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单词 Diluted
1 I diluted the paint with a little oil.
2 She diluted the milk with water.
3 The fragrances are highly diluted.
4 The quality of the book is diluted by the bad writing.
5 They diluted the drug,[] thus reducing its effectiveness.
6 The perfumes are diluted in vegetable oils.
7 The nurse diluted the drug with saline water.
8 The barsh colours of the painting diluted in the strong light.
9 The professor's proposals were diluted by the lack of support from his department.
10 His proposal was diluted by the lack of support from the Security Council.
11 When nothing else happened disappointment diluted her excitement.
12 This solution is then diluted further for use.
13 Normal human serum diluted 1:10 served as a blank.
14 Concentrated bleach can be diluted with water.
15 Too diluted by the fresh air.
16 The liquid is then diluted.
17 What was 3C is now further diluted 1:50,000.
18 For each study the aliquot was further diluted in 0.9% NaCl solution.
19 Sodium nitrite is dissolved in distilled water and diluted to volume.
20 The right is further diluted because licences are available as of right during the last five years.
21 Both antibiotics were diluted to working concentrations immediately before use.
22 Apart from tears, only time could wear everything away. While feeling is being processed by time, conflicts would be reconciled as time goes by, just like a cup of tea that is being continuously diluted.
23 The government's new law on wage and price control is diluted with exceptions.
24 The effect of this policy has now been considerably diluted.
25 However, because of the opposition of a still-powerful landed oligarchy, the effects of the legislation were diluted.
26 He tried out the Helen Frankenthaler technique of staining raw canvas with diluted paint.
27 The clear and simple message contained in the Samuel case has, however, been diluted.
28 It treated primary and secondary tobacco smoke as identical though the latter is clearly diluted by contact with the surrounding environment.
29 Cracks should be repaired with a filler, and porous surfaces primed with a sealant or a diluted coat of masonry paint.
30 Sixty years down the line, grandad's bravery genes have been seriously diluted.
1 I diluted the paint with a little oil.
2 She diluted the milk with water.
3 The fragrances are highly diluted.
4 The quality of the book is diluted by the bad writing.
5 The government's new law on wage and price control is diluted with exceptions.
31 Neither does it lose its sweetness by becoming diluted with rain water.
32 He drank his sherry from long glasses, diluted with water.
33 Use the colourings straight from the tube or bottle, or diluted for a paler shade.
34 The solution is then diluted to approximately 1-2 percent solution for injection into the body.
35 Will they sit back and watch their dream be diluted?
36 Before exceptional items, interest cover was 5.5 times,[] and dividends are covered 2.8 times by diluted earnings.
37 But the effect seemed diluted as he then toured the docks' cold store which was stuffed full of apples.
38 His stake will be diluted to 6 percent from 7. 6 percent.
39 Although the concentrated granules will burn any plants they touch, the diluted runoff is beneficial and provides fertilizer to plant roots.
40 On the contrary, they saw themselves as purifying a church that had become diluted, dehydrated, and despoiled.
41 But it is not only the concept of reasonable suspicion that has been diluted by police practice and judicial endorsement.
42 He said that portion returned to the river would have a higher concentration of nitrates but would be diluted very quickly.
43 Slides were incubated with 1:16 diluted patient's sera and stained with fluorescein conjugated rabbit antihuman IgG antibodies.
44 A thin trickle of blood from the rapidly swelling bruise blurred to pale pink, diluted by the pounding rain.
45 Patients are given highly diluted doses of natural substances which, say practitioners, boost the body's natural healing ability.
46 But the grand plan was gradually diluted by the desires of the tenants.
47 People were far more willing to use them if they were diluted in a traditional herbal infusion like chamomile.
48 As a general rule, the more diluted the solution, the more accessible the minerals.
49 Other kinds of oil emulsify on contact with water, turning it, even when substantially diluted, the colour of milk.
50 Occasionally, I apply diluted fish emulsion to free up useful elements in the soil.
51 Sulfanilic acid is dissolved in concentrated hydrochloric acid and diluted to volume with distilled water.
52 The specialty-chemicals company plans to take a fourth-quarter restructuring charge of 28 cents to 30 cents a fully diluted share.
53 Periodic applications of diluted fish emulsion will boost plant appearance, too.
54 Ammonia, the terminal product of protein metabolism, must be excreted rapidly and diluted to non-toxic levels in the surrounding fluids.
55 The Ohio-based group said fourth-quarter earnings would come in between Dollars 1 and Dollars 1.05 a diluted share.
56 All is drawn in variously diluted glaze, and there is increasing use of washes of colour.
57 The main components of the picture are masked off using liquid masking fluid diluted with water.
58 They felt that their original aims and demands were being diluted.
59 Always use a sea-salt mix, prepared as instructed and diluted four or five fold.
60 Brewers found to have diluted their products were to be incarcerated in their own vats.
61 That water flows into the Sacramento River, where it is further diluted by water from Shasta Dam.
62 Fortunately her torrent of abuse was diluted by a downpour of even more torrential rain.
63 So the impact of changes in entrance charges on the frequency decision by participants is diluted by the other variable costs.
64 Then wash them both down with a few changes of domestic hypochlorite bleach diluted according to the instructions on the bottle label.
65 What act of forgiveness was not diluted by the endless range of cause and effect through which it traveled?
66 Eloise would be burnt and scattered to the winds, the evil dispersed, spread out[ ], diluted.
67 As negative controls, additional sections were stained with appropriately diluted normal rabbit or sheep sera.
68 In this way the apparently active and positive concept of consent is diluted to the point of near vacuity.
69 Their lower body water content means that the alcohol is less diluted.
70 Mr Preston favours sheep droppings matured in a barrel and diluted to the colour of weak tea!
71 If this also causes aggravation, the remedy can be further diluted in a third cup, and so on.
72 Provide a separate bowl of diluted steriliser in which to rinse pipes and tubes.
73 They can detect this flavour even when their home water is diluted to one part in several million.
74 Paint the horizon pale green with diluted colouring, and little black seagulls in the sky if liked.
75 I painted such areas first and then worked around and/or over with diluted washes.
76 You can also alternate applications of a balanced fertilizer with applications of diluted fish emulsion.
77 Nitrates can be diluted by regular water changes, removed by bacteria or various resins.
78 Her hair is wild black grass, diluted to purple across her brow.
79 Never decant diluted household and garden products into lemonade or orange-juice bottles.
80 When diluted with an equal volume of water, evaporated milk equals whole milk in composition.
81 Salt does not break down or decompose in the pond - it is diluted by partial water changes.
82 Earnings growth, diluted by the issue of shares for acquisitions, was just 2.9 percent to 14.1p.
83 And crucially, the whole idea of the twist is diluted in intensity but enlarged in scope.
84 If you do this, the sauce will not become diluted by the juices.
85 An application of a balanced fertilizer once a month generally is adequate, but some gardeners apply diluted applications more often.
86 The sections incubated with the more diluted antibodies displayed only extracellular staining at the luminal surface of the enterocytes.
87 Fear not, the white matter is indeed a pale porcelain white, not unlike skim milk diluted with a little water.
88 You made very diluted (thin, flavorless) soup.
89 He diluted the paint with oil.
90 She diluted the concentrated fruit juice with water.
91 Strong acids are often diluted before they are used.
92 The quality of the wine is diluted by water.
93 Aphids, mealy bug and thrips cause deformity in new growth. Treat with a diluted pesticide or remove pests by hand. Never use a soap-based insecticide.
94 What is EPS? How does diluted EPS differ from EPS?
95 Examine the pressure meter tube and valve, pressure meter cover glass, if it is dirty, clean it with diluted hydrochloric acid.
96 Those identical findings reveal that the drainage of tear and diluted Gentian Violet are facilitated by inspiration rather than by expiration.
97 Flush contaminated area with large quantities of cool water or a diluted baking soda solution and expose the area to fresh air as soon as possible.
98 Two CFV are applied along the main channel and the sampling one in the system to assure the fixed ratio of the volume of the analyzed sample to the volume of total diluted emission.
99 McCain advisers say they don't think it would make sense to name the vice presidential designee earlier because the impact would get diluted by Obama's selection.
100 Today some traditional customs have been weakened or diluted. However, the legend of the Cowhand and Weaver Maid, standing for devoted love, has taken root in the hearts of the people.
101 The resulting effluent is then diluted upon combination with the total plant effluent.
102 Lymphosep is designed for the simple, rapid isolation of lymphocytes from whole blood that has been diluted and treated with anti-coagulant or defibrinating agent.
103 This pesticide is diluted with water and applied directly to the fields.
104 Alpha-chain protein was not demonstrated in the patient's serum, urine, diluted duodenal Juice, and jejunal biopsy tissue.
105 Time masculine semination , because inhaled a moment ago the secretion, the seminal fluid is diluted, and has one?
106 Result:Lentinan and Sodium Chloride Injection did not interfere with bacterial endotoxin test when it is diluted 8 times.
107 An alcohol-based pepper extract is progressively diluted in sugar water and tasted until its spiciness can no longer be discerned.
108 GAAP net earnings of $0.59 per diluted share for second quarter of 2010, compared with $0.66 per diluted share for 2009.
109 Results The precipitation peak formed by rocket immunoelectrophoresis correlated with the concentration of polysaccharide when the antigen diluted to a suitable concentration.
110 The catalyst bed requires periodic regeneration with a stream of hydrogen diluted in hot nitrogen.
111 So confecting developering and developering is preferable to use diluted deionized water or distilled water.
112 Your silver has become dross, Your drink diluted with water.
113 This solution has been diluted somewhat, however, by the addition of non - daily - use functions.
114 The paint can be diluted with water to make a lighter shade.
115 False? a frozen or blended Margarita is more highly diluted and therefore less potent.
116 Desensitiztion is carried out by giving small doses of highly diluted antitoxin subcutaneously at first.
117 The kelp drink was prepared by mixing the diluted hydrolysate sweetener, acidifier and stabilizer.
118 Beth fetched a glass of diluted water and devoured the pills.
119 The government's law on wage and price control is diluted with exceptions.
120 The electrical conductivity of Middle East Atmospheric Residue (ME-AR) diluted by n-heptane was continuously measured, and the mass fraction normalized conductivity of ME-AR was calculated.
121 Method: Use sticked filter membrane method and general method and culture medium diluted method and deposit centrifugal method to do the test for microbacteria limit determination.
122 But since China is indifferent, the pressure on the Malawian government is diluted.
123 A pretreatment of wood fibers applied using diluted HCl to convert carboxyl groups to carboxyl acids.
124 You can also provide small,[Sentence dictionary] colorful pieces of tissue paper or a decorative paper napkin and some glue diluted with water (two parts glue and one part water) or decoupage glaze such as Mod Podge.
125 But if more diluted weapons-grade uranium isn't secured soon, the pipeline could run dry, with ramifications for consumers, as well as some American utilities and their Russian suppliers.
126 Isobutane is typically used as a co - blowing agent with other hydrocarbons, so the effect of its low boiling point is somewhat diluted.
127 As a reduction in risk, to avoid waste of time, diluted poor resource management, can greatly reduce the incidence and impact of the crisis.
128 Aim To establish methods of Differentiating Diluted Benzalkonium Bromide Solution and Benzalkonium Bromide Solution.
129 Results It indicated that the injection of Benzathine Benzylpenicillin diluted by Lidocaine was superior to the others...
130 HH-ZXM must first be dissolved in water and then added to the bath soap, while not directly add, must be diluted with cold water soluble.
131 More specifically, it must report EPS on two bases: 1)the basic EPS and 2) the diluted EPS where EPS is calculated as if all potential dilutive securities were converted or exercised.
132 Its calculation and disclosure includes the basic earning per share and the diluted earning per share.
133 Humid excessive gas supplied from a fuel cell (25) is diluted in a dilution box (32) by off-gas discharged from the fuel cell (25) and is used for humidifying air in the humidifier (30).
134 The deposited film has the similar index of refraction and the similar etch ratio in diluted HF to the normal silicon nitride film, and almost has no stress damage to the G...
135 METHODS: Mitochondria from fresh guinea pig hearts were isolatedand diluted in buffer that included oligomycin and ATP to inhibitATP synthesis.
136 Results Dilution penicillin did not interfere with limulus agent in 120 diluted concentrations.
137 RESULTS Mai luoning injection did not interfere with limulus agent at the 20 times diluted concentration.
138 For example, some honeys produce hydrogen peroxide when diluted — that's what gives them antimicrobial properties — but Manuka honey produces a different antimicrobial substance called methylglyoxal.
139 They were not, however, pure as before, but diluted to the second and third degree.
140 The electrical conductivity of vacuum residue from Oman was measured and mass fraction conductivity was calculated when the residue was gradually diluted with n-heptane.
141 He chose instead a form of diluted Neo - Classicism with faintly absurd, occasionally even Surrealist overtones.
142 PP6100 is made of the imported raw material with excellent dispersion characteristics. The compound can be diluted with 50% virgin resin.
143 In the period between when he was the sole owner, and when I joined, he had done a couple of different financings with different people, 50% and had diluted his equity ownership to 50%.
144 The roasting is atmospherically leached under diluted acid, and the leaching rate of vanadic anhydride in the invention can reach over 82%.
145 The results showed that the concentration diluted to 25% of the eutrophic water had little effect on seed germination of Lolium perenne L.
146 Results: The injection did not interfere with limulus agent in 5 times diluted concentration.
147 The quality of the novel is diluted by the bad writing.
148 It's helpful to pre-adapt the finishing yeast to a small diluted portion of the sluggish fermenting must before adding it to the main fermenter.
149 Supported heteropoly acid catalysts give fairly high catalytic activity and selectivity on vapor-phase nitration of benzene and diluted nitric acid and were characterized by ESR.
150 The instructions also diluted the meaning of "corruptly" so that it covered innocent conduct.
151 After still separation, aggregation condensation by heating and extraction, the regenerative acid will turn into diluted H2SO4 of 60%, pink transparent, and acid tar.
152 Later, these figures may be compared with the same sites, when the diluted Gentian Violet is irrigated.
153 These cocktails are either made from reagents or purchased in concentrated form and diluted with toluene.
154 Multilateral initiatives are undermined or diluted by ultra - nationalist, bilateral and regional initiatives.
155 The invention provides a method for obtaining a transformable substrate by using fungi leftovers, which comprises two steps of diluted alkaline pretreatment and cellulase saccharification.
156 We could detect non - diluted powdery residues in the micro - filters.




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