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单词 pocket change
释义  ˈpocket ˌchange noun [uncountable] American English  1  a small or unimportant amount of money 微不足道的一笔钱 The money is nothing – pocket change to them. 那点钱不算什么,对他们来说微不足道。2. coins that you carry in your pocket 〔口袋中的〕硬币Examples from the Corpuspocket change• That is why he was here Saturday night, fighting on Fox for pocket change.• A rich good guy who could buy and sell drug lords out of his pocket change.• Urgent Request won that race as only a 2-1 favorite, but it would have been nice pocket change for the owner.• Admission is $ 4 at the door, leaving plenty of pocket change for amorous pursuits.ˈpocket ˌchange nounChineseSyllable  amount Corpus money small unimportant or a of




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