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单词 phallus
释义  Related topics: Humanphal·lus /ˈfæləs/ noun [countable]  1. SYa model of the male sex organ, used to represent sexual power 〔用来象征生殖力的〕男性生殖器模型2. HBHthe male sex organ 阴茎 SYN penisExamples from the Corpusphallus• We ought to replace that yin-yang symbol on our flag with a phallus.• A thistledown floated into the bright phallus of the sunbeam and hovered over his face.• On it was a bronze manikin with a grotesquely enormous erect phallus.• Her compensation is to turn to her father, who does have the phallus.• On a Lacanian account, what makes women different from men is the different position they take with respect to the phallus.• The phallus alone could explore it.Origin phallus (1600-1700) Latin Greek phallosphal·lus nounChineseSyllable  model sex organ, a Corpus male the of




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