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单词 Tangent
1. The conversation went off at a tangent.
2. Loretta's mind went off at a tangent.
3. The sine function, hyperbolic tangent, and other non-linear variations on these basic ideas have also been used.
4. For a competitive equilibrium, this line must be tangent to the individual's indifference curve.
5. The tangent is an important concept in trigonometry.
6. CORDIC algorithm with the two parameters arc tangent.
7. It is really the tangent plane.
8. That's the equation of a tangent plane.
9. That is how we get the tangent plane.
10. And, here's a tangent plane at the given point.
11. That's one way to define the tangent plane.
12. We are replacing the graph by its tangent plane.
13. The tangent may be used to find the direction.
14. Don't fly off at a tangent, we are talking about the money problem.
15. To the tangent distance minimization method, it's quadratic convergence for zero residual problems may not convergence at all.
16. Helmholtz Equation's high precision tangent and adjoint mode was set up based on GCR.
17. He never sticks to the point but keeps going off at a tangent.
18. Trigonometry concerns the functions of angles, such as sine,[/tangent.html] cosine and tangent.
19. One moment the professor is working hard on a problem in physics, the next he's gone off at a tangent and he's talking about bees.
20. It's hard to get a firm decision out of him - he's always going off at a tangent.
21. Let's stay with the topic and not go off at a tangent.
22. Ramanujan has a short attention span and will fly off on a new tangent every time he sees a new idea.
23. The Apollonian Gasket, attributed to Apollonius of Perga, is bounded by three large circles tangent two by two.
24. Where the line of stones breaks, lines of energy could be detected moving off at a tangent.
25. This is rather like being able to draw a straight line tangent at any point on a smooth curve.
26. Never quite abstract, never entirely candid, always at a tangent to the world, Hodgkin is a strangely opaque painter.
27. All three pavements appear to have had rosettes in the small squares which lie tangent to the central square.
28. The composite with 40% glass beads exhibited better dielectric loss and magnetic loss properties in the X band. Its dielectric loss tangent and magnetic loss tangent were 0.30 and 0.10, respectively.
29. Now stick to the point. Let's not fly off at a tangent as we did last week.
30. This guidance law avoids the chattering of line-of-sight angular rate of attack missile by introducing the hyperbolic tangent function .
31. The tangent stiffness matrix is obtained from the engineering strain and the principle for determining the limit point and bifurcation point is given.
32. According to the calculation theory, the tangent vector, the velocity and the normal vector on a given point of the circle of tool nose are coplanar.
33. This paper introduces the ideal transformer equivalence and Tangent parameter characteristic of lossless reprocical two-port network.
34. The problem of attaining the tangent equation of a certain point on a quadratic curve is basically solved in plane analytical geometry.
35. Expression to compute the arc tangent of ( float ).
36. Then, if I choose any vector in that tangent plane.
37. According to the unified theory of concrete filled steel tube, the inelastic yield load formula of axial compression middle long column was deduced by using the tangent modul theory.
38. Based on differential evolution(DE) algorithm, a method of fast implementation of the arc tangent function with high accuracy using assembly in fixed-point DSP is proposed.
39. So the derivative in any direction, tangent to g equals c, should be the directional derivative of f, in any such direction, should be zero.
40. ML , RYQ series indentation tangent - pressure machine and bronzing machine, JS series of Biaozhi glue, YP - pressure machines.
41. Based on Shearing Stress Theorem,() we know that the shearing stress direction of all the spots on the edge of circular cross-section should be tangent to the circle.
42. The critical aspect ratio of the fiber is defined as the crosspoint of the tangent value of the inflexion and the asymptote of the maximum elastic modulus.
43. Being perpendicular to the surface means that you are perpendicular to its tangent plane.
44. On the basis, more subdivision is realized by tangent and cotangent digital value.
45. Dielectric loss tangent is the most important parameter that reflects the apparatus' insulation condition.
46. The utility model consists of a frame(1), a picture(2), a mucilage glue layer(3), a lining plate(4), a soleplate(5)[http://], puzzle units(6) and a knife tangent(7).
47. And so that means that any vector u, any unit vector tangent to the level set of g is going to be perpendicular to the gradient of f.
48. It's not easy to follow her thought because she's always going off at a tangent.
49. From this paper, the equations of tangent planes of a quadratic surface are obtained by matrix operations.
50. The result shows that these algorithms meet demand of tangent motion, and interpolation error meets demand of leather-cutting.
51. As for the limit bearing capacity formula of the concrete filled steel tube long column subjected to axial compress , we lead to the tangent modulus and the conception of metal material .
52. We put forward in this article the method of applying common tangent circle drawing to ellipses.
53. By converting test condition to the standard pressure condition, calculation accuracy of average pressure impulse coefficient method is superior to that of tangent method.
54. Circular interpolation of time-sharing algorithm is that circular arc is approached with tangent or chord line.
55. The first of these integrals is seen to be a logarithmic form and the second the inverse tangent form.
56. High voltage capacitive-type equipment plays a very important role in power systems, and dielectric loss tangent is an important parameter to reflect its insulation condition.
57. Electrical characteristics: capacitance, dielectric loss tangent, leakage current and etc. , which are specified in catalogue or alternate product specification.
58. And, at this point, I have the tangent plane to the level surface OK, so this is tangent plane to the level.
59. It is similar to the case under low speed that the tangent ogival projectile and larger ration of length to diameter can enhance the penetration, but the damage on the concrete is less serious.
60. The characteristics of electronic unit pump(EUP) fuel injection system were studied when matching tangent cam profile.
61. Construct an animation showing the tangent sweeping out the interior of astroid.
62. Notice that as you drag, the coincident symbol changes to a tangent constraint symbol and the beginning point of your line segment remains tangent to the first circle.
63. Methods Based on dynamic error correction BP using artificial neural network with Hyperbolic Tangent function as activation function and the number of hidden node six.
64. The application of tangent - initial - displacement method in solving fabrication geometry is introduced.
65. It has a hat because it's a unit vector, and T because it's tangent.
66. In this paper, the definition of tangent sets and its properties has been discussed and representation of the first order and the second order tangent sets on a convex set has been given.
67. Relative dielectric permittivity and loss angle tangent among them are the two of most important indexes.
68. Aspline curve is presented which interpolates given points and tangent directions with piecewise involute of circle.
69. Create the surface using sweep 2 rails with the tangency option on. To achieve tangent option you will have to build the surface in parts.
70. Don't fly off at a tangent, stick to the subject.
71. Say you have a minimum, well, the tangent plane at this point, at the bottom of the graph is going to be horizontal.
72. These can be used to create a rotation matrix at every point on the surface which will transform vectors from the global coordinate system to tangent space.
73. The results of verification show that generalized tangent bulk modulus is more typical and reliable.
74. There are three methods for tangent vector discussed in this paper.
75. An application programmer must supply a tangent, binormal, and normal at each vertex.
76. Drag to add two arcs with adjustable radii and connecting tangent lines.
76. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress every day!
77. Well,one way to think about it is in terms of tangent plane approximation.
78. The vocation moral sense, society duty sense and philosophy of tangent is the deep - seated thinking cause.
79. Computes the arc tangent ( in radians ) of the specified argument.
80. The effects of PET film traverse heat shrinkage rate on loss angle tangent value of capacitor charge-discharge process were introduced.
81. By using improved variational method, the internal energy per plaquette and the specific heat curves of the Tangent action in SU(2) lattice gauge theory arc worked out.
82. One can not rely upon him; he is apt to fly off at a tangent.
83. In this paper, the tangent vector loading method and the boundary element restrain method was presented.
84. Another is to intenerate the input vectors by hyperbola tangent function.
85. In fact, when we turn this into an equality, that would mean that we replace f by the tangent plane.
86. They are mean and median of distance of the corresponding point pairs, and the mean distance of point to the corresponding tangent plane as well as the SMISM measure.
87. Construct the part of the tangent of the deltoid intercepted by the curve.
88. Technical analysis is usually divided into five categories: Indicator category, tangent category.
89. One reason I left law was that I was haunted by the feeling that I was...on a tangent, off-center.
90. Described an algorithm for constructing trigonometric spline curve, which was tangent to the given polygon.
91. A solution to digitize the antenna's angle information of the fire control radar based on tangent algorithm is proposed in this paper.
92. And now what this approximation formula here says is that, in fact, the graph of a function is close to the tangent plane.
93. The radial distribution of phase and the amplitude of complex permittivity for cylinders are given with the loss tangent values retrieved statistically from the reconstructed image matrix.
94. Through numerical simulation and experiments, the effects of forming steps and the tangent adhesive stress of viscous medium on the material flow and wall thickness variation are analyzed.
95. See the point in the middle, at the origin, is a saddle point. If you look at the tangent plane to this graph, you will see that it is actually horizontal at the origin.
96. For the problem of dielectric loss tangent on line measurement for capacitive type equipment, a Virtual Instrument based on wavelet analysis and correlation technique is presented in this psper.
97. Compared with modified arc tangent function model, it is more reasonable for predicting the slope of the characteristic of the core at deep saturation.
98. Compressing air expands in nozzle, and then enters into vortex tube in the tangent line direction.
99. Now, if I have two lines tangent to the surface, well, then together they determine for me the tangent plane to the surface. Let's try to see how that works.
100. The purely kinematical equation for the tangent vector of a line element is derived.
101. The wedge angle bisector gives as intersection with the cutting edge profile point pint. (3) Draw a circle that intersects point pint and is tangent to both straight fitting lines.
102. In this paper, some relations of the invariants concerning the simplex and its tangent point simplex, are given and then, an inequality for the dihedral angles of a simplex is also presented.
103. At unstable state the formula of calculating unstable time using tangent angle is established.
104. The graph of a concave function is always below its tangent.
105. Similar Point : Given two circles, construction their outer and inner tangent lines. Then the outer similar point P is the intersection of outer common tangents of two circles.
106. That is a vector field in which the trajectories are going to be circles centered in the z-axis and our vector field is just going to be tangent to each of these circles.
107. Let's think about the tangent plane with regard to a function f.
108. In the case of curves,[ ] we made that choice by deciding that because we were going along some direction on the curve we could choose one side by saying let's rotate clockwise from the tangent vector.
109. Through improving the displacement loading control method based on the tangent stiffness, this paper has presented displacement loading control method based on the secant stiffness.
110. The shock response of hyperbolic tangent system is investigated under the action of forward sawtooth pulse.
111. The characteristics of electronic unit pump ( EUP ) injection system were studied when matching tangent cam profile.
112. Given a triangle, construct the deltoid tangent to its sides.
113. PSO algorithm and the function of the inertia weight are described. Using the characteristic of the tangent function and the arc tangent function for reference, two new strategies are produced.
114. Some examples are given by inscribed and circumscribed circles of polygons, lines intersecting and tangent to conic sections, the Pappus and Menelaus configurations of points and lines.
115. Loss modulus (E") and loss tangent of glued blocks and PVC WPC were increased rapidly with the increase of test temperature;"
116. Geometric critical angle : refraction angle of axis of refracted sound beam being tangent to the internal wall at detection of cylindrical work pieces.
117. Arc - tangent and exponent function, which used in the magnetic heading system and altitude meter, are analysed.
118. The present invention has high thermal conductivity and low loss angle tangent and may have relatively high machining accuracy.
119. Sheldon: What part of inverse tangent function, approaching an asymptote did you not understand?
120. For the tangent plane can be achieved by running continuous power flow method only once, it's possible to realize the online calculation of the static voltage stability region.
121. Two inequalities related to tangent function are proved in this paper.
122. The tangent frost heaving stress will generate stress concentration at the pile defects, thus damaging the pile body.
123. A linear state-space model is modeled for the system identification and prediction at the tangent space of working point.
124. Does the Cross Member remain tangent to the Vertical Member?
125. The procedure used to define the derivative has a geometric interpretation which leads in a natural way to the idea of a tangent line to a curve.
126. For? 0 we naturally get a circle; for? 0 we obtain two tangent circles.
127. Not really. I feel somewhat like an inverse tangent function that's approached an asymptote.
128. It covers the basic elementary geometry, conics , geometric functions and tangent curves.
129. Tangent modulus of elasticity and volume modulus of deformation increase with the reduction of water content and rapidly reduce with the increase of strain.
130. Because this algorithm can estimate the normal and tangent acceleration, it may be used to implement the tracking for the complexly and highly maneuvering target after appropriate model-set design.
131. The expression of a tangent cone family with one parameter about a quadric surface is discussed.
132. The Gaussian parabolic line on the Gaussian map of the free-form surface alternatively intersects or is tangent to its boundary.
133. This paper introduces a handy method to measure the base level mid-diameter of taper thread guage with image and axes tangent method on the omnipotence tool microscope.
134. The wall section length and the end columns had significant effect on enhancing the elastic stiffness, the tangent stiffness at yield and the flexural ultimate strength of the grillage walls.
135. OK, so now if you have a surface given by an evil equation, and a point on the surface, well, you know how to find the tangent plane to the surface at that point OK, any questions?
136. The mouth of pants bag should replace transversely line as far as possible with straight-cut line or inclined tangent.
137. The shock response of hyperbolic tangent system is investigated under the action of final peak saw tooth shock pulse.
138. Because the arc tangent reduced look-up table(LUT) bulk,[http:///tangent.html] the optimization algorithm greatly saved the hardware resources.
139. If you are up to it, you can derive the proper equation yourself by solving the calculus differential equation for a curve with a constant angle between the radial and tangent vectors (HUH?).
140. OK, and that's going to be the normal vector to the surface or to the tangent plane.
141. Base circle : a circle tangent to the line of action ( or pressure line ).
142. An optimal algorithm for finding the internal common tangent of two simple planar polygons is proposed.
143. Plane curves; tangent vector at a point, metric properties of plane curves (arc length, curvature).
144. The line connecting the point and the center bisects the included angle of the two tangent lines.
145. The basic principle of this method is introduced, the recurrence formula for the tangent of secants is deduced and the flow chart of the correspondent program is presented.
146. This method can yield reliable horizontal radial component and tangent component of cross well wave field.
147. In the algorithm, the tangent vector is calculated by taking the complete Jacobian matrix as the coefficient matrix, thus improving the accuracy of the tangent vector.
148. Then actually there are ways you can use basically differentials and constrained partials to figure out what the tangent vector to the curve is and so on.
149. As an effective manifold - learning method, the local tangent space alignment ( LTSA ) algorithm is sensitive to outliers.
150. Considering these difficulties, the author develops a new type dielectric loss tangent tester for capacitive - type equipment.
151. g And so there is a g here, Mg and so I lose my Mg, and so you'll find that the cotangent cos or the tangent of alpha is larger or equal than 1 over 2 mu.
152. Parallax mapping uses the concept of tangent space in the same manner.
153. If we were moving on the tangent plane, this would be an actual equality.
154. The green spiral is made from quarter-circles tangent to the interior of each square, while the red spiral is a Golden Spiral, a special type of logarithmic spiral.




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