece of blood-stained paper, caught up from some meat-buyer's dust-heap, beat up and down the road without the gate; too flimsy to rest, too heavy to fly away; and a few straws kept it company.
199) Afghanistan should be the very last place where we are a land-based meddler, caught up in internal Islamic conflict, helping the strategic ambitions of the Chinese and others.
200) Take all those stories by Michael Crichton: As time caught up with those ideas, you start to realize they're not as far-fetched as they seem.
201) How awful to be caught up in the terrible squirrel cage of self.
202) I was caught up in conversation with Mr White when you rang.
203) Anglo-Australian miner BHP has said it would not be caught up in an expensive bidding war.
204) Fonterra's 43 per cent-owned Chinese dairy company San Lu is one of 22 firms caught up in the scandal, in which the industrial chemical melamine was added to watered-down milk to boost protein levels.
205) But it's not yet clear whether members of Congress will be caught up in this criminal investigation – or, if so, whether it will break before midterm elections.
206) She caught up Melanie's hooded cape which was hanging on a hook in the hall.
207) Sometime I get caught up in the middle of updating one page when I want to move onto the next and twiddle with that and come back to my update later.
208) One final point to make is that many people get caught up in the minutia of getting the "form" of affirmations right that they miss out on backing those affirmations with "force" .
209) But tourists rarely get caught up in the war of words, and even if your attempts to go native leave you tongue-ties,[Sentence dictionary] you can quickly drop back into English without penalty.
210) Wade is not sounding worried about what the coming weeks and months may bring. He's too busy right now to be caught up in speculation, anyway.
211) To this end, Coke put up vending machines at every street corner. Sales took a quantum jump and Pepsi has never quite caught up since.
212) Mr. Kan had promised to root out "money politics" after a veteran power broker in his party was caught up in a scandal.
213) The Anubis Gates. Tim Powers. A modern scholar gets caught up in time travel, body-swapping, swashbuckling, and sorcery in London, circa 1810.
214) New Zealand's prime minister has denied that a group of Israelis caught up in the devastating Christchurch earthquake in February had links to the Israeli secret service Mossad.
215) If we turned to face the sun, can not be caught up in the shadows.
216) Scarlett caught up her wide straw bonnet from the console table and jammed it on her head.
217) After about a half mile, the boy stopped, breathing game warden finally caught up to him.
218) And as he looked at the unpractised mouth and lips, he thought that such a daughter of the soil could only have caught up the sentiment by rote.
219) They were first rehabilitated in a special residential school, then once they had caught up with others their age, mainstreamed into the formal school system.
220) By contrast, the British budget cuts are being carried out by a recently elected government, one that hasn't been in office long enough to be caught up in financial scandal.
221) A lot of experts say if you are ever caught up in one of these things, you should swim parallel to shore until you are out of the rip current and then start making your way back.
222) Trevor dodged another hypnotised person and caught up to Annabel.
223) I am a bit confused about all the hype around Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) -- and you seem to be caught up in it.
224) The daily encounter with our Eucharistic Lord allows us to be caught up in the mystery of continual and unconditional love.
225) Our estimate of the net worth of California real estate developer Donald Bren got caught up in a nasty child support fight.
226) Teeter - totter caught up bein a father and a prima donna.
227) Claud knew that one day he would be caught up in the war, like his friends.
228) The black slaves freed by the Civil War soon found themselves caught up in an extensive pattern of legally enforced racial discrimination in the South known as Jim Crow.
229) They were caught up in a whirling vortex of emotion.
230) Do not be caught up in any of this or react strongly to it.
231) He knew that one day he would be caught up in the wave of the drive.
232) Ferns sneakers sopping by the time she caught up with her father.
233) The segment flies one arrows tread to escape in the quondam and blocked her waist to embrace when the girl's nose would run into a ground and caught up above the entire this time.
234) Returning to his old neighborhood, Bernard became caught up in gang warfare and the target of anti-Semitic hostility.
235) I know I'm happy - happy, that is, to not be caught up in this iPhone craze.
236) He does nothing but interfere – and damn anyone who might be caught up in his intentions!
236) is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
237) Teeter totter caught up between bein " a father & a prima donna . "
238) He had three teenage children caught up in the campus upheaval.
239) But after leaving office, he seems to have been caught up in a rearguard action to protect his reputation in a country he has spent years visiting.
240) But they have not been caught up in the hero-worship seen in, say, parts of Europe.
241) We're fairly well adapted for life in a hunter-gatherer society, but evolution has not caught up to the way we live now.




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