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单词 petite
释义  pe·tite /pəˈtiːt/ adjective  BEAUTIFUL/GOOD-LOOKINGa woman who is petite is short and attractively thin 〔女子〕娇小的 SYN slim► see thesaurus at shortExamples from the Corpuspetite• All 15 victims were in their teens or early 20s, slim and petite, almost always with long, dark hair.• His wife was a petite dark-haired woman in her early thirties.• She was petite, going silver-haired, vivacious, bright, and willing to take Richard on trust.• petite hands• The petite, pretty actress met Clint 18 months ago and the couple have been inseparable ever since.• My aunt Mary was petite, pretty, and very ambitious.• Her husband said the petite woman had complained of fatigue as they plodded up a Canyon trail.Origin petite (1500-1600) French petit “small” used for feminine nounspe·tite adjectiveChineseSyllable  woman is who a short and attractively petite thin Corpus is




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