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单词 announcement
释义 Word family  noun announcement announcer adjective unannounced verb announce adverb unannounced  Related topics: Advertising & marketingan·nounce·ment /əˈnaʊnsmənt/ ●●● S3 W3 noun  1  [countable]SAY/STATE an important or official statement 〔重要或正式的〕通告,公告,布告 The minister made the announcement at a news conference. 部长在记者招待会上发表了这项声明。announcement about an important announcement about tax increases 有关提高税收的重要通告announcement that They heard the announcement that the mayor was resigning. 他们听到了市长要辞职的公告。2  [uncountable]SAY/STATE the act of telling people that something important is going to happen 发表,宣布,宣告announcement of the announcement of the company’s annual results 该公司年度业绩的公布3  [countable]BBA a small advertisement or statement in a newspaper 〔报纸上的〕通告,启事 a wedding announcement in the local paper 当地报纸上的一则结婚通告 COLLOCATIONSverbsmake/issue an announcement 发表公告The next day an announcement was issued to staff, saying the company would be closing. 第二天向员工发表了公告,宣布公司要关闭。nThe government issued an announcement saying that it was not prepared to negotiate with terrorists. hear an announcement 听到公告Everyone was shocked when they heard the announcement. 听到这项公告,人人都很震惊。welcome an announcement (=say that you are pleased about it) 对声明表示欢迎Environmental groups welcomed the announcement. 环保组织对这项声明表示欢迎。ngreet an announcement formal (=react to it in a particular way)The announcement was. greeted with cheers on both sides of the House. an announcement comes (=it happens) 发表声明His announcement came after two days of peace talks. 和谈进行两天之后,他发表了声明。adjectivesa formal announcement 正式通告A formal announcement will be made in Parliament. 一份正式通告将在议会发布。an official announcement 官方通告No official announcement is expected until next year. 预计明年才会发布官方通告。a surprise announcement/an unexpected announcement 令人意外/意想不到的通告nThe Senator made the surprise announcement that he will not be seeking re-election.a dramatic announcement (=sudden and important) 突如其来的重要公告nThe dramatic announcement came after a cabinet meeting on Tuesday.a further announcement 进一步公告nA further announcement will be made in the near future.Examples from the Corpusannouncement• Silence, please. Mr Bennett is about to make an announcement.• It is noteworthy that Schuman did not contact Britain in advance of his announcement.• However, discussions had been interrupted by the announcement that the factory had to close.• Shares of Body Shop fell as much as 8 pence to 144p following the announcement, their lowest since Nov. 4.• I read the announcement of her death in today's newspaper.• At the centre of these events was the announcement that Sellafield wanted to expand its activities.• When the announcement forced the price of the shares up he subsequently sold.• Hunter, nearly ruined it all with the announcement that he'd tested positive four times for steroids.• The announcement of the plan provoked demonstrations from the college's students.• The announcement was heard by millions of radio listeners this morning.• He made this announcement at the Board of Trustees' annual retreat.• The short written announcement gave no details.announcement that• The recent announcement that the National Gallery intend to establish a public relations department may improve the situation.• Beckwith's announcement that he would run for re-election came as a surprise.• I welcome the Secretary of State's announcement that the poll tax compensation of £700 million will not be clawed back.• SunSoft president Ed Zander was probably ill-advised suggesting at the announcement that serious changes would be made.• Then came the announcement that a further set of specimen questions would be sent out to primary schools in September.• Hunter, nearly ruined it all with the announcement that he'd tested positive four times for steroids.• The announcement that Guy was to be godfather to the new baby brought her to her senses with a sharp jolt.• Members of the Salvation Army have remained silent since their announcement that their money had·nounce·ment noun →COLLOCATIONS1LDOCE OnlineChineseSyllable   or important official statement an Corpus




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