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单词 pipit
释义  Related topics: Birdspip·it /ˈpɪpɪt/ noun [countable]  HBBa small brown or grey singing bird 鹨〔一种棕色或灰色的鸣禽〕Examples from the Corpuspipit• They look a bit like our familiar meadow pipit apart from the chestnut colour of the throat.• We stood on the cliff top to welcome them, swallows and house martins, meadow pipits and skylarks.• On the open moorland you might see meadow pipits and wheatears.• In Britain the main hosts are the reed warbler, meadow pipit, dunnock and pied wagtail.• Without doubt, everyone agreed, this extraordinary display proved it to be a tree pipit.• Some one recognised a tree pipit - by its jizz.pip·it nounChineseSyllable  grey singing or brown bird Corpus a small




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