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单词 Crossbow
1. Hundreds of men were cut down by crossbow fire.
2. Two or three weeks ago, a crossbow quarrel narrowly missed my face as we crossed the Lawnmarket.
3. The latter picked up a crossbow(/crossbow.html), intending to use it in self-defence.
4. A small crossbow bolt had been sent smashing into the back of his skull.
5. Another is killed by a crossbow bolt but the only door is bolted and the windows shuttered.
6. Remember the angle of the crossbow bolt in the priest's body?
7. I heard the click of a crossbow and a bolt whirled warningly above my head.
8. The crossbow bolts and the arbalest have been hidden away.
9. Thousands of High Elves were cut down by crossbow fire as they waded ashore.
10. Italian crossbow militia, armoured with mail and a pavise.
11. A crossbow which can live up to its name!
12. Once again, haven't seen any crossbow masters.
13. Agreeing, the drunk gives you his Crossbow.
14. Vladimir Putin aims at a whale with a crossbow, to take a piece of its skin for analysis on the Olga Bay, some 240 kilometers north-east of Nakhodka, on August 25, 2010.
15. Superior Italian crossbow unit armoured with brigandine and a pavise.
16. After the crossbow is loaded , insert the fishing fork from the front, then aim and shoot.
17. Dagger Sword gun crossbow with one hand hammer throwing weapons.
18. The crossbow is an excellent weapon for the militiaman , being easy to use, although slow to reload. These men carry a large pavise shield to give them some protection while reloading.
19. An arrow with a four - edged head is shot from a crossbow.
20. Foresters passed us, small wiry men carrying machetes and, in one case, a crossbow for shooting birds.
21. His most serious offence in that time was taking part in a robbery while armed with a crossbow.
22. The Defence budget would stand buying another catapult tomorrow; my crossbow would just have to wait another week or so.
23. When he managed to see again there was a crossbow bolt sticking in the wall just by his ear.
24. His original longbow was losing its springiness, so he was cutting out the pieces for a crossbow.
25. At first they were thought to have been victims of a crossbow bolt.
26. At the siege of Drincourt, however, Philip's brother, Matthew of Boulogne, was wounded by a crossbow bolt.
27. Where is the proof that I lurked in a church and killed Mandeville's servant with a crossbow bolt?
28. Energy may be likened to the Bending of a crossbow ; decision , to the releasing of a trigger.
29. Rogue and Fighter based trainers can now teach Bow and Crossbow skills.
30. According to the relative parameters which affect mechanism performance of crossbow, the information database is expanded.
1. An arrow with a four - edged head is shot from a crossbow.
31. No, really. Maybe we should all be practicing swordplay and crossbow technique, leaps and high jumps.
32. First Putin the conservation warrior joined naturalists chasing a gray whale across the North Pacific, and fired a skin-sampling harpoon into it with a crossbow.
33. Unlike the crossbow the Ballista derives its force from twisted animal sinew and not tension from the frontal arms.
34. Peasant Crossbowmen are equipped with a crossbow and have a simple knife for a sidearm. Lucky peasants are armoured in light mail, most peasants though are not lucky and are unarmoured .
35. A short , heavy arrow with a thick head , used especially with a crossbow.
36. Serving alongside their Lithuanian allies, Lettish Crossbowmen arrive on the battlefield wielding a wooden crossbow and wearing light armour.
37. He is hoping to use his crossbow during the next hunting season, as he has become tired of using a gun.
38. Well skilled troops armed with a crossbow and sword and armoured in plate.
39. Project Crossbow brought virtualization and bandwidth resource control into the network stack to minimize complexity and overhead.
40. Kieran: I still need to get hold of a catapult, bowie knife and crossbow. If we encounter any wild animals, I intend to be armed to the teeth.
41. He didn’t mention the town of Bayonne but instead brought up the idea that baion was a word applying to the arrow of a crossbow.
42. Superior Italian crossbow garrison unit armoured with brigandine and a pavise.
43. It required spending more than a month on the Amazon in 2001, subsisting on fried piranha and collecting tissue samples by nicking the aquatic mammals with a crossbow.
44. A medieval missile launcher designed on the principle of the crossbow.
45. Invented in ancient Greece and resembling nothing more than a giant crossbow, the Ballista is capable of flinging a javelin with lethal force well over 100 meters!
46. Italians are world renowned for their love of crossbow and none more so then the Genoese.
47. Studies conducted in China have shown that the crossbow can effectively pierce through two layers of steel plate both 5mm thick at the range of 150 meters.
48. I won't permit you to buy a crossbow, now or ever.
49. He sighted one man whose crossbow was aimed, and drove off a humming shaft that took the man in the wrist and pierced through flesh and gristle up to his elbow.
50. Crossbow Technology , Inc. operates a representative office in China.
51. Link's Crossbow Training features about 10 stages and can be completed in less than an hour.
52. The tag, which he deploys with a crossbow, is a hockey puck-sized transmitter that embeds into the thick walrus skin.
53. Italians are world renowned for their love of the crossbow, none more so then the Genoese . These wealthy militia are equipped with brigandine armour, a large Pavise style shield,() and a sword.
54. The crossbow snapped. A bolt passed within a foot of him, shattering the crust of frozen snow that had plugged the closest crenel.
55. One question rescuers have is'how much a 50 - ton whale in a dart a crossbow?




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