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单词 plaster
释义  Related topics: Sculpture, Construction, Hospitalplas·ter1 /ˈplɑːstə $ ˈplæstər/ ●○○ noun  1. [uncountable]AVSTBC a substance used to cover walls and ceilings with a smooth even surface. It consists of lime, water, and sand. 〔涂抹墙壁和天花板用的〕灰泥2. [uncountable]MH plaster of Paris 熟石膏3. [countable, uncountable] British EnglishMH a piece of thin material that is stuck on to the skin to cover a small wound 膏药;创可贴;护创胶布 SYN American English bandaid →4  See picture of 见图 FIRST AID KIT →5 see picture at 见图 first aid kit4. in plaster British EnglishMH if you have a leg or arm in plaster, you have a plaster cast around it because a bone is broken and needs to be kept in place while it mends 打了石膏的Examples from the Corpusplaster• Bronzes are created by building sand moulds of a plaster original, in itself a skilled and labour intensive job.• Three days after that, a plaster jacket was fitted from her shoulders to her hips.• There was a plaster model of the Eiffel Tower in there.• The midfield player broke an arm during the midweek draw with Arsenal and will be in plaster for six weeks.• It was mightily impressive bowling by any standards, and with his left hand in plaster it was quite remarkable.• The bone has failed to knit properly and his hand must remain in plaster.• Rather like Steve, who makes plaster casts of the vulva for drawer handles.• When hardened, smooth down with abrasive paper, then seal with plaster primer.Related topics: Constructionplaster2 verb [transitive]  1  COVERto put a wet usually sticky substance all over a surface so that it is thickly covered 在…上厚厚地涂抹;覆盖be plastered with something Her face was plastered with make-up. 她脸上浓妆艳抹。2  TCNto completely cover a surface with something, especially large pieces of paper, pictures etc 〔尤指以大张的纸、图片等〕覆盖be plastered with something The windows were plastered with notices. 窗户上贴满了告示。 The news of the wedding was plastered all over the papers (=was the main story in the newspapers). 有关这场婚礼的新闻占满了各家报纸的版面。3  TBCto put wet plaster on a wall or ceiling 在〔墙或天花板〕上抹灰泥n We're plastering the bathroom.4  FLATto make your hair lie flat or stick to your head 把〔头发〕梳平;使〔头发〕贴在〔头上〕be plastered to something His hair was plastered to his forehead with sweat. 他汗湿的头发紧贴在前额上。be plastered down/back Her hair had been plastered down by the rain. 她的头发被雨水打湿,紧贴在脑袋上。5 plaster something ↔ over phrasal verb TBCto cover a hole or an old surface by spreading plaster over it 〔抹灰泥〕覆盖〔洞孔或旧的表面〕 The original brickwork has been plastered over. 原来的砖面被灰泥盖住了。n Grammar Plaster is usually passive in meanings 1,2 and 4.→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpusplaster• The next time we come across that creep, he's plastered.• The news of the wedding was plastered all over the morning papers.• They report he appears to be drinking heavily, and occasionally shows up plastered at the office.• There is a broadsheet plastered crookedly to a wall near their bungalow.• He clasped the royal hand and plastered it with three lingering kisses.• All the surfaces were pale ochre mud and dung which the women plastered over stone each year.• A lorry rolled past us along the road, its crumbling body bright with painted pictures plastered over with dust.• Small Jerichos plaster patches of basalt in the new flows of warm water.• A team of builders from the coast are still plastering the vaults of the vestibule which even with scaffolding are out of plastered with something• The wall was plastered with old movie posters.Origin plaster1 (900-1000) Latin emplastrum, from Greek, from emplassein “to plaster on”, from plassein; → PLASTIC2plas·ter1 nounplaster2 verb →n GRAMMAR1LDOCE OnlineChineseSyllable  cover Corpus a used to substance walls




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