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单词 plus
释义  Related topics: Maths, Numbersplus1 /plʌs/ ●●● S1 W2 AWL preposition  1  HMCOUNT/CALCULATEused to show that one number or amount is added to another 加 OPP minus Three plus six equals nine (3 + 6 = 9). 3 加6等于9。 The total cost was $10,000, plus 14% interest. 全部费用是1万美元,外加14%的利息。2  AND/ALSOand also 和,加上 There are numerous clubs, plus a casino. 有很多俱乐部,还有一个赌场。3  plus or minus used to say that a number may be more or less by a certain amount 左右,大约 There may be a variation of plus or minus 5% in the prices that are quoted. 报价可能会有5%上下的变动。Examples from the Corpusplus• The cost is £45 plus £5 for delivery.• Twelve plus eight is twenty.• The jacket costs $49.95 plus tax.Related topics: Mathsplus2 ●●○ AWL noun [countable]  1  informalADVANTAGE something that is an advantage 有利因素[条件]major/definite/big etc plus Some knowledge of Spanish is a definite plus in this job. 做这份工作懂一些西班牙语绝对占优势。2. HMCOUNT/CALCULATEa plus sign 加号;正号 OPP minusExamples from the Corpusplus• "The office is really close to my house." "That's a plus."• Eric Williams has been a big plus.• The ratio was considered a big plus by her staff.• Knowing enough of the language to understand what everyone else is saying is a decided plus.• Diversity on the bench is a functional plus, particularly in a society like ours.major/definite/big etc plus• The illustrations definitely are a big plus.• Eric Williams has been a big plus.• The ratio was considered a big plus by her staff.• Bovis Homes reckons a major plus point are the top quality carpets, which are included in the £139,950 price tag.• Sports: A definite plus for this resort.• Ackerman, the speedy process was a big plus.• Sneakers' other major plus is a disarming unpredictability.• Linked with this attitudinal change has been a third major plus - the Government's reform of trade unions.Related topics: Maths, School, Measurement, Temperatureplus3 ●○○ AWL adjective  1  ADVANTAGE[only before noun] used to talk about an advantage or good feature of a thing or situation 有利的;好的 OPP minus Another of the Beach Club’s plus points is that it’s right in the middle of town. 海滩俱乐部的另一个优点是它就位于城中心。 This is not an exciting car to drive, but on the plus side it is extremely reliable. 这辆车开起来不刺激,不过从好的方面来说它非常可靠。2  MORE THAN A NUMBER OR AMOUNTused after a number to mean an amount which is more than that number 〔用于数字后面表示〕多,余 an income of $50,000 plus 五万多美元的收入 Most children start school when they’re five plus. 大多数孩子五岁多开始上学。3  MORE THAN A NUMBER OR AMOUNTmore than zero – used especially when talking about temperatures 在零以上的,正的〔尤用于表示温度〕 OPP minus Daytime temperatures barely reached plus 5º. 白天的气温仅零上5度。4. A plus/B plus etc a mark used in a system of judging students’ work. An ‘A plus’ is slightly higher than an ‘A’. A+/B+等〔用于给学生打分〕Examples from the Corpusplus• a temperature of plus 12°• He works 10 hours a day plus.• The drugs have a street value of $30,000 plus.• Two medical device makers also were in the plus column.• The margin of error was plus or minus 3 percentage points.• On the plus side of the ledger, several economists said Texas' growing high-tech industries would keep on growing.• On the plus side, weight loss and regular exercise have been shown to reverse this points• It also has another couple of big plus points.• It certainly took us a while to understand John's plus points.• On the face of it these trivial little improvements, or plus points ahead of the norm look to be insignificant.• However, the Atlantis's plus points are manifold, far outweighing this single flaw.• Two plus points for me were the performances of Jamie Redknapp and Mike Hooper.• Another of the Beach Club's plus points is that it is very central, right in the middle of Kavos.• Their 100 plus points lead is virtually unassailable and the only question remaining is who will be relegated.plus4 ●○○ conjunction informal  AND/ALSOused to add more information 并且,而且 He’s been studying hard for exams. Plus he’s been working in a bar at night. 他最近在用功复习迎考,而且晚上还在一家酒吧里工作。Examples from the Corpusplus• You need a birth certificate, plus a photo I.D.• He's really cute, plus he's got a good job.From Longman Business Dictionaryplusplus1 /plʌs/ preposition1used when one amount or number is added to anotherWeekend calls cost a $1 base fee, plus $1 a minute.His salary is £30,000 a year, plus bonuses.2used when giving the second reason for somethingCost-cutting, plus strong sales, enabled the company to break even.3plus or minus used to say that a number may be more or less by a certain amountThe poll’s margin of error is plus or minus 4 percentage points.plusplus2 noun [countable] an advantage or good feature of somethingOne of the pluses of the job is having really supportive colleagues.A huge plus factor is the central location of the hotel.plusplus3 adjective150/100 etc plus more than 50,100 etcSome waterside apartments are selling at £250,000 plus.the 80-plus employees of his television company2plus tickFINANCE on a stockmarket, if shares are sold on a plus tick, they are sold at a higher price than their previous oneHe traded near the close of the day on either a plus tick or a zero-plus tick (=where the price is unchanged).Origin plus1 (1500-1600) Latin “more” (adjective and adverb)plus1 prepositionplus2 nounplus3 adjectiveplus4 conjunctionChinese  used or to show Business that one Corpus number amount




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